Monday, May 31, 2010

May 31, 2010 - The Captain's AMERICA Memorial Day Special...

May 31, 2010 - The Captain's AMERICA Memorial Day Special...

By Matt Bruce | 05/31/10 | 08:45 AM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show - Memorial Day 2010...

May 31, 2010 - Memorial Day 2010...

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Welcome ladies and gentlemen and fellow Veterans across America and around the World on this very special Memorial Day 2010...

Today is a day where we honor ALL of those who gave their lives for our Country so that we might continue to realize the freedoms we all enjoy in the USA because of the sacrifices made by ALL of our Veterans, dead and living, plus those who are currently serving America in the Global War on Terror...

Our guest list looks like this today:

1- U.S. Army Major William Brockman from Sarasota, FL who calls us from Basra, Iraq where he is serving with the Army's 50th MTT Group working directly with Iraqi Forces...

2- Wesley Jones, Director of the Sarasota National Cemetery, who talks about the history of the 2 year old facility and how small steps have led into giant results by those who helped bring the National Cemetery to Sarasota, FL...

3- Of course you'll hear the latest FOX News this Memorial Day and then we have the latest around the services news from the DOD...

4- We finish today's interview segments with a Sarasota Wounded Warrior, former Army SSG Bobby Miniachi, who talks about how he got wounded in Iraq, his service to America and what he's doing as he recouperates from his wounds suffered while serving America...

Today's show also features Lee Greenwood's rendition of "God Bless The USA" as we top off a special Memorial Day 2010 broadcast honoring ALL those who have served America, some making the ultimate sacrifice and ALL standing up for America when other ran away...

God bless ALL of you and may God continue to bless the USA...

'The Captain'

Vietnam Veteran

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Special thanks again for putting us in the "Movers & Shakers List" of the Top 50 Podcasts...

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 3 Nationally Syndicated Weekend Radio Show...

The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 3 Nationally Syndicated Weekend Radio Show...

By Matt Bruce | 05/30/10 | 08:42 AM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show Hr 2 Nationally Syndicated Radio Show For May 29th...

May 30, 2010...

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Here we go with the final hour of this weekend's "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard nationally over 110 radio stations and around the World via Galaxy satellite, shortwave radio and the Internet...

Our guest list this hour looks like this:

1- Henry Raines, Tampa Bay Talk Show Host, who starts out voicing his concerns about the Gulf Oil spill and the concerns he and his friends have. Henry also addresses the issues of 'politics' involved and how this could adversely affect Pres. Obama who may be known for his own version of 'Katrina-Oil-Gate' in the Gulf. Henry also talks about the influence the TEA Party is having all across America right now and has a different take on putting a Mosque near Ground Zero in NYC...

2- Kyle Warren, 'The Professor of Politics', jumps right into his opinion of the recent Obama live press conference where it appeared our media finally was asking some tough questions of the President which were prompoting some interesting responses. Kyle notes that Obama appeared 'uncomfortable' having to defend his Administration's response to the Gulf Oil spill and fielding questions about the War in Afghanistan and why more Troops and more money was being spent there...

3- SSG Justin Brown, Strength and Conditioning Coach, joins us next with another Military All Stars Baseball Team update. The Team is still out on the West Coast as they prepare to start June off playing in Alaska under the 'midnight sun' and then travel all across America the rest of the summer...

4- Retired Army Major General Paul Vallely is next with a candid and frank discussion about sending the National Guard to our Southern Border with Mexico to assist and confront Drug Lords and their heavily armed Army's creating havoc all along the Border. Gen. Valley also talks about Afghanistan and what we need to do is WIN by whatever means necessarily and stop trying to be 'politically correct'. The General also reflects on the meaning of Memorial Day and what his plans are for the National Holiday...

Toss in our old pal "Earl Pitts - Redneck American" who has some thoughts of his own before we turn out the lights and lock the door on the radio studio so we can go watch a Tampa Bay Rays Baseball game...

Once again folks I ask that ALL of you take time this Monday May 31st to observe a minute of silence at 3 PM wherever you are and stop whatever you're doing to remember the true heroes in our midst, our Nations War dead, and say a silent prayer for them, their families and ALL of the service men and women now serving in harms way keeping all of us FREE & SAFE...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the more than 7,600 listeners who receive this Podcast...

Become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 2 Nationally Syndicated Weekend Radio Show...

The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 2 Nationally Syndicated Weekend Radio Show...

By Matt Bruce | 05/29/10 | 10:34 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show Hr 2 Nationally Syndicated Radio Show For May 29th...

May 29, 2010...

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Welcome back to hour 2 of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" nationally syndicated every weekend and heard on 110 radio stations plus Galaxy satellite, shortwave radio and around the World on over a dozen Internet websites...

Our guest list for this hour looks like this:

1- Greg Allen, Co Host of 'The Loftus Report', who talks about Border Security and the Drug War going on along the Southern USA Border with Mexico. Is 1,200 unarmed National Guard Troops enough to do this? How about that Islam Mosque going 2 blocks away from Ground Zero in New York City? Wait until you hear the discussion about this...

2- Paul A Ibbetson, Columnist and Talk Radio Host, stops by to talk about how the Patriot Act is helping in the War on Terror and why we are catching the Terrorists BEFORE they're able to do their dastardly deeds. Paul also talks as a former KS Police Chief about why the Border Patrol needs to have the presence of an ARMED National Guard force backing them up along the AZ-MX Border...

3- Shannon Rose, 'Mr Entertainment', is next and he talks about the new movies coming out this weekend and also some TV news for the week while be break some entertainment news that comes in over the wire while Shannon is talking...

