Saturday, July 31, 2010

July 31, 2010 - Hr 1, The Captain's AMERICA Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show Hr 1 Nationally Syndicated Radio Show For July 31st...

July 31, 2010 - Hr 1, The Captain's AMERICA Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show...

Welcome to the first hour of the 3 hour weekend nationally syndicated "The Captain's AMERICA Show," now playing across America and around the World on our 114 Independent Radio Station Network, on Satellite, Shortwave and being played on over a dozen Internet websites...

We're locked and loaded for another great fact filled hour of discussion our OLD stream media doesn't want you to know about!

Our guest list looks like this:

1- Frank Salvato, Managing Editor of the New Media Journal and Basics, hits the ground running about the Charlie Rangel ethics charges with another prominent Democrat, Maxine Waters, also on the hook for pending ethics charges as the Democrats run for cover. Frank points out the political mood of the Country this year shows a HUGE swing back to American core conservative values is headed our way November 2nd, 2010 at the polls. You'll also hear a candid discussion about the AZ Immigration Law and the Judge's ruling, because it wasn't a total loss for AZ...

2- Fritz Wenzel is next with his 'Fritz Poll' and all the latest going on across America and in Florida which continues to show a clear and definite pattern of CHANGE head back to America as more and more Independents and Moderates move away from the Democrats and the balance of power in our Nation's Capitol as well as across America in State Houses and State Legislatures is sure to change based on what the continued polling data continues to show us. The TEA Party movement IS having a solid influence on American politics...

3- Chris Markowski, 'The Watchdog On Wall Street', fills us in on all the latest Business and Financial news as only Chris can. Things aren't getting much better and the Housing and Mortgage crisis continues with homes that are selling going for much LESS than what was hoped for. Chris also gives his opinion of corruption in American politics and what he thinks is going to happen during the mid term elections...

4- Kyle Warren, 'The Professor of Politics', joins us next from Yellowstone Park West in Montana where he's checking out the Grizzly Bears on a trip in the family truckster. Kyle has PLENTY to say about Pres. Barack Obama's appearance with the ladies of 'The View'. The BIG question is was Obama lying to the ladies and the Ameerican people with the answers he gave to the questions asked. 'The Professor of Politics' knows! Tune in and get informed...

That winds up our first hour of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" with 2 more great hours of discussion and information about things you won't hear our OLD stream media talking about...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

More STIMULATING Talk At Your Home Of Common Sense...

Special thanks to the 7,900+ listeners getting this Podcast...

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Friday, July 30, 2010

July 30, 2010 - The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For July 30th - Wayne Allyn Root, Army Spec Walt Smith, Sally Tibbetts & MORE...

July 30, 2010 - The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show...

T.G.I.F and welcome to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" as we blast off into the weekend...

Our first guest is Wayne Allyn Root, former Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate in 2008, who has plenty to say about this week's AZ Immigration Law ruling which wasn't a total defeat for the State of AZ. In fact what was left standing was a ban on "sanctuary cities" in AZ along with it being illegal to hire any day or other workers who can't prove they're in AZ legally. Wayne and 'The Captain' also talk about the proposed Mosque to be built close by the Ground Zero World Trade Center site...

Then we speak with a Sarasota, FL. Army Specialist Walter Smith who is in the "Best Warrior Competition" the Army is having. Specialist Smith has had 8 years in the Army and has recently been promoted. He is a Watercraft Operator with the 824th Transportation Company base in Tampa, FL...

You'll hear the latest FOX News next before we bring on Sally Tibbetts. FL-13 Congressional District Director for Congressman Vern Buchanan. Sally talks about the recent AZ Court decision, what happens after Dec. 31st if Congress doesn't act, Arlington Cemetery, Wares Creek and a recap of last week's "America Speaking Out" Town Hall meeting...

Frank Salvato, Managing Editor of the New Media Journal, drops by for a very accurate and candid "Frankly Speaking" segment before we go out with the 'Obama National Anthem' to give our progressive left liberal listeners something good to feel about in the wake of more discouraging downward trends and further demise of their beloved Democratic Party...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the 7,900+ listeners getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN or FOLLOWER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

July 29, 2010 - The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For July 29th - Henry Raines, Ilana Freedman, Dr. Rich Swier, Stuart Vener & MORE...

July 29, 2010 - The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show...

