Friday, April 30, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 30th - Marco Rubio LIVE & Brand New FL Senate Poll Numbers...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 30th - Marco Rubio LIVE & Brand New FL Senate Poll Numbers...

By Matt Bruce | 04/30/10 | 01:45 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 30th - Marco Rubio LIVE & New FL U.S. Senate Poll Numbers...


Wow! What a radio show we have lined up for you today!!!!!

Starting with Marco Rubio, GOP Candidate, who is still leading in the 3 way race between Charlie Crist (I) and Kendrick Meeks (D). Marco talks about Charlie Crist become an Independent, also the AZ Immigration Law and impact across America, plus more news from the campaign trail...

Then we speak with Pollster, Fritz Wenzel, who does the "Fritz Poll" each weekend on "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show." Fritz's latest poll taken after Charlie Crist's announcement yesterday show a clear SPIKE in favor of Marco Rubio. The numbers now look like this: Rubio 39%, Crist 29%, Meeks 24% and Undecided 8%...

Time next for the latest FOX News as you hear what's going on in the the Country and the World around you...

Then it's Entertainment News time with Shannon Rose as he talks about the new "Nightmare on Elm Street" movie, Conan lashing back at NBC, Katie Holmes playing the role of Jacqueline Kennedy in a new Mini-Series made for TV movie, Sandra Bullock filing for divorce and adopting a baby...MAYBE?, plus why there's no flash on the iPhone...

We feature the latest DOD News about the massive Oil Spill in the Gulf and all the resources the DOD is putting into play to try and head off an ecological disaster of immense proportions...

Of course there's some humor from "Earl Pitts - Redneck" as we close out the weekday radio show and gear up for the 3 hour weekend nationally syndicated 3 hour "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

Get IN the know and keep listening to what our OLD media won't be telling you...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the more than 7,000 listeners who get our Podcast daily...

Become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

First, He Was a Community Organizer...

First, He Was a Community Organizer...

Written By: Frank Salvato


When Barack Obama entered the 2008 Presidential Election scene, aside from recycling the Clinton mantra of “Hope and Change” (yes, Mr. Obama’s use of the campaign slogan was not original in nature), we were told that his most endearing credential was that he had navigated the “mean streets of Chicago” as a community organizer disseminating “hope”; that he had been successful in making the poverty-stricken neighborhoods of Chicago a better place to live, a safer place to live. As of April 25, 2010, the residents of Chicago have stood witness to 113 homicides. I suppose, for President Obama, all that’s missing is a “Mission Accomplished” banner.

By now, everyone has heard at least one story about the out-of-control violence taking place in the mean-streets of Chicago. Gang crime is so bad in some parts of the city that parents, when there are two existing in the household, routinely remind their children not to play in front of the windows in their houses for fear of being struck by a stray bullet fired from the gun of a gangbanger. The situation is so bad that some lawmakers in Illinois’ capitol, Springfield, have called upon the governor, Pat Quinn (D), to call in the Illinois National Guard to supplement the Chicago Police Department.

While the notion of sending in the Illinois National Guard sounds good on the surface, as John Howell of AM560 WIND in Chicago contends, the first time a National Guardsman has to shoot a civilian the real fireworks will start. I’ll take that a step further, the real fireworks will start when a Chicago gangbanger shoots and kills an Illinois National Guardsman. Illinois Governor Quinn has since rejected the idea so we shall never know how much blood would have been running in the streets had these two scenarios played out.

So, the issue of street violence in Chicago remains with no immediate prospects for improvement.

In 1985, Mr. Obama was hired as a community organizer by the Developing Communities Project in Chicago and given the position of director. The Developing Communities Project was a church-based organization comprised of eight Catholic parishes on Chicago’s infamous far South Side.

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics there were 666 instances of murder & non-negligent manslaughter and 34,172 instances of aggravated assault in Chicago during 1985.

Mr. Obama worked at the Developing Communities Project from 1985 until mid-1988 during which time he increased the organization’s staff from one to thirteen and increased its operating budget from $70,000 to $400,000.

Again, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, there were 744 instances of murder & non-negligent manslaughter and 33,529 instances of aggravated assault in Chicago in 1986.

And during his just-short-of three years with the Developing Communities Project – during which time he also worked as a consultant and instructor for the Gamaliel Foundation, a community organizing institute – he allegedly set up a job training program, a college preparatory tutoring program and a tenants' rights organization in Altgeld Gardens, a location that still exists in extreme poverty today.

Once again, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, there were 687 instances of murder & non-negligent manslaughter and 34,172 instances of aggravated assault in 1987.

In mid 1988, community organizer Obama decided that he had done such a good job for the good people at the Developing Communities Project that he bid them “adieu” (mission accomplished) and set out to see the Continent of Europe for three weeks and then the ancestral African nation of Kenya for five weeks before starting his education in the law at Harvard University.

The rest, as they say, is history, or what we are allowed to know of the facts about Mr. Obama’s history, so many records and documents are sealed, don’t you know...

The most often accurate Wikipedia explains community organizing this way:

“Community organizing is a process through which people living in proximity to each other are brought together into an organization that acts in their shared organizers generally assume that social change necessarily involves conflict and social struggle in order to generate collective power for the powerless...”

It begs to be asked; wouldn’t the unbridled murdering of members of a community be in the utmost of “shared self-interests” of a community? Wouldn’t the senseless slaughter of the youth from poverty stricken Chicago communities rank right up there with, let’s say, teaching ACORN the Alinsky method of pressuring financial institutions into making bad home loans to people who could never pay their mortgages or registering fictional characters and dead people to vote?

For those who believe that the years of the Obama Community Organizing Experience saw an anomaly where serious crime is concerned:

1990: 850 murders/non-violent manslaughters, 41,114 aggravated assaults

1991: 925 murders/non-violent manslaughters, 42,237 aggravated assaults

1992: 939 murders/non-violent manslaughters, 41,080 aggravated assaults

1993: 845 murders/non-violent manslaughters, 39,753 aggravated assaults

1994: 928 murders/non-violent manslaughters, 40,380 aggravated assaults

1995: 824 murders/non-violent manslaughters, 30,086 aggravated assaults

1996: 789 murders/non-violent manslaughters, 37,097 aggravated assaults

1997: 757 murders/non-violent manslaughters, 36,519 aggravated assaults

1998: 703 murders/non-violent manslaughters, 36,110 aggravated assaults

1999: 641 murders/non-violent manslaughters, 28,027 aggravated assaults

2000: 631 murders/non-violent manslaughters, 26,545 aggravated assaults

It should be noted that Mr. Obama served in the Illinois Legislature from 1996 until 2004 where he would have been able to employ lessons learned from his extraordinary community organizing experience to affect “change” for what would become – or “transform,” if you will – the gangbanger battlefield streets of Chicago.