4- Kevin 'Coach' Collins, Collins, drops by to talk about his latest columns and also why the Islamic Mosque in NYC is being opposed by so many First Responders, 9/11 Families and residents of NYC who will be sending a louder message to Mayor Bloomberg and the City in the coming days and months ahead...

That rounds off hour 2 as we get ready for another fact filled hour coming up next...

God bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the more than 7,600 listeners who receive this Podcast...

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The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 1 Nationally Syndicated Weekend Radio Show For May 29th...

The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 1 Nationally Syndicated Weekend Radio Show For May 29th...

By Matt Bruce | 05/29/10 | 10:48 AM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Hr 1 Nationally Syndicated Radio Show For May 29th...

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Hello everybody and thank you to all of our Veterans as we pause to remember Memorial Day 2010, a day where we honor the memory of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice serving their Country allowing us to be free and safe. We will never forget those who gave it all so we could enjoy the freedoms we all have here in America...

Our first hour guest list looks like this:

1- Frank Salvato, Managing Editor of the New Media Journal, who fills us in on all the latest regarding the White House and Cong. Joe Cestak who was offered a 'deal' with former Pres. Bill Clinton acting as the go between for the Obama White House. This story is huge and has implications of foul play and perhaps even a criminal offense attached to it. Frank also talks about the politics now being played with the Gulf Oil Spill which has caused a 'Blame Game' to start between the Federal Government, State's involved and BP...

2- Fritz Wenzel, National Pollster, joins us next for 'The Fritz Poll'. The numbers are in about the Gulf Oil Spill and the Obama Administration is getting very low Poll numbers for their handling of the situation. The FL U.S. Senate race between FL Gov. Charlie Crist, Marco Rubio and Kendrick Meek are getting closer with Crist 'barely' hanging on to a 3% lead over Rubio and Meek over 10% behind both and losing ground. National Poll numbers show the GOP now could 'gain' 80 or more Congressional seats during the November Mid-Term election...

3- Chris Markowski, 'The Watchdog On Wall Street', drops by to let us know how that new Financial Bill some refer to as a Wall Street Bill is going to affect ALL of us. Chris also has plenty to say about the Gulf Oil Spill and the economic backlash being felt all across the Gulf Region...

4- Ryan Mauro, World Threats, tells us about the latest going on between North and South Korea as the 2 Countries are teetering on the brink of War after it was confirmed a North Korean torpedo sank a South Korean Warship killing 46 Sailors a few months ago in the Sea of Japan. Iran's name keeps popping up all across the World and especially in South America as weapons coming from Iran, then going to Venezuela, are winding up in Mexican Drug Cartel hands...

Get IN the know and hear what our OLD STREAM media won't tell you because they're still being 'politically correct'. We are where you will hear more STIMULATING talk at your HOME of 'common sense'...

God Bless America & ALL Those Who Do And Who Have Served America, Keeping All Of Us FREE & SAFE...

'The Captain'


Special thanks to the more than 7,600 who receive this Podcast...

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Deepwater Horizon - The Blame Game...

Deepwater Horizon - The Blame Game...

May 29, 2010 · Matt Bruce, News Sarasota...

SARASOTA, FL. (NS/MattBruce) -

First of all there's enough blame to go around for what happened in the Gulf on April 20th dating back over 20 years and covering BOTH political parties, 4 President's and at least 3 Government Agencies...

Interesting thoughts are surfacing about who and what are the responsible parties for what's happened in the Gulf of Mexico, but here are some FACTS for you to ponder...

In 1990 a joint panel from the U.S. Dept. Of the Interior and Oil Companies first met to establish some 'ground rules' on what they would do in the event of an offshore oil 'incident'...

Then in 1994 the U.S Dept. Of Interior, U.S. EPA, all the Gulf State's and Oil Companies with drilling rigs in the Gulf met to establish a very clear and definite plan called the "In-Situ Burn" plan which laid out an emergency response plan 'step by step' including having a "Hydro-Fire Boom" system on standby in Houston, New Orleans and Mobile...

This Boom was designed for 2 things, the first being to contain the initial oil spill at the oil rig. Secondly it would help first responders by giving a clear area to work with their fire fighting boats and suppressants, like FOAM, to put any oil rig fire out quickly...

What the World saw at the Deep water rig was 3 days of 'drowning' of a fire that could have been put out in a matter of HOURS had enough FOAM been at the ready, as it was supposed to be...

Where was the Boom, how about 1,100 miles away in the Mid West. How long did it take to get it there? How about 5 days...

Would the oil rig have collapsed into the Gulf if the original fire fighting had been followed? According to the USCG Incident Commander, "No"...

Now, another question is how did the U.S. Minerals Management Service get involved in the first response of oil rig fire fighting and what kind of training or equipment or special skills did they possess?

The answer is simple, "NONE"...

When there have been been mine collapses in WV or KY, it has always been the Mining Companies and First Responders who show up with the special equipment needed to do what needs to be done...

My point is when you let the 'fox guard the hen house' these are the kind of results you're going to get...

Now there's another new interesting twist to the response with some of the responders and volunteers complaining about feeling nauseous and having blurry vision, coughing, sniffle and teary eyes which are all symptoms of what happens at a hazardous chemical response...

Have you seen those same people wearing shorts, flip flops, no shirts or short sleeved tee shirts, no eye goggles, no gloves all along the beaches and on the shrimp boats?

