The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Feb. 16th...
By Matt Bruce | 02/16/10 | 11:20 AM EDT | 0 Comments
The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Feb. 16th - LIVE Call From U.S. Army In Haiti...
Welcome to today's "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" and thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to listen to our Radio Show from wherever you are listening to us from...
We start out talking to Frank Salvato, New Media Journal Managing Editor, as he talks about the problems surfacing within the Republican Party of Florida's use of some 29 American Express credit cards which may have involved some fraudulent or illegal transactions. Recently Jim Grier, Chairman, stepped down amidst allegations of wrong doing and the FL Democratic Party Chairman is calling for an investigation by FL Atty Gen Bill McCullom. Frank also talks about Sen. Evan Bayh (D-IN) not running for reelection and what his plans really are. You'll enjoy hearing this one because you're NOT hearing our mainstream news media tell you the truth about Sen. Evan Bayh...
Time next for a LIVE call from Port Au Prince, Haiti from U.S. Army Major Rhonda Keister, a 23 year Army veteran and Signal Officer for the 7th Sustainment Brigade. Maj. Keister's job is enormous because it involves maintaining and keeping communications open for ALL of the Agencies and Governments responding to the Earthquake disaster in Haiti. You'll hear details being discussed that haven't been brought to light by our mainstream news media, but then is anyone surprised???
Don Baldauf, FL Oil.org, drops by next to provide us with some insight into the FL Republican Party debacle in Tallahassee. Don and his group and always in the mix in Tallahassee seeking support from any group or individual that wants to sign on to the FL Oil movement which WILL save all Floridians at the gas pumps if we do just one thing, "Build An Oil Refinery Here In Florida."
The Candid Conservative Minute and Earl Pitts are next before we close the door and turn the lights out in the Studio...
Get IN the know and become a regular listener to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...
God Bless America!
'The Captain'
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