Today we start out with a 'request' for the playing of the Obama National Anthem made famous by Glenn Beck and requested by several Veteran Brothers and Sisters who asked for it to be played on today's LIVE radio show!
Join us today as our first guest, Frank Salvato, New Media Journal Managing Editor starts out talking about Sen. Harry Reid informing the Country the Healthcare Bill was going to be with 'all the bells and whistles' we've previously heard about even though the MAJORITY of the American people do not want it! You'll also hear more candid, frank and honest discussion about the Progressive Left Liberal agenda for America which is headed our way as quickly as the majority leaders in Congress can get it through.
Then we speak with Jim Kouri, 5th Vice Pres. of the National Assn. of Chiefs of Police & Public Information Officer, who speaks about a Wall Street Executive who was finding Terrorist's right from our shores as well as 3 Homegrown American Terrorist's who were arrested for planning attacks on Americans Overseas.
Time next for some commentary as only 'The Captain' can do talking about the Refinery Issue for Florida and a message for would be Arsonist's. This is because a PA Firefighter Brother just lost his life in an arson fire.
We bring the illustrious 'Kat' in for the final segment as we have some FUN with her about the Earl Pitts segment on today's show! 'Kat' always has a sense of humor and her show follows mine on 1220 WSRQ Radio weekdays.
Remember, tune in LIVE 8-9 AM ET on AM 1220 WSRQ Radio in Sarasota, FL. or LIVE on the Internet via WSRQ Radio.com to hear the webcast!
We salute and thank ALL of our Veterans as well as EMT's, Firefighters, Police and our current brave Military men and women serving America keeping all of us FREE & SAFE!
God Bless America...
'The Captain'
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