The "SOP" for a hazardous material response is quite simple and very definitively laid out. #1- Long sleeve shirts, #2- Long Pants, #3- Waterproof work shoes or boots with socks, #4- Must wear a respirator, #5- Goggles or safety glasses for eyes, #6- Must wear hat or safety helmet and on and on and on the list goes not the least of which being "hosed completely off" and throwing "all clothes away after each shift" during a hazardous materials incident...

Now, Martin, have YOU seen any of this being done???

Who's in charge? I heard somebody named "Barack Obama" yesterday say "I am responsible for the cleanup and recovery" which is very admirable on his part but the FACT of the matter is the Gulf States and Residents there are the ones who are in charge and the Federal Government is only 'supposed to' give them the help that they need and ask for to clean up this ecological disaster...

By the way did the entire Country get to see FL. Gov. Charlie Crist directly over the left shoulder in the middle of the TV Press Conference in LA> Gov. Bobby Jindal's home state? Then there was that 'pat' on Obama's back which will play very well with the crowd that's still mad about the 'hug' given back in Ft Myers which started Charlie's freefall downhill. Wasn't it obvious folks that politics were once again being played???

I personally have more confidence in the residents of AL, FL, LA, MS and TX and their State Governments than I do the Federal Government to do what needs to be done. After all, they LIVE there...

So the BLAME game needs to go way back to what did start all of what we're seeing today and it involved BOTH political parties and ALL the participants we see along the Gulf today responding to this incident...

Incidentally we do need to stop all deep water oil drilling until we get a definitive answer as to what went wrong so we can FIX it...

That being said, 1 State has stepped up once again said they want to drill for more oil on land in their State!

What State is it, you ask? "Alaska"...

Both Democrat and Republican Alaskan State Representatives and Business Leaders all agree this would be a great help to the Alaskan economy and they're ready TODAY if the Federal Government will just say "YES" to their request...

So to Alaska I say, "Drill Baby Drill"...

Matt Bruce

Retired 25 Year Fire-Rescue Captain
Hazardous Materials Instructor, Retired
Hazardous Materials Incident Commander, Retired
Managing Editor- News
Host of - The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For May 27th - So Where Is Mexico Getting Those Guns From???

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For May 27th - So Where Is Mexico Getting Those Guns From???

By Matt Bruce | 05/27/10 | 01:35 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For May 27th - Gulf Oil Spill Stopped, Troops Headed To Border, National Security News & MORE...

May 27, 2010...

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We start today's "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" out talking with Henry Raines, Tampa Bay Talk Radio Host, and the Gulf Oil spill may or may not be ceasing. We talk about that plus Sen. Bill Nelson supporting a BAN on ALL Offshore Drilling on Florida's Coasts. This plus Border Security and is it getting worse as well as where those GUNS are coming from going into Mexico. That planned Mosque 2 blocks from Ground Zero at the WTC and the North Korea vs South Korea situation which very well may have guns 'blazing' sometime sooner rather than later...

Then we speak with long time friend, Paul A. Ibbetson, host of "The Conscience of Kansas" radio show, who also is going for his PHD at KS State University. Paul writes articles about 'The Patriot Act' and as a former KS Police Chief has first hand knowledge about how the Patriot Act has been working along with Homeland Security and the AZ Border situation with Mexico. We also discuss the Gulf Oil spill and how criminal charges could be forthcoming in light of a BP employee taking the "5th" during a USCG hearing yesterday about the Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig explosion and fire...

FOX News keeps you abreast of all of the latest goings on in the World around you before we hear from the DOD and discussions about more Troops being deployed to help out with the Gulf Oil spill and more around the services news...

Need help with your mortgage? Stuart Vener, a home mortgage expert, joins us next to talk about just that and also how the Federal Government's programs just may have made the home mortgage situation much worse. Stuart adds his 25+ years of experience into the discussion as he tells people who need help how they really can get the help they're seeking without all the 'hassle' involved with Government involvement...

We finish up the day with our old pal "Earl Pitts - Redneck" who has you just rolling in stitches of laughter with another one of his class episodes...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the more than 7,600+ listeners who get our daily Podcast...

Become a FAN or FOLLOWER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For May 26th...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For May 26th...

By Matt Bruce | 05/26/10 | 12:01 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA For May 26th- Political Fallout About PA's Cestak, Gulf Oil Spill Update, N Korea In HOT Seat & MORE...

May 26, 2010...

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Join us today as we start out speaking with former Congressman and Nationally recognized Political Pundit John LeBoutillier who pulls no punches talking about Cong. Cestak's 'deal' he was offered by someone inside the White House to 'drop out' of the PA Senate race which he recently won. This plus the 'gall' of the AZ President to chide the AZ Immigration Bill alongside Pres Obama, who said NOTHING, when the Mexican Immigration Laws are much TOUGHER than ours are including the newly passed AZ Law supported by more than 70% of the people...

Then it's time to talk to National and Foreign Security expert Ryan Mauro who fills us in on everything taking place between North and South Korea as it now has been proven North Korea was behind the torpedoing and sinking of a South Korean Warship killing 46 crew members a few months ago. North Korea is talking tough while sanctions and expulsions are the order of the day for South Korea against North Korea. Ryan also addresses the latest new coming from Yemen about the American Islamic Imann being sought by U.S. authorities was 'tipped off' by a Washington Post article about a pending air strike against him in Yemen...

Of course we have the latest FOX News before we inform you about the Business News around America and with the Stock Market which recently fell back below 10,000 points...

"Earl Pitts - Uhmerikan" is next and then another candid Conservative Minute for you before we turn out the lights and close the door on today's "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener!