So, it would seem, one of the most important issues facing the communities serviced by Mr. Obama’s organizing – the unacceptable level of violence resulting in homicides – was either left unaddressed or, if it was addressed, was done so in such a poor fashion that the slaughter continued to increase in the years after his “organizing.”

So, for all you Progressives and Obama-apologists, all you Alinskyites and all of you “hope and change” junkies, I ask, which is more important: to make sure those who can’t afford mortgages get them so the rest of the nation can bail them out down the road or securing the neighborhood streets from gang violence? Is it more important to make sure that you get people who have no fact-based understanding of the issues registered to vote or to make sure that when little Jimmy walks home from school he doesn’t end up kicked to the curb with a bullet in his head?

Many among the electorate have come to understand that President Obama and his administration have their priorities mixed-up. I would point to the absolute failure of his “community organizing” – as it pertains to the most important job of a community organizer, keeping the members of the community alive – and say he had his priorities mixed-up long, long ago.

But, hey, if the number of registered voters trumps the body-count, then I guess he did one hell of a job.

Editor's Notes:

Frank Salvato is the Executive Director and Director of Terrorism Research for a non-profit, non-partisan, 501(c)(3) research and education initiative. His writing has been recognized by the US House International Relations Committee and the Japan Center for Conflict Prevention. His organization,, partnered in producing the original national symposium series addressing the root causes of radical Islamist terrorism. He is a member of the International Analyst Network. He also serves as the managing editor for The New Media Journal. Mr. Salvato has appeared on The O'Reilly Factor on FOX News Channel, and is a regular guest on talk radio including on The Captain's America Radio Show, nationally syndicated by the Phoenix Broadcasting Network and on NetTalkWorld Global Talk Radio catering to the US Armed Forces around the world. Mr. Salvato is also heard weekly on The Roth Show with Dr. Laurie Roth syndicated nationally on the USA Radio Network. His opinion-editorials have been published by The American Enterprise Institute, The Washington Times & Human Events and are syndicated nationally. He is occasionally quoted in The Federalist. Mr. Salvato is available for public speaking engagements...

He can be contacted at:

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 29th - Charlie Crist Reinvents Himself, Immigration & MORE...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 29th - Charlie Crist Reinvents Himself, Immigration & MORE...

By Matt Bruce | 04/29/10 | 07:37 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 29th - Charlie "I" Crist Reinvents Himself, Immigration & MORE...


Well today you'll hear our host, "The Captain," get up on his radio soapbox and let you know what he thinks about FL Gov Charlie "I" Crist reinventing himself as an Independent, which is merely an attempt to save his long time professional political career. You'll also hear some candid and clear comments made out the new AZ Immigration Law, coming next to TX and many other State's as well...

We speak with Henry Raines, Tampa Bay Talk Radio Host, about Gov Charlie Crist as well as the pending Wall Street Bill, DHS Janet Napalitano stating "The US-MX Border is as secure as it's ever been" and the victory, 'of sorts', for the State of Florida's Public Employees by the effort by the State Legislature to 'raid' the FRS being thwarted...

You'll hear a new segment of "Frankly Speaking" with New Media Journal's Frank Salvato before we bring you the latest FOX News...

Next we bring some DOD News regarding the US Coast Guard who has now lit up the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in an attempt to dissipate it...

We follow that with a heart wrenching interview with Terri Crisp from Operation Baghdad Pups as she fills us in on those dogs and cats soldiers befriended while in Iraq now being shipped back home with their Military friends. This one's a really GOOD story coming out of Iraq that nobody other than "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" seems to want to talk about...

Get into your laughing mode as we hear from "Earl Pitts - Uhmerikan" with his Red Neck humor followed up with another Candid Conservative Minute before we call it a day...

Tell your friends and neighbors and don't forget to tell a LIBERAL to come on over and listen to the TRUTH they won't hear being discussed by our OLD Media...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Special thanks to the more than 7,000 listeners who get this podcast...

Become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 28th - VAT Tax, Washington Politics, Offshore Oil Spill & 'The Sheik' NWA Pro Wrestler...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 28th - VAT Tax, Washington Politics, Offshore Oil Spill & 'The Sheik' NWA Pro Wrestler...

By Matt Bruce | 04/28/10 | 11:42 AM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 28th - VAT Tax, Washington Scene, 'The Sheik' - Pro Wrestling


Get in the info mode today because if you want to know about the VAT - Value Added Tax, this is the place to be as we speak with one of the Country's Experts on the topic, Curtis Dubay from the Heritage Foundation...

Time next for John LeBoutillier - Political Pundit who tells us what he thinks FL. Gov. Charlie Crist is going to do tomorrow at a Press Conference to be held in St. Petersburg, FL. regarding the GOP U.S. Senate race in FL that currently finds him trailing by as much as 30 points versus Marco Rubio - Former FL. House Speaker and TEA Party Darling. You'll also hear former NY Congressman LeBotuillier's take on the upcoming 'massacre' headed the Democrats way in the Mid-Term Elections November 2nd, 2010...

We stray from the normal topics today to introduce you to 'The Sheik', a Pro Wrestler who holds 3 NWA Titles at the same time and is going for the World Championship next. 'The Sheik' tells us how he got into Pro Wresting and his daily training regime which keeps him in top shape...

Then we speak with the new Chairman for Florida, Brian Sexton, who fills us in on all the latest regarding that huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico stemming from the explosion and fire on the offshore drilling rig back on April 20th. Brian also comments on the Coast Guard's idea of setting the oil spill field on fire, which has never been attempted before, to burn the oil spill up before it has a chance to reach shore...

Of course you'll hear the latest FOX News and some Red Neck Humor from 'Earl Pitts' as we wind today's show up with a Candid Conservative Minute...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard across America and around the World 7 days a week and 24 hours a day on our website,

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the more than 7,000 listeners who get this Podcast daily...

