The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For May 17th - TEA Party News, ShelterBoxUSA & More...
Hi everybody and to start the week off we've got some up to date TEA Party News as well as the latest about the Voter discontent across America and a very interesting segment about Shelter Box USA with all those green boxes you've seen get distributed around the World during disasters...
Our guests include:
1- Chrissy Prazares, 13 Patriots.com, who talks about her group and the plans for the July 3rd Sarasota Bay front TEA Party. Chrissy also speaks about the huge Goldman Sachs $15 Trillion cover up involving a Group that now Pres. Barack Obama sat on the board of which also has some of Obama's top advisers being on...
2- Gene Sweeney, Salt Of The Earth USA, drops by to talk about politicians who don't excuse themselves from Real estate deals that wind up making them or relatives to them lots of money. Gene also gets into the mood of the Country as the TEA Party has played a major role thus far in what's being seen in all the Primaries and Special Elections across America...
3- Our final guest today is Beverly Hill, SRT member from Shelter Box USA.org, who informs the audience what those green boxes seen in Haiti and elsewhere are all about. Beverly tells us how Shelter Box was started, the goals, volunteering and funding for Shelter Box is all done. This is an extremely interesting segment and one everyone should pay close attention to...
We also have the latest FOX News for you as well as our old pal "Earl Pitts - Uhmerikan" who'll have you laughing with another one of his Redneck skits...
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God Bless America!
'The Captain'
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