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the more than 7,500 listeners who get this Podcast!

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For May 25th...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For May 25th - LIVE Soldier Call from Iraq, Gulf Oil Spill Blame Game & MORE...

May 25, 2010...

Tune in today to hear the latest on the "Blame Game" going on with the Gulf Oil Spill as our first guest Frank Salvato, Managing Editor of the New Media Journal, fills us in on the State vs the Feds vs the White House on who's to blame. Frank then talks about the continued fallout from Mexican Pres. Calderon's speech chastising Arizona's Immigration Law when the truth of the matter is the Mexican Illegal Alien Laws are much TOUGHER than ours in the USA...

Then we speak with the Allyn's who are the daughter and son in law of legendary FL Wrestling announcer Gordon Solie who also was a Stock Car announcer. A new book has been written by the duo which is starting to turn some heads into how wrestling used to be and what it has become. For those of you who enjoy wrestling and its roots, this is an extremely interesting and informative interview...

Toss in the latest FOX News so you can be informed up to the minute about the World around you comes next...

Another LIVE call comes in to us from Joint Base Balad in Iraq and it's 1st Lt. Peter Owen on the horn with the 724th Combat Engineer Battalion. Lt. Owen is from Wisconsin and just arrived in April to put in his tour of duty and he lets us all know what kind of training he received to prepare him for what he was getting into while serving in Iraq. You'll enjoy hearing from one of America's finest...

Of course you'll hear from our resident Redneck, "Earl Pitts," who'll once again have you laughing and enjoying what life is really like in the blue collar World. We finish off today's show with another Candid Conservative Minute and a Nancy Pelosi comedy classic before we turn the microphone off and the lights out in the studio of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the more than 7,500 listeners getting this Podcast everyday...

Become a FAN or FOLLOWER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For May 24th...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For May 24th...

By Matt Bruce | 05/24/10 | 03:48 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For May 24th - 13 Patriots, Military All Stars Baseball & TEA Party News...

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It's another great start to a new week here on "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show."

Chrissy Prazares from 13 starts things off talking about how ticked off she and many others are with Pres. Obama and Mexican Pres. Calderon standing shoulder to shoulder chastising the AZ Immigration Law. It should be known that there are 17 State's considering adopting the same law right now this year. Chrissy also fills us in on her group's meeting schedule and the Billboard coming to the FL-13 District soon. If you love God and honor your Country and Constitution, 13 Patriots is the group for you...

Next we speak to the Military All Stars starting 1B Karl Seiter calling from San Diego, CA but he's a Port St Lucie, FL resident and ex Army Ranger who served in both Afghanistan and Iraq. Karl fills us in on what it's like traveling across America playing for the Military All Stars Baseball team. You can go to Heroes of the to find out how you can help support the team and check out the schedule when they're coming into your area...

The latest FOX News is next keeping you abreast of the day's activities before we move on to the DOD's around the service news letting us know today about the budget cuts the military will be facing thanks to the Obama Administration once again cutting our Defense spending...

Earl Pitts - Redneck drops by and you'll absolutely laugh your butts off with what he has to say today! Then it's time for another Candid Conservative Minute before we finish off with the Obama National Anthem just for good measure so you know who's in charge...

Remember folks November the 2nd is just around the corner and real CHANGE is coming back to America!

God Bless America and ALL Those Who Defend And Support Her Keeping All Of Us FREE & SAFE!!!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the more than 7,500 people who get this Podcast daily...

Become a FAN or FOLLOWER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 3 Nationally Syndicated Weekend Radio Show...

Just posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA Hr 3 Weekend Syndicated Radio Show" Podcast....

Please click the link below to view it:

OK, time to get hour 3 of the weekend nationally syndicated "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" rolling...

Guests this hour include:

1- Henry Raines, Tampa Talk Radio Host, who lets us know what the Progressive Left and Libertarians are planning for the Mid Term Elections. Henry also gives his views of the Gulf Oil spill and what that could mean for the political scene if a remedy isn't found 'soon'. As always Henry has some enlightening comments about the Crist v Rubio v Meek FL U.S. Senate race...

2- Kyle Warren, 'The Professor Of Politics', joins us next for his rundown on MX Pres. Calderon's speech to Congress chastising the USA for the AZ Immigration Law. While watching the Democrats jump up to applaud for the MX President, 'The Professor' had a few comments of his own. Kyle also talks about all the ,name calling' still going on by Progressive Left Radio and TV commentators whose ratings are so far down they have no other choice but 'hope' someone will hear their name calling...

3- We hear then from the Military All Stars Baseball Team prepping for their Summer 'Red-White & Blue Tour' all across America and even headed to Alaska! You can help support the Military All Stars Baseball Team by going to 'Heroes Of The' and buying a baseball cap or something else offerred there for sale...

We finish off hour 3 with another rant from 'The Captain' that will have you jumping up and cheering "USA...USA" before we toss in "Earl Pitts - Uhmerikan" for the grand finale...

We thank each and every one of you who have either listened to us on one of our Radio Affiliates or via this Podcast. Without YOU, our listeners, there'd be no Affiliates...Listeners...or Sponsors and we are very grateful for ALL of you...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Special Thanks To The 7,500 + Listeners Getting This Podcast...

Become a FAN or FOLLOWER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

See you there!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

March 20th - Hr 1 The Captain's AMERICA Syndicated Weekend Radio Show...

The Captain's AMERICA Hr 1 Nationally Syndicated Radio Show For May 22nd...

May 22, 2010...