You can now become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 27th - Military Day...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 27th - Military Day...

By Matt Bruce | 04/27/10 | 12:23 PM EDT | 0 Comments


Today's "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" starts out with New Media Journal's Frank Salvato. We get right into the discussion about the passage of the AZ Illegal Immigration Bill that has the Rev. Al Sharpton over in AZ looking for TV 'face time' and attempting to incite the Illegal Aliens there. We also discuss the Iranian Advisers now in Venezuela and what they're doing there which includes setting up some of those Long Range Missiles we've been hearing about in Iran. You'll also hear about a new Russian Company selling a Container sized Cruise Missile System that could spell BIG trouble for Countries across the Western Hemisphere...

We are honored today to be able to bring you another LIVE phone call interview with a Soldier in Iraq, CW3 Michael Dubin who talks about his 3rd deployment and coming home in the not to distant future to his 4 sons and his wife in NC...

Of course you get the latest FOX News before we speak with Jim Kouri, 5th Executive Vice President of the National Chiefs of Police, regarding our Homeland Security situation in light of recent events. Jim gets into greater detail talking about the real threat Iran now poses for the United States by being in Venezuela and what we can expect to continue seeing along the Southern USA Border with Mexico...

Our final guest today is Wounded Warrior Army SSG Bobby Miniachi from Sarasota, FL. who tells us what happened to him in 2007 while serving in Iraq. You'll also hear a young man's dreams for the future and how both the VA and his benefits are helping him to accomplish that...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the more than 7,000 listeners who receive this Podcast every day...

You can become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 26th - Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie & The Captain...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 26th - Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie & The Captain...

By Matt Bruce | 04/26/10 | 11:28 AM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 26th - Wanna Talk Some Military All Stars Baseball???


Here's hoping the start of your week will be an even better one after you hear what we have on tap for today's "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard LIVE 12 noon to 1 pm ET on Net Talk World - Global Talk Radio, Phoenix Broadcasting Talk Radio Network, Talkstream and The Captain's websites plus this Podomatic Podcast...

Our Guest List today includes:

1- Chrissy Prazares, 13, who speaks about the distrust of our Government and why people are looking for Groups like hers to join. Chrissy also fills us in on the weeks events coming up for 13

2- USN Cmdr. Terry Alvord, Heroes of the Diamond Tour, and the Military All Stars Baseball team drops in to fill us in how how and where we can see his Team playing across America in 46 States and 5 Foreign Countries this summer. We are proud to once again be involved with the Military All Stars Baseball "Heroes of the Diamond" Tour and will be keeping our audience informed...

3- Gene Sweeney, Salt of the Earth, joins us for his recap of the TEA Party's held across America and why the Group will remain "Localized" and why it continues to grow and gather even more Political Clout. Gene also lets us know about the progress being made on the 9-11 Memorial Project which will either wind up in Lakewood Ranch or downtown Sarasota, FL...

Today you'll hear the latest FOX News and a special Money Market Business News Report to keep you abreast of all that's going on in America this Monday...

Of course Earl Pitts - Resident Red Neck chimes in and we have another Candid Conservative minute for your listening pleasure...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show". If your favorite Radio Station isn't playing our show, call them up and tell them to "just do it!"...

God Bless America & ALL those who defend, protect and serve her keeping all of us FREE & SAFE...

'The Captain'

Special thanks to the more than 7,000 listeners who get this Podcast...

Become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou Listeners!

We've done it again!

Congratulations! Your podcast made the Movers & Shakers list on PodOmatic. This means your show was among 50 podcasts in the top 500 that climbed the most number spots overall on Apr 25, 2010.

To view the Movers & Shakers list featuring your podcast, follow the link below:

Thank you,
The PodOmatic Team

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Our Listeners ROCK! You guys are the BEST! We've done it again, making the Top 50 Podcast List for ALL the Podcasts put out across the World!

God bless each and every one of YOU!

'The Captain'

The Captain's AMERICA Hr 2 Weekend Syndicated Radio Show For April 24th...

The Captain's AMERICA Hr 2 Weekend Syndicated Radio Show For April 24th...

By Matt Bruce | 04/25/10 | 08:57 AM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show Hr 2 Nationally Syndicated Radio Show For April 24th..


Welcome back to hour 2 of this weekends nationally syndicated "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

Plenty of stimulating talk this hour as we get right down to business. Here's our Guest List:

1- Greg Allen, Co Host of The Loftus Report, who asks the question "Is the Offshore Oil Rig fire an act of terrorism?" Greg also has questions about FL. Gov. Charlie Crist's upcoming decision on running either as a Democrat or an Independent...

2- John LeBouillier, Political Pundit and former NY Congressman, chimes in on all things political as we talk about the week in Washington and around the Country...

3- Shannon Rose is here once again with his Entertainment News Segment. Shannon has all the scoop on those little old Hollywood and Music types who all try to outdo each other...

4- Dr. Jerome Corsi, WND Writer and best selling author of the new book "The Shroud Codex," drops by to talk about drilling for oil off the USA's Coastline as well as that Oil Rig Explosion in the Gulf of Mexico. Dr. Corsi also tells us about an upcoming trip to The Vatican for the showing of the movie related to his new book "The Shroud Codex."

Get IN the know and become a regular listener of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the more than 7,000 listeners who get this Podcast every day...

Now you can become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show Hr 1 Nationally Syndicated Weekend Edition For April 24th...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show Hr 1 Nationally Syndicated Weekend Edition For April 24th...

By Matt Bruce | 04/24/10 | 07:06 AM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show Hr 1 Nationally Syndicated Radio Show- April 24th...


Hot Topics? We got it! More Stimulating Talk? We got it! Need to know what other Talk Shows won't tell you? We got it!

We start out hour 1 of our Nationally syndicated weekend radio show with some great guests and super topics...

Guest list:

1- Frank Salvato, New Media Journal, who fills us in on what the SEC is looking for with Goldman Sachs and how former VP Al Gore is caught up in the middle of all this as one of the largest Goldman Sachs investors. Frank gives us details you're not hearing in our Old Media...