Welcome everybody to hr 1 of our weekend nationally syndicated "The Captain's AMERICA" Radio Show which is now heard on 111 radio stations across America, around the World on Galaxy Satellite and the Internet, on Shortwave Radio and you can read our printed articles by host Ret. Fire-Rescue Capt. Matt Bruce on, News, New Media, Red and many other fine websites...

Our guest list looks like this:

1- Frank Salvato, Managing Editor of the New Media Journal, who starts out blasting Mexican Pres. Felipe Calderon who chastised the AZ Immigration law, something we bet he never read. The real reason why Obama's Mational Intelligence Director resigned. Secretary of State coming out and saying a North Korea torpedo sank that South Korean Warship several months ago in International Waters and more...

2- Fritz Wenzel and 'The Fritz Poll' is next. Fritz starts out reminding us that as many as 17 more State's are planning on adopting the AZ Immigration Law and that 71% of America along with 72% of AZ want it because the USA is failing miserably at keeping drugs, guns and illegals from crossing our Southern Border with Mexico. Fritz now says his polling shows just as many people now do NOT want Offshore drilling as originally wanted it before the Deepwater Horizon explosion, fire and subsequent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The TEA Party is alive and well and 'stronger' than some in Washington, DC originally thought and that's a bad thing for the Democrats on November 2nd, 2010 and the latest Crist v Rubio v Meek poll numbers that show 'Charlie-I' is losing support...

3- Chris Markowski, 'The Watchdog On Wall Street', who tells us what the new Financial Regulatory Bill recently passed is supposed to do. Chris also talks about inflation and whether or not it's a good time to buy and pay for items in cash or 'charge them'. You'll also hear about the BP deal handing out money to Gulf State's and paying for a massive Tourism campaign plus some political comments about the AZ Immigration Law in the way that Chris can only do...

4- Ryan Mauro, World, who fills us in on all the shenanigans Iran is up to and trying to do to stir the pot some more around the World, not just in the Middle East. Pakistan and Yemen, who are supposed to be our Allies in the Global War on Terror, are sitting on their hands when it comes to making arrest of key individuals and shipping them to US hands for charges of Terrorism. You'll also hear Ryan talk more about homegrown terrorism which isn't going away any time soon here in America...

That finishes out our first our on "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" and we've got a lot more coming up in hour 2...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to our more than 7,500 listeners who get this Podcast...

Become a FAN or FOLLOWER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For May 20th - Brigitte Gabriel - WTC Mosque News & National TEA Party Info...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio SHow For May 20th - Brigitte Gabriel-WTC Mosque News & TEA Party Election Info...
May 20, 2010...

Howdy, howdy, howdy to everybody tuning in today! We thank you for taking time out of your busy day to listen to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

Our first guest is the nationally known Brigitte Gabriel, founder of ACT for America, who addresses the pending issue of putting an Islamic Mosque within 2 blocks of the World Trade Center timed for its grand opening on Sept. 11th, 2011. I can tell you that MY first hand knowledge from 9/11 Families and First Responders is that there's absolutely "NO WAY" any of them want this to happen. Brigitte Gabriel tells you how you can get involved and help stop this lunacy at the World Trade Center...

Then we hear from Robin Stublen, National Federated TEA Party member and founder of the Punta Gorda TEA Party, who speaks about the TEA Party involvement in ALL of the elections already heard and the ones coming up during 2010. What you've seen thus far is a mere 'example' of things to come as the TEA Party movement gets more involved in shaping the political arrangement of the House and Senate in not only Washington, DC but also many State Capitol's across America...

Toss in the latest FOX News and then we're back with Henry Raines, Tampa Talk Radio Host, who speaks about the TEA Party's role in Tuesday's elections in 4 States. Henry also talks about the AZ Immigration Law and Pres. Obama and MX. Pres. Calderon joining forces to bash the new law. Meanwhile AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio told both Obama and Calderon to "butt out" last night on FOX News! Henry also talks about the $5.3 Trillion gap in Social Security and what some of the changes to close that gap might happen to be and then closes with news that China is picking up more USA debt...

Of course 'The Captain' has a rant of his own telling you who the big recipients are of the Oil & Gas Lobby's political money which just 'might' have something to do with reason why a lot of procedures either weren't followed or ignored with the Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig...

Laugh a little as we finish today's show with some "Earl Pitts-Redneck" humor as only Earl knows how to do...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener or follower of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the more than 7,500 listeners who receive this Podcast daily...

Become a FAN or FOLLOWER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For May 19th - TEA Party Tuesday Election Victorty & MORE...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For May 19th - TEA Party Tuesday Election Victorty & MORE...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For May 19th - TEA Party Election Victories & MORE...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For May 19th - TEA Party Tuesday Election Victorty & MORE...
May 19, 2010

Wow! Can you say "TEA Party" in lieu of what we saw across America in 4 State's yesterday at the polls?

With that in mind we start out talking about the TEA Party influence on the "Mini Super Tuesday" voting in Arkansas, Kentucky, Oregon and Pennsylvania...

Our first guest is Political Pundit and former NY Congressman John LeBoutillier who isn't surprised at all by what he saw. As a matter of fact he goes even further than most Political Pundits by saying this is what we're going to see all across America on November 2nd, 2010 during the Mid-Term election. The Independents and many Democrats are mad as hell with what's being going on not only in Washington, DC but also State Capitols and the White House since the Democrats took control of much of the Country, driving us deeper in debt and chaos with their spend...spend...spend policy...

Then we speak next to Ryan Mauro from World who talks about a thwarted assassination plot against the Pope with some Moroccan's being tossed out of Italy and told not to return. Ryan also exposes more details on the attack of a South Korean Warship a few months ago which now can be said was in fact caused by a North Korean torpedo from a submarine. Ryan details how and what South Korea is now doing to better defend themselves as another South Korean Warship fired warning shots across the bow of 2 North Korean gunboats who had entered South Korean waters late Sunday night...

You'll hear the latest FOX News before we speak with 2nd Amendment Gun Rights advocate and host of "The Gun Show," Noel Flasterstein. Noel is an attorney whose extensive research has revealed the clear intention by the Progressive Liberals and Obama Administration to restrict the 2nd Amendment rights of ALL law abiding gun owners. You'll want to listen to see if "Big Brother" knows better than we do about gun ownership...

You'll hear the latest DOD Around The Services News next with a discussion about the growth of NATO and the role it will play in the future in the Global War on Terror...

Of course we toss in our usual "Earl Pitts - Redneck" humor for you to enjoy a chuckle and get on with your day before we shut off the microphone and turn off the lights in the studio for today...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to our more than 7,500 listeners getting this Podcast daily...

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For May 18th...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For May 18th - Border Security, Homeland Security, Immigration & MORE...

May 18, 2010

Join us today as we have 2 National Homeland Security experts who will inform you of things you need to know and aren't hearing our old media tell you...

Our first guest is Frank Salvato from The Basics Project and New Media Journal whose vast knowledge of both Homeland Security and War on Terror information is well documented across America and around the World. Frank talks about al-Qaida, the Taliban and Homegrown Terrorist's...

Then after the latest Around The Services DOD news we jump back into the fray with Jim Kouri, Homeland Security Writer and former NYC Housing Authority Police Chief, whose articles and opinion have been featured on FOX News and other major media outlets. Jim fills us in on all the latest in the NYC car bombing investigation along with the Muslim Brotherhood trying to get a Mosque built closeby the World Trade Center which they plan to have open come September 11th, 2011. This one's mind boggling to say the least and it's the last thing the First Responders to 9/11/2001 want to see anywhere near the World Trade Center...

Time next for FOX News before we hear the latest from Israel and the Middle East with our Israeli National News telling you what our old media doesn't want you to know about in the Middle East...

Of course you'll hear "Earl Pitts - Redneck" and we have a little fun at Barack Obama's expense with the "Obama Tax Theme"...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the more than 7,500 who get this Podcast daily...

Become a FAN or FOLLOWER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For May 17th - TEA Party News, Shelter Box USA & More...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For May 17th - TEA Party News, ShelterBoxUSA & More...


Hi everybody and to start the week off we've got some up to date TEA Party News as well as the latest about the Voter discontent across America and a very interesting segment about Shelter Box USA with all those green boxes you've seen get distributed around the World during disasters...

Our guests include:

1- Chrissy Prazares, 13, who talks about her group and the plans for the July 3rd Sarasota Bay front TEA Party. Chrissy also speaks about the huge Goldman Sachs $15 Trillion cover up involving a Group that now Pres. Barack Obama sat on the board of which also has some of Obama's top advisers being on...

2- Gene Sweeney, Salt Of The Earth USA, drops by to talk about politicians who don't excuse themselves from Real estate deals that wind up making them or relatives to them lots of money. Gene also gets into the mood of the Country as the TEA Party has played a major role thus far in what's being seen in all the Primaries and Special Elections across America...

3- Our final guest today is Beverly Hill, SRT member from Shelter Box, who informs the audience what those green boxes seen in Haiti and elsewhere are all about. Beverly tells us how Shelter Box was started, the goals, volunteering and funding for Shelter Box is all done. This is an extremely interesting segment and one everyone should pay close attention to...

We also have the latest FOX News for you as well as our old pal "Earl Pitts - Uhmerikan" who'll have you laughing with another one of his Redneck skits...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard across America and around the World...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Special thanks to the more than 7,500 listeners who get this Podcast...

Become a FAN or FOLLOWER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 3 Nationally Syndicated Weekend Radio Show...

The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 3 Nationally Syndicated Weekend Radio Show...

By Matt Bruce | 05/16/10 | 07:15 AM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show Hr 3 Nationally Syndicated Radio Show For May 15th...

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We finish out hour 3 of this weekend's nationally syndicated "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show," heard on the Phoenix Broadcasting Talk Network of 111 Independent Owned Radio Stations across America, with another hour of interesting guests and topics...

Our guest list is:

1- Henry Raines, Tampa Bay Talk Radio Host, who gives us the view from the Progressive Left and Libertarians that he hangs with. Henry has some interesting things to say about Crist v Rubio v Meek as well as the NYC attempted Car Bombing and that BP created Oil Spill out in the Gulf of Mexico...

2- Kyle Warren, 'The Professor of Politics', who raises some new interesting questions and also states the facts about the AZ Immigration Law which may be coming to a State near you this summer! The Elena Kagan Supreme Court nomination which is not only strange but very interesting indeed. And Kyle touches on the Progressive Left and why people like Chris Matthews have to resort to name calling when their talking points just don't work...

3- Military All-Stars Baseball Pitching Coach, Dr. Carroll Land, a former Marine who has spent 40 years in Baseball and was the former President of the NAIA talks about the team and what he does trying to find players who want to and can play Baseball...

We finish up with a Mike Huckabee Minute and 'The Captain' has one last rant before we turn out the lights for another 3 hour weekend syndicated radio show...

God bless all those who defend, protect and serve America keeping all of us FREE & SAFE, and may God continue to bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the more than 7,500 listeners who get this Podcast...