2- The Fritz Poll with Fritz Wenzel is next as we take a look at Poll Numbers around the Country and discuss a Poll going on right now in FL. where we got to ask some of the questions. We'll get the results of that Poll next week...

3- We're joined next by the Professor of Politics, Kyle Warren, who has plenty to say about why California is $25 Billion in the red and getting worse. Do WE bail California out or let them go broke? Tune in and find out what Kyle thinks...

4- Chris Markowski, The Watchdog on Wall Street, finishes out the first hour talking Politics and all things Stock Market related. Chris also dwells on where he thinks the Market might be headed in the next few months as we all hope our economy starts to get better...

Of course you'll hear the latest Earl Pitts-Red Neck Humor as we wind down hour 1 of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" here on this Podcast and heard across America now on over 100 Radio Stations each week and that list continues to grow...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the more than 7,000 listeners who receive this Podcast each day...

Don't forget to go to Facebook and become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 21st...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 21st...

By Matt Bruce | 04/21/10 | 04:23 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 21st...


Well today we start out with Dr. Rich Swier, Red FL Editor, who tells us about an alarming issue regarding the "Islamization" of our Middle School children with their teachers having them write "letters to Allah." This is just another example of our political correctness gone wild here in America and what the teachers aren't telling the students is that there are members of Islamic Cults actively trying to KILL us in the name of "Allah"...

We then speak with Ryan Mauro, World and The Christian Action Network, who lets us know exactly what's going on in Iran and also Somalia as more Terrorists are setting foot on Western Soil bring their form of Radical Islamic Terror to OUR continent...

We have the latest Business and Wall Street News in light of CT. Sen. Chris Dodd's new pending Bill that will make TARP last for a long time which isn't good news for our economy...

You'll also hear from John LeBoutillier, former NY Congressman, who gives us his latest take on the Washington Scene. The TEA Party's are alive and well and making a HUGE difference in the political climate of America...

Of course we have the latest FOX News and Earl Pitts - Redneck Humor and another Candid Conservative Minute on today's show...

Get IN the know and tell your friends to neighbors to start tuning in to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" so they can really find out the News that IS news our OLD Media doesn't want you to know about...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the more than 7,000 listeners who get this Podcast every day...

You can become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" by going to Facebook...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 20th - LIVE Soldier Call From Iraq...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 20th - LIVE Soldier Call From Iraq...

By Matt Bruce | 04/20/10 | 11:48 AM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 20th - LIVE Call From Iraq...


Today on "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" we feature another LIVE call from one of our Military members serving us in the Global War on Terror...

Here's today's guest list:

1- Frank Salvato, New Media Journal, who talks about the Senate issuing subpoenas to members of the Obama Administration to find out more details about the Ft. Hood Shooter and how soon the Government knew the Shooter was a possible threat. Frank also gives us details about the killing of 2 of the top al Qaida leaders in Iraq and more...

2- U.S. Army 1st Lt. Mark Miller calls in LIVE from Joint Base Balad in Iraq. Lt. Miller is the Resource Management Officer for the 37th Engineer Battalion, a Unit which has about a month to go in Country before they turn over the reigns to an Iraqi Engineer Battalion. You'll hear straight from the source how well the Iraqis have been performing in the field...

3- Kyle Olson from Acorn drops by to tell us how the SEIU and ACORN are teaming together in an effort to not only get funding for ACORN but also to spread the Social Agenda the Progressive Left is trying to expand on America. Kyle has some interesting details you'll want to hear...

4- The latest DOD Around The Services News is next with the Volcanic Ash keeping many of our Troops in Europe, Afghanistan and Iraq from being able to fly back home. You'll also hear straight from the Services what each of our branches of Military are doing to help fight Terrorism around the World...

Of course we have the latest FOX News, a little "Earl Pitts - Redneck Humor" and another Candid Conservative Minute as we close out today's Show...

Tell your friends and neighbors and get them involved in helping to take back America! You can hear all the latest New Media News and commentary every day right here on "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the more than 7,000 listeners who get this Podcast daily...

You can become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" by going to Facebook...

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 19th...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 19th...

By Matt Bruce | 04/19/10 | 03:36 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 19th...


What a great way to start out your week! "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" and another great lineup of guests...

Guest List:

1- Ron Galetti, "Born To Ride" TV Show is Tampa celebrates its 750th episode, so Ron comes aboard to tell us all the great things he's been involved in during the past 749 TV Shos which includes helping out our Nations Wounded Warriors returning home from serving in the Global War on Terror...

2- Chrissy Prazares, 13 Patriots, fills us in on the Sarasota Bayfront TEA Party and what her group is planning to do next. We also talk about the Crist v Rubio FL Senate contest and what will happen if Gov Crist becomes an Independent...

3- Don Baldauf, Florida, joins us to talk about the FL State Legislature pulling the Offshore Drilling issue off the agenda until next year. We also talk about an expanded Hydrogen Energy Car project and a Wind Project nearing a decision off the Cape Cod, MA Coastline...

You'll hear the latest DOD Around the Services News and Earl Pitts drops by to give us some Red Neck humor that will have you laughing...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the more than 7,000 listeners who receive this Podcast daily...

You can become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" by going to Facebook...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Obamacare Tax Hikes...

Obamacare Tax Hikes...


NOTE: Here is a list for you to present to those who say Obama is LOWERING taxes. This was done with some research using the search words below for my reference..

Labels: health care, taxes

Remember when Obama said, "I've been a little amused over the last couple of days where people have been having these rallies about taxes," the president said, noting the numerous tax cuts pushed by his administration. "You would think they'd be saying thank you." Of course you remember, it was yesterday. Well, for all your little smug liberal friends that say Obama cuts taxes, ask them about the taxes stuffed into the new Obamacare disaster:

(Page numbers reference ORIGINAL REID-OBAMA BILL unless noted):

Individual Mandate Tax (Page 324/Sec. 1501/$15 bil/Jan 2014): Starting in 2014, anyone not buying “qualifying” health insurance must pay an income surtax according to the higher of the following (page 71 of manager’s amendment updates Reid bill):

2014 $495/0.5% AGI $990/0.5% AGI $1485/0.5%/AGI
2 People
2015 $495/1.0% AGI $990/1.0% AGI $1485/1.0%/AGI
3+ People
2016+ $495/2.0% AGI $990/2.0% AGI $1485/2.0%/AGI

(Exemptions for religious objectors, undocumented immigrants, prisoners, those earning less than the poverty line, members of Indian tribes, and hardship cases (determined by HHS).)