Become a FAN or FOLLOWER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

Stay tuned for our BIG news, coming soon with more Radio Stations and a bigger Worldwide audience...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 2 Nationally Syndicated Weekend Radio Show...

The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 2 Nationally Syndicated Weekend Radio Show...

By Matt Bruce | 05/15/10 | 04:04 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show Hr 2 Nationally Syndicated Radio Show For May 15th...

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Now it's time for hour 2 of the weekend edition of our nationally syndicated "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard across America and around the World...

Guest for this hour are:

1- Greg Allen, Co Host of The Loftus Report, who has plenty to say about the Old Media sitting on their hands and refusing to get the real news stories out to America and the World about the Progressive left and Obama Agenda that the Democrats have been waiting years to do. They see this as 'their' time because for now they have the numbers to do almost anything they want in Congress. But, come November 2nd, 2010 that will all change as Conservatives are chomping at the bit to take back America at the voting booth...

2- Jim Kouri, Examiner Columnist, talks in detail about the NYC car bombing botch up and what he's hearing could be in the works this summer for America from those "Radical Islamic Terrorists" that our Attorney General Eric Holder just can't bring himself to mention...

3- Kevin 'Coach' Collins, Collins, jumps in next to talk about NY Gov. David Patterson's plan to pardon some of the Illegal Aliens currently sitting in NY State Jails. Almost anybody can see this as a ply to try and get new voters for the Democratic Party...

4- Shannon Rose, The Rose Report, comes in with everything going on in the World of Entertainment including Pro Wrestling - Florida Style. Shannon knows his stuff and you'll want to hear his latest Movie Revue...

Of course we have our old Pal Earl Pitts - Uhmerikan on this hour to round out your weekend...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Special thanks to our more than 7,500 listeners getting the Podcast...

Become a FAN or FOLLOWER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

Keep listening for BIG news about our radio show going up on more Radio Stations on the Satellite...

The Captain's AMERICA Hr 1 Weekend Syndicated Radio Show For May 15th...

The Captain's AMERICA Hr 1 Weekend Syndicated Radio Show For May 15th...

By Matt Bruce | 05/15/10 | 07:57 AM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show Hr 1 Nationally Syndicated Radio Show For May 15th...

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Hello and welcome back to our nationally syndicated weekend edition of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show," now heard on 111 radio stations across America, on Galaxy Satellite, Shortwave Radio, the Internet and in print via our many articles the host, "Ret. Fire-Rescue Capt. Matt Bruce," has written...

We have a great hour 1 lineup of guests which include:

1- Frank Salvato, Managing Editor of the New Media Journal, who starts out talking our Homeland Security including the additional arrests made in the failed NYC car bombing attempt which have reached across America and into Pakistan. Frank also talk about the Elena Kagan Supreme Court nomination, more on the LA Oil Rig incident and Immigration...

2- 'The Fritz Poll' is next and you'll hear some polling info right her that our Old Media isn't telling you. All the latest Immigration polling, Crist v Rubio v Meek and the national polling data is discussed this week...

3- 'The Watchdog on Wall Street', Chris Markowski, drops in next to talk about Fannie Mae still losing billions of dollars and wanting billions more to help bail them out of all the bad loans they made. Chris also talks about the new VAT headed your way and also a discussion about Cap & Trade which is getting very close to becoming a reality as we've now had the CBO tell us Healthcare is going to cost us another $135 Billion more than what was first thought...

4- Ryan Mauro, World, rounds out the first hour with his Middle East update on Iran and what they've up to in our South America back yard down in Venezuela working now with Hugo Chavez who is attempting to set up his version of Cuba with Iran's help...

You'll also hear another Candid Conservative minute before we close out hour 1 and get ready for hour 2 which you'll want to stick around and hear...

Get IN the know and hear what our Old Media won't tell you right here on "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on the Phoenix Broadcasting Talk Radio Network of stations across America...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the more than 7,500 listeners receiving this Podcast...

Become a FAN or FOLLOWER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

Big news coming SOON about a new Radio, Satellite, Shortwave, TV & Print Affiliate we'll be on...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For May 13th - A Chat With A Libertarian...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For May 13th - A Chat With A Libertarian...

By Matt Bruce | 05/13/10 | 06:27 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For May 13th - A Chat With Libertarian Wayne Allyn Root...

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Hello and today you'll find out what a Libertarian is all about as we speak with 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential Candidate Wayne Allyn Root from Las Vegas, NV. who now is running to be the Chairman of the Libertarian Party when they hold their Convention next weekend. Wayne is a very informative and savvy businessman who knows his way around politics...
Time next for Tampa Bay Talk Radio Host Henry Raines who fills us in on what he's hearing around the water coolers and grocery stores from Conservatives, Democrats, Independents, Republicans and "None of the above" people. Henry hears a lot in his travels around the area every day and it's always interesting to hear what he's discovered...
Brandon Millett from the GI Film Festival now entering its 4th year and taking place right now in Washington, DC. Brandon breaks down the films in the GI Film Festival and talks about the Wounded Warriors Project who benefits each year from this GI Film Festival...
Then we revisit a TEA Party interview with Robin Stublen from the Punta Gorda TEA Party just to remind you the TEA Party hasn't gone anywhere and will be back once again over July 4th Weekend across the Country...
Get IN the know and become a regular listener to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show."
We've got MAJOR news coming soon about how you'll be able to hear us on more Radio Stations (AM&FM), Shortwave Radio, On Galaxy Satellite, via TV and in print...
God Bless America!
'The Captain'
Thanks to the more than 7,500 listeners getting this Podcast...
Become a FAN or FOLLOWER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" On Facebook Or Podomatic...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For May 12th - Iran, The Middle East, Washington Politics, Gulf Oil Spill & MORE...a

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For May 12th - Iran, The Middle East, Washington Politics, Gulf Oil Spill & MORE...