Employer Mandate Tax (Page 348/Sec. 1513/$28 bil/Jan 2014): If an employer does not offer health coverage, and at least one employee qualifies for a health tax credit, the employer must pay an additional non-deductible tax of $750 for all full-time employees. Applies to all employers with 50 or more employees.

If the employer requires a waiting period to enroll in coverage of 30-60 days, there is a $400 tax per employee ($600 if the period is 60 days or longer).

Excise Tax on Comprehensive Health Insurance Plans (Page 1979/Sec. 9001/$149.1 bil/Jan 2011): Starting in 2013, new 40 percent excise tax on “Cadillac” health insurance plans ($8500 single/$23,000 family). Higher threshold ($9850 single/$26,000 family) for early retirees and high-risk professions. CPI +1 percentage point indexed. Longshoremen have been exempted (page 362 of the manager’s amendment)

From 2013-2015, the 17 highest-cost states are 120% of this level.

Employer Reporting of Insurance on W-2 (Page 1996/Sec. 9002/Min$/Jan 2011): Preamble to taxing health benefits on individual tax returns.

Medicine Cabinet Tax (Page 1997/Sec. 9003/$5 bil/Jan 2011): No longer allowable to use health savings account (HSA), flexible spending account (FSA), or health reimbursement (HRA) pre-tax dollars to purchase non-prescription, over-the-counter medicines (except insulin)

HSA Withdrawal Tax Hike (Page 1998/Sec. 9004/$1.3 bil/Jan 2011): Increases additional tax on non-medical early withdrawals from an HSA from 10 to 20 percent, disadvantaging them relative to IRAs and other tax-advantaged accounts, which remain at 10 percent.

FSA Cap (Page 1999/Sec. 9005/$13.3 bil/Jan 2011): Imposes cap on FSAs of $2500 (now unlimited). Indexed to inflation after 2011 (added on page 363 of manager’s amendment)

Corporate 1099-MISC Information Reporting (Page 1999/Sec. 9006/$17.1 bil/Jan 2012): Requires businesses to send 1099-MISC information tax forms to corporations (currently limited to individuals), a huge compliance burden for small employers

Excise Tax on Charitable Hospitals (page 2001/Sec. 9007/Min$/immediate): $50,000 per hospital if they fail to meet new "community health assessment needs," "financial assistance," and "billing and collection" rules set by HHS (updated on page 364 of manager’s amendment).

Tax on Innovator Drug Companies (Page 2010/Sec. 9008/ $22.2 bil/Jan 2010): $2.3 billion annual tax on the industry imposed relative to share of sales made that year.

Tax on Medical Device Manufacturers (Page 2020/Sec. 9009/$19.2 bil/Jan 2010): $2 billion annual tax on the industry imposed relative to shares of sales made that year. Exempts items retailing for <$100. Rises to $3 billion annually in 2017 (updated by page 364 of manager’s amendment).

Tax on Health Insurers (Page 2026/Sec. 9010/$59.6 bil/Jan 2011): $10 billion annual tax on the industry imposed relative to health insurance premiums collected that year. Phases in gradually until 2017. Fully-imposed on firms with $50 million in profits (updated on page 365 of manager’s amendment)

Eliminate tax deduction for employer-provided retirement Rx drug coverage in coordination with Medicare Part D (Page 2034/Sec. 9012/$5.4 bil/Jan 2011)

Raise "Haircut" for Medical Itemized Deduction from 7.5% to 10% of AGI (Page 2034/Sec. 9013/$15.2 bil/Jan 2013): Waived for 65+ taxpayers in 2013-2016 only

$500,000 Annual Executive Compensation Limit for Health Insurance Executives (Page 2035/Sec. 9014/$0.6 bil/Jan 2013)

Hike in Medicare Payroll Tax (Page 2040/Sec. 9015/$86.8 bil/Jan 2013): Current law and changes:

Current Law:

First $200,000 ($250,000 Married) = 1.45%/1.45%
2.9% self-employed

All Remaining Wages Employer/Employee = 1.45%/1.45%
2.9% self-employed

Reid-Obama Tax Hike:

First $200,000($250,000 Married) Employer/Employee = 1.45%/1.45%
2.9% self-employed

All Remaining Wages Employer/Employee = 1.45%/2.35%
3.8% self-employed

The 0.9% new rate addition is not deductible for the self-employment tax adjustment. Updated by page 372 of manager’s amendment.

Blue Cross/Blue Shield Tax Hike (Page 2044/Sec. 9016/$0.4 bil/Jan 2010): The special tax deduction in current law for Blue Cross/Blue Shield companies would only be allowed if 85 percent or more of premium revenues are spent on clinical services

STRICKEN: Tax on Cosmetic Medical Procedures (Page 2045/Sec. 9017/$5.8 bil/Jan 2010): New 5% excise tax on elective cosmetic surgery to be paid by the surgery patient.

REPLACED BY: Tax on Indoor Tanning Services (Page 373 of Manager’s amendment/$2.7 billion/July 1, 2010): New 10% excise tax on indoor tanning salons

So the next time you hear the words "Tax CUTS" coming from the Progressive Left Liberals, go check out my FACTS and make up your own minds...

God Bless America!



Matt Bruce

American Conservative Independent Thinking TEA Party Patriot...

"The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

Going To A Tea Party...

April 18, 2010...

By: Matt Bruce - Manatee County Buzz Examiner...