By Matt Bruce | 05/12/10 | 03:07 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For May 12th - Iran, Middle East Security, Politics, Gulf Oil Spill News & MORE...

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First of all listeners, there is HUGE news coming your way from "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" SOON about expansion with another Radio Network getting our radio show on more AM & FM stations, Galaxy Satellite, Shortwave Radio, TV and the Print Media. Stay tuned for more, coming SOON...
Today we start out with the latest news you're not hearing about Iran and what they've been up to both in the Middle East, Far East and South America...
First guest today is John LeBoutillier, Boot's Blast Blog and former NY Congressman, who let's us know what he thinks about the failed NYC car bomb attempt. Then he proceeds to tell us about all the politics that have been going on in the Offshore Drilling field for 'years'. Then he remarks about Elena Kagan, the new Supreme Court nominee, with what he thinks we'll see happen...
Then it's time for guest Ryan Mauro, World, fills us in on all the latest Middle East Security news along with more info on Pakistani involvement with the NYC car bombing incident...
Our final guest today is Brian Sexton, Chairman of Florida, whose cause has just taken about 10 giant steps backwards because of what's happened in the Gulf of Mexico with the Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig. Brian says "we need to find out exactly what happened so it never happens again, and we need a Refinery built right here in Florida." You'll be interested to hear what the mood of the Country and Florida is since the incident in the Gulf of Mexico...
Of course we have the latest FOX News, our pal "Earl Pitts - Redneck" and another Candid Conservative Minute before we turn out the lights in the radio studio...
Get IN the know and become a regular listener to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...
God Bless America!
'The Captain'
Thanks to the more than 7,500 listeners who get this Podcast...
Become a FAN or FOLLOWER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For May 10th - FL Cong. Race 8 & 20 plus FL. 89 St, Legislature Candidates...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For May 10th - FL Cong. Race 8 & 20 plus FL. 89 St, Legislature Candidates...

By Matt Bruce | 05/10/10 | 12:14 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For May 10th - FL Cong 8 Candidate Dan Fanelli, FL Cong 20 Candidate Robert Lowry, FL 89 House Candidate Steve Rosenblum...

May 10, 2010 08:33 AM PDT

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Well how do you like your politics? We've got it today with 2 FL. GOP Congressional Candidates and a FL. State Legislative Candidate all on the radio show...

'The Captain' starts out with his latest RANT dealing with the Deepwater Horizon Oil Drilling Rig and you will hear some things being discussed that you're not hearing from our 'OLD Media'...

Here's our Guest List:

1- Dan Fanelli, Veteran and Congressional Candidate in FL District 8 running against incumbent 1-Term Democrat Congressman Alan Grayson. The TEA Party has put a "bulls eye" on Grayson's back because of the comments he's made while in Office and the actions taken. This is an extremely interesting interview everyone should hear...

2- Robert Lowry, Businessman and Congressional Candidate in FL District 20 running in a 4 way GOP Primary for the right to challenge incumbent Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz dubbed "The Wicked Witch Of Southeast Florida" in a 2-1 Democrat registered voter district who has been given "little to no chance" of beating the incumbent. This interview is 'interesting' to say the least...

3- Then we speak with Steve Rosenblum, Candidate in District 89 for the FL. Legislature seat, who describes himself as a "Conservative, Common Sense Candidate" with better ideas for the future of all Floridians. Tune in and find out...

Of course we have the latest FOX News and another "Earl Pitts -Redneck" and Candid Conservative segment on today's "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" before we turn off the mike and turn off the lights in the studio...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Special thanks to the more than 7,500 people who get our daily Podcast...

Become a FAN or supporter of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Hr 3 Weekend Syndicated Radio Show For May 8th...

The Captain's AMERICA Hr 3 Weekend Syndicated Radio Show For May 8th...

By Matt Bruce | 05/09/10 | 04:36 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show Hr 3 Nationally Syndicated Radio Show For May 8th....

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Welcome back to hour 3 of the nationally syndicated "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard across America and around the World on the Internet...

Our Hr 3 Guest List looks like this:

1- Henry Raines, Tampa Talk Show Host, who fills us in on the political contributions given to BP, Political Candidates, Both Political Parties and even free perks for Government Agencies who regulate their Offshore Oil Drilling Industry...

2- Kyle Warren, 'The Professor of Politics', joins us next with his questions about the Gulf Oil disaster and what has previously been done off the coast of California during the Santa Barbara oil spill. Kyle also addresses the NYC car bomber and his connections linked back to both Al-Qaida and the Taliban in Pakistan where he reportedly received training...

3- Our Entertainment 'Guru' Shannon Rose is next talking about Ironman II, the movie and more as he keeps up with the entertainment news throughout the area and across the Country...

4- We finish up with Wounded Warrior and current strength and conditioning Coach for the Military All-Stars Baseball team, USMC SSG Justin Brown. SSG Brown fills us in on the team's trip from San Diego to El Paso, TX to play in a special game against an El Paso Minor League team benefiting a fallen Border Patrol Agent. Take some time and check out ...

Thanks for tuning in and may GOD continue to bless the USA and all those who defend, protect and serve her keeping all of us FREE & SAFE...

'The Captain'

Special thanks to the more than 7,500 listeners who get this Podcast...

Become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...