When I was first invited by Robin Stublen, of the Punta Gorda TEA Party to speak at their April 15th Tax Day TEA Party, I had no idea what to expect or how many people would show up as enthusiastic as they were…

It was a nice Florida afternoon with rain in the air, which moved off to the East to allow us to have great weather for an even greater event…

The people started coming in groups of 4 and 5 and the closer we got to the start time of 5 PM, more and more people showed up coming directly from work. I estimated the crowd at 1,000 around 5 PM but it kept on growing right through the event until all of the Print Media, Radio, TV and TEA Party Organizers agreed we had a crowd of between 1,500-2,000 people which probably closer approached the 2,000 mark…

Robin Stublen kicked things off and set the tone for the TEA Party and there were 5 Candidate’s present who were all running for Governor. I saw Conservatives, Democrats, Liberals, Libertarians, Progressives, Republicans and a lot of Families along with younger High school and College TEA Party goers there…

The Political Candidates did their thing and the crowd responded. What more can you say when you have Candidates show up because they’re always going to tell you “Vote For Me!” as you well know…

Now I had brought my TV friend Alix Redmonde from “The Alix Redmonde Show” on Comcast Cable BLAB TV who was filming me and what I was going to be doing at the TEA Party Event, namely speaking to the crowd…

She had her camera set up on a tri pod and also got some good clips of the crowd, some kids, animals dressed in patriotic attire and captured the real passion of the TEA Party attendee’s…

Then came my chance to get up and speak to the TEA Party…

I was introduced as a Nationally Syndicated Talk Radio Show Host heard on over 100 Radio Stations. Then came the announcement that I had been a First Responder on September 11th, 2001 to the World Trade Center and what happened to me when I got hurt away from the scene after falling 18 feet and suffered career ending injuries as a Fire-Rescue Captain. That started the standing ovation and I must admit, I had a few tears in my eyes when I took the microphone and began to speak…

The first thing I said was shout “Hello Punta Gorda” to the crowd who shouted “Hello” right back at me! Then I told them the last time I had been to Punta Gorda it was immediately after Hurricane Charley had torn through their small City on the Southwest Coast of Florida, destroying most of it…

From the ruins of that Hurricane, the people of Punta Gorda rose to build what today is one of THE nicest places you’d ever want to go and visit! I told them all to “Stand Up and give yourself a big round of applause for what YOU, the people of Punta Gorda accomplished by rebuilding your City!”…

Well that brought down the house and from there I started in with my basic and simple speech talking about the Progressive Left Liberal Agenda for America…

I can’t tell you how many times the speech was interrupted for applause but it was inspiring to say the least by all who heard it!

Of course I brought the Military into the discussion by thanking ALL those who had served and were serving America keeping all of us FREE and SAFE in the Global War on Terror! I saw numerous Veterans in the crowd wearing their Veteran hats and felt right at home…

To wrap up my story I just want to say that on TEA Party Tax Day we saw the BEST America has to offer attending their local TEA Party’s all across the Country, over 650 of them by reports I’ve seen, and the people’s voices were heard!

The message is clear and simple, “We the PEOPLE are coming on November 2nd to take our Country BACK!”…

God Bless each and every one of you and God bless the United States of America…

Matt Bruce

TEA Party Attendee & Supporter

Host Of “The Captain’s AMERICA Radio Show”…

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 18th - Hr 3 Nationally Syndicated Weekend Edition...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 18th - Hr 3 Nationally Syndicated Weekend Edition...

By Matt Bruce | 04/18/10 | 06:41 AM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show Hr 3 Nationally Syndicated Weekend Show For April 18th...


As we start hour 3 of this Weekends "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show," we want to thank ALL of our new and old listeners for once again helping us to make the "Movers & Shakers List" on Podomatic as one of the Top 50 Podcasts! We truly appreciate this great honor and are working hard to give you the best and most accurate information we can provide at your HOME of 'Common Sense' and more STIMULATING Talk...

Here's the hour 3 guest list:

1- Kyle Warren, "The Professor Of Politics," from California fills us in on everything taking place that he's heard about on TEA Party Tax Day. Kyle also has some opinions about what's creating the big mess in California and it's not the same old, same OLD...

2- Kevin "Coach" Collins, Collins, went to a TEA Party in NYC and he'll report on what happened there as well as informing us of the latest things he's written about pertaining to America and our Political scene...

3- Henry Raines, Tampa Bay Talk Radio Host, has some interesting insight into what the Progressive Left Liberals are up to as they attempt to do everything they can to 'discredit' the TEA Party movement across America. The only problem is, it's NOT working and will more than likely BACKFIRE on the Progressive Left as more and more people are getting 'fed up' with the same old, same OLD going on in Washington...

4- Jim Kouri, National Assn. Chiefs Of Police 5th Exec. VP, joins us next as he talks about Homeland Security but not before telling us what he's been hearing from TEA Party Groups across America. Jim writes for Cop Magazine and and has his eyes and ears on news related to Homeland Security every day. You'll hear us discussing things hear that our OLD Media doesn't want you to know about...

We finish up hour 3 this weekend with a new "Frankly Speaking" segment and Frank Salvato - New Media Journal Managing Editor...

Get IN the know and start listening to the "NEW Media" who is telling you what others don't want you to know about each and every day!

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Special thanks to our 7,000+ listeners who get the daily Podcast...

Thanks again for helping us to make the "Movers & Shakers" List Again...

You can become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" by going to Facebook...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Hr 2 Weekend Syndicated Radio Show For April 17th...

The Captain's AMERICA Hr 2 Weekend Syndicated Radio Show For April 17th...

By Matt Bruce | 04/17/10 | 01:11 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show Hr 2 Nationally Syndicated Radio Show For April 17th...


Welcome back to Hour 2 of our Nationally syndicated weekend edition of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" where we are the "Home of the New Media" in America...

Our guest list this hour looks like this:

1- Greg Allen, Talk Show Co-Host of "The Loftus Report" heard in New York City, as he entertains some thoughts of his own about this week's TEA Party's across America. Greg also talks about how for the first time we have a President who is not being friendly and taking the side of Israel as his latest actions have shown. You'll also hear things being discussed by Greg and 'The Captain' that our "Old Media" is afraid to discuss...

2- We start with our first Entertainment Report and Shannon Rose, a name known throughout the Industry, tells us why Conan O'Brien chose TBS over FOX, also enough already with some of those Teen Idols, how about Whitney Houston getting booed in London and Shannon's take on Entertainment News will be a refreshing experience for all of you to hear...

3- Brigitte Gabriel, Founder of ACT for America and Veterans, has plenty to say about how our Veterans can continue to serve our Country in an active and honorable way...

4- "The Professor of Politics," Kyle Warren, drops by next and he's mad as hell about the USA becoming a weaker Country through our latest Nuclear Treaty. Kyle also has news from California about what we can all expect to see happening soon in our State's. Kyle gets down and dirty with those wasky Dem0gods...

You'll hear a Candid Conservative Minute as we wrap up hour 2 of "The captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America & ALL Those Who Defend, Protect and Serve Her!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the more than 7,000 listeners who get this Podcast daily...

You can also become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook...

The Captain's AMERICA Hr 1 Weekend Syndicated Radio Show For April 17th...

The Captain's AMERICA Hr 1 Weekend Syndicated Radio Show For April 17th...

By Matt Bruce | 04/17/10 | 08:17 AM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show Hr 1 Nationally Syndicated Radio Show For April 17th...


Howdy, Howdy, Howdy! A special welcome to ALL of the people who attended a TEA Party across America on Tax Day! We are getting early reports of more than 1.5 million people across the Country banded together on April 15th and attended a TEA Party! Way to go America...

This is hour 1 of our 3 hour Nationally syndicated radio show now heard on more than 100 stations. We are wrapping up TEA Party week and you'll also hear about a new Veterans Group which has been formed to help keep an eye on America and assist during time of disaster or emergency...

Here's the guest list:

1- Frank Salvato, New Media Journal, who has all the latest on the Chicago TEA Party. Frank also updates us on what's going on in Afghanistan as our Troops and NATO Allies are readying to go into Kandahar and do the same thing there that was done in Marjah...

2- The Fritz Poll joins us with numbers across America about some political races and the mood of the Country which is getting worse for the Democrats. Fritz is also doing a poll in Florida next week and we're getting a chance to ask some of the questions! More on that next weekend...

3- Retired Army Major General and our goof friend Paul Vallely is next talking about a new Group for Americans and Veterans alike he has formed with another good friend Brigitte Gabriel. The new group is called "Veteran Defenders" and it's all about being the eyes and ears watching out and helping out America if needed during time of a disaster or emergency. Their wesbite can be found by going to:

4- Chris Markowski, "Watchdog On Wall Street," is next and he tells us what TEA Party he attended and what he told them when he spoke at the event. Chris can also be heard weekdays 4-6 PM ET on AM 820 WWBA in Tampa, FL. as well as across the Country on the weekend with his "Watchdog On Wall Street" show...

Of course you'll hear "Earl Pitts -Uhmerikan" as he adds his inspirational Red Neck humor. We are proud to have Earl on our Team and enjoy the comments from the listeners who love hearing him...

That wraps up the first hour of the the weekend Nationally syndicated "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show," now heard on the Phoenix Broadcasting Talk Radio Network of stations across America. You can also hear us via Satellite and in Santiago, Chile on Radio Santiago as well as all across the World on the Internet. We are a part of the "New Media"...

God Bless The USA!

'The Captain'

Thank you to the more than 7,000 listeners who get this Podcast every day...

We invite you to become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook...

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 16th - Home Of The New Media...

By Matt Bruce | 04/16/10 | 09:05 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 16th - Home Of The New Media...


Hello everybody and welcome to the day after the TEA Party's held across America, over 650 of them!

We had a ball in Punta Gorda, FL. and want to personally thank the estimated 2,000 people who came out on a beautiful day to have a TEA Party!

This is "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" and we've got a busy lineup of topics for you...

Guests include:

1- Raj Doraisamy who was out Tech guy who put up the website that was streaming anywhere from 80-102 TEA Party's going on across America tells us what he's got planned for the future of our "New Media"...

2- Sally Tibbetts, FL 13 District Director for Cong. Vern Buchanan, drops by to do our "Congressman's Corner" segment. Sally informs us of what Congressman Buchanan has proposed to help make it easier for Senior Citizens to do their Income Tax Returns and eliminate a lot of paperwork. You'll also hear about another Town Hall meeting in Arcadia and more upcoming events in the Florida 13 District...

3- Next we have Entertainment News from Shannon Rose a veteran of the broadcast industry. Shannon tells us about Conan O'Brien's new TBS Gig and has a lot more to say about Whitney Houston and more...

4- Gene Sweeney finishes off today's show by telling us what he heard across America on TEA Party Tax Day...

Of course you'll hear the latest FOX News along with our "Earl Pitts - Redneck Humor" to keep you amused...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Special thanks to the more than 7,000 listeners who get our daily Podcast...

Become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or a follower on Podomatic...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

April 15, 2010 - The Captain's AMERICA - TEA Party Special...

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What a show we've got lined up for you to hear today, April the 15th, "Taxed Enough Already" Tax Day across America!

Guests today:

1- Retired Army Major General Paul Vallely talking about his new Group, Veteran Defenders, started in conjunction with Act For and Brigitte Gabriel. The General also tells us what he'll be doing this TEA Party day...

2- Once again Gene Sweeney and Ray Doraisamy drop in to tell TEA Party goers how they can be TEA Party Reporters by using their iPhones, Laptops and other Smart Devices to record the events of the day. For more info check out the LINK on

3- Former NY Congressman John LeBoutillier drops in to tell us all the latest Political news coming from Washington, DC as only he knows it. We also hear what he'll be doing on TEA Party day...

4- Don Baldauf, Florida, is going to a TEA Party and he'll let us all know tomorrow what went on and who said what so you get it straight from the "horses mouth"...

Of course you'll hear the latest FOX News, Earl Pitts - Redneck Humor and another Candid Conservative Minute on today's "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

Get IN the know, tell your Friends, heck tell your Enemies to tune in and hear what our mainstream media doesn't want you to know and won't tell you...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Special thanks to our more than 7,000 listeners getting this Podcast daily...

Become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or follow us on Podomatic...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 14th - New TEA Party News...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 14th - New TEA Party News...

By Matt Bruce | 04/14/10 | 01:58 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show for April 14th - New TEA Party News...


Fellow TEA Party Patriots...

Today is the day before April 15th dubbed as TEA Party Day across America...

Our guests include Gene Sweeney and Raj Doraisamy who have a unique idea to make sure the TEA Party message gets reported and recorded accurately and in real time. Check out the message that follows...

Our second guest today is Brigitte Gabriel from and a new website Veteran which is a new idea co authored by Brigitte Gabriel and Retired Army Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely from Stand up America

We also speak with a local Tampa Bay musician-singer, Billy McKnight, who has a new song rising on the charts called "Love's Like A Rodeo". Billy and his band "Soul Circus Cowboys" are introducing themselves to America this week...

Of course we have the latest FOX News, Earl Pitts and his Redneck humor and another Candid Conservative Minute as we finish off today's "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show."

Tomorrow we'll be off down in Punta Gorda, FL. speaking at the TEA Party in the Laishley Park Marina along US 41 and just off US 17 from 5-7 PM ET. Hope to see you there, but if you can't make it, look at the message below and see how you can hear or see what's going on there and elsewhere tomorrow April 15th all across America...

- - - - -

Calling on all April 15th, 2010 Tea Party Attendees across America, be a TEA Party Reporter!

Volunteers Needed NOW!

We need some computer proficient volunteers to assist with some logistical items for the Tea Party Live Broadcast. If you are interested, please sign into and we will contact you...

If you have a laptop, web cam and an air card, post your broadcast link on our free Broadcast Page by clicking “Links to Tea Party Locations” at the top of the page and pasting your Broadcast Link with the Tea Party location you will be broadcasting from...

Detailed instructions on how to get your free broadcast link are available by signing into our support site at

Visit for more information. Please contact my colleague Raj Doraisamy at 941-753-0297 with any questions...

You will be able to access ALL the TEA Party Audio-Video broadcasts from here all across America April 15th...

For more:

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show Facebook Page, The Captain's website, this Captain's AMERICA Blogspot Blog or News has all the info you'll need...

Have a SAFE and Happy TEA Day Party!

'The Captain'

Special thanks to the more than 7,000 listeners who get our Podcast!

Become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or follow our Podcast...

Be a TEA Party Reporter...

Fellow TEA Party Patriots...

Calling on all April 15th, 2010 Tea Party Attendees across America!

Volunteers Needed!

We need some computer proficient volunteers to assist with some logistical items for the Tea Party Live Broadcast. If you are interested, please sign into and we will contact you...

If you have a laptop, web cam and an air card, post your broadcast link on our free Broadcast Page by clicking “Links to Tea Party Locations” at the top of the page and pasting your Broadcast Link with the Tea Party location you will be broadcasting from...

Detailed instructions on how to get your free broadcast link are available by signing into our support site at

Visit for more information. Please contact my colleague Raj Doraisamy at 941-753-0297 with any questions...

You will be able to access ALL the TEA Party Audio-Video broadcasts from here all across America April 15th...

For more:

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show Facebook Page, The Captain's website, this Captain's AMERICA Blogspot Blog or News has all the info you'll need...

Have a SAFE and Happy TEA Day Party!

'The Captain'

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 13th - Taxed Enough Already...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 13th - Taxed Enough Already...

By Matt Bruce | 04/13/10 | 03:00 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 13th - Taxed Enough Already...


Kick back relax and enjoy hearing a lot of TEA Party news today plus a very interesting interview with a young lady who has revisited the WWII Era with both her voice and as a pinup girl...

Today's guest list includes:

1- Frank Salvato, New Media Journal, who tells us why the Progressive Left is pulling out all the stops to do whatever they can to discredit the TEA Party movement. The Left Wing Liberals know they are going to LOSE in the Mid Term elections and also know the TEA Party movement is the big reason why. Frank also talks about the Bulls Eye that's now been painted on the head of of Yemeni Muslim Cleric who has an American background...

2- Doreen Taylor, Actress-Dancer-Musician-Singer, joins us next for a very enlightening interview about what she did with a project called "Coming Home," which is both a book full of WWII Pin Up pictures of herself and a Music CD of the WWII era. Doreen is very talented and has a touring 1 woman show where she performs what she calls "Dance Club Music". This is an interview you'll enjoy hearing from a very ambitious and patriotic young woman. Check out her website by going to Doreen Taylor

3- Gene Sweeney, Salt Of The Earth USA, joins us for more news and a brief history of what the TEA Party movement is all about. Gene was one of the original TEA Party movement folks who got it all started on April 15th, 2009 in Lakewood Ranch, FL...

Of course you'll hear the latest FOX news and that good ole Red Neck humor from our pal "Earl Pitts." Toss in some around the service DOD news and another "Candid Conservative" minute and you've got a wrap on today's "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show."

God Bless America and ALL those who keep us FREE & SAFE!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the 7,000+ listeners who get our Podcast each day...

Become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 12th - Hear All The Latest TEA Party News...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 12th - Hear All The Latest TEA Party News...

By Matt Bruce | 04/12/10 | 10:49 AM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For April 12th - TEA Party News Day...


Hello everybody and thanks for starting your week off with "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" as we give you all the latest TEA Party News for the Gold Coast of Florida and Events taking place across America this week...

Today's guests include:

1- Chrissy Prazares, 13, who informs us about the Sarasota TEA Party and the Bradenton Mixon Frams TEA Party Events for April 15th. Chrissy also gives us the latest on the Billboard her group is trying to get put up somewhere in the area...

2- Dr. Jerome Corsi, Author-Writer, talks about his new Novel being released "The Shroud Codex" which is a Simon and Schuster Book showing up on and Bookstores across America this week. Dr. Corsi also tells what he's hearing the Progressive Left will be attempting to do at the TEA Party's being held across America on April 15th...

3- Robin Stublen, President of PG Tea, tells us about the TEA Party event I'll be speaking at in Punta Gorda, FL. on April 15th from 5-7 PM at Lashley Marina Park. Robin speaks about the TEA Party "Contract From America" that TEA Party groups across the Country will be asking Candidates to sign if they want the support of the TEA Party groups in their home areas...

4- Don Baldauf, Florida, who has news about another round of talks he's having here in Florida and what Sarah Palin had to say at the SRLC held last week in New Orleans about Oil and drilling off the U.S. Coasts. Don also tells us where he'll be come April 15th and the TEA Party he plans on attending...

Of course you'll hear the latest FOX News, some "Earl Pitts" humor and another "Candid Conservative" minute on today's show...

Tell your friends and get your neighbors involved so they become part of the SOLUTION and not the 'problem' America faces from the Progressive Left and their agenda...

as always we support our brave Military men and women, EMS, Firefighters, Police, Homeland Security and ALL who are serving America in the Global War on Terrorism as they continue to keep us all FREE & SAFE...

'The Captain'

Special thanks to the more than 7,000 listeners who receive this Podcast daily...

Become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook and follow us on Podomatic...