Welcome to the Thursday edition of "The captain's AMERICA Radio Show," the home of more STIMULATING talk where you'll get common sense...

Our guest list looks like this:

1- Henry Raines, Tampa Talk Show Host, who gives his understanding of the AZ Immigration Law decision made by a Federal Judge. Henry also talks about the financial and political implications given the fact that the majority of America supports the AZ Immigration Bill and more State's have versions of the same law in the works for their States...

2- Ilana Freedman, Senior Intel Analyst from the Gerard Group, gives her take on Pakistan and how their ISI Agency is actually using money given to Pakistan by the USA to fight the Taliban and Al-Qaida and is using it to fund those same groups as they work directly with them including 'face to face' meetings according to recent security documents and opinions of those in the Intel Industry. Ilana also has plenty to say about Hezbullah working with the Mexican Drug cartels assisting them to become better as terrorists. The evidence is overwhelming that Venezuela is also helping the Zetas, MS 13 and Sonalea cartel drug gangs...

3- Dr. Rich Swier, Editor of Red County Sarasota and a 23 year Army Veteran, talks about why he supports reinstating the Draft, an idea that embattled NY.Cong. Charlie Rangel wants to see implicated again. Rich also talks about an article he recently wrote about how Firefighters, under the direct control of BP, may have inadvertently helped cause the collapse and sinking of the Deepwater Horizon floating drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico. 'The Captain' points out once again that the incident protocol plan that was in place at the time was NOT followed and agrees that trying to drown the fire wasn't the best approach and foam should have been used instead to put the fire out...

4- Stuart Vener, Reality, talks about the Home Mortgage and Foreclosure crisis which is going through round 2 this summer. Stuart has developed a means whereby people can remain in their homes for another 6 months or more while they save money and reorganize to move on with their lives and away from the Home Mortgage. This is an idea whose time has come and it will help thousands of people without ruining their credit or their future ability to own another home...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show." Tell your friends to tune in and see what they've been missing in the World they live in every day...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the 7,900+ listeners getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN or FOLLOWER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July 28, 2010 - The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For July 28th - Jim Kouri-Examiner Columnist, John LeBoutillier-Political Pundit, Chalice from Patriots Heart Network, Earl Pitts & MORE...

July 28, 2010 - The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show...

Welcome to 'hump day' here on "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show," your home of COMMON SENSE and more STIMULATING talk...

Our first guest today, Jim Kouri, is the current 5th Executive Vice President of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, a former NYC Housing Authority Police Chief and current Law Enforcement Reporter for Jim does a good job explaining what deep 'do do' NYC Rep. Charlie Rangel has gotten himself into along with other Law Enforcement issues including action along the Southern US Border with Mexico...

Time next for our resident National Political Pundit John LeBoutillier, Boots Blasts Blog and former 6th District NY Congressman, who has plenty to say about what the TEA Party is standing tall and growing in strength as November's mid-term elections get closer. The Democrats have lost more ground and Pres. Barack Obama has lost his moderate core supporters that got him elected to begin with. We are now officially being governed by the WORST President in modern history, Barack Hussein Obama...

We add the latest FOX News to your busy day so you can stay in touch with what's going on in the World around you...

Then it's time for the lovely 'Chalice' from Patriots Heart Network who drops by to keep us informed about her lawsuit against the Illinois Board of Elections regarding the "eligibility" of candidates to run for elected office. Currently there are NO rules in place unless a candidate is 'challenged' about his or her qualification to run for the office they are seeking. 'Chalice' also talks at length about the TEA Party movement and what she's hearing from her Patriots Heart Group...

Of course there's some 'Earl Pitts - Redneck' also a Candid Conservative Minute and then for the Progressive Left Liberals tuning in we feature their favorite parody, "The Obama National Anthem," so they at least have something to feel good about when it comes to their hero and leader, Barack Hussein Obama...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show," your home of COMMON SENSE and where you'll hear more STIMULATING talk with national and international news maker guests...

God Bless AMERICA!

'The Captain'

Special thanks to the 7,900+ listeners getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN or FOLLOWER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 27, 2010 - The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For July 27th - LIVE call from Iraq, Frank Salvato, Ryan Mauro & MORE...

July 27, 2010 - The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show...

Hello everybody and welcome to another "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" broadcast for our 1 hour weekday noontime radio show heard 12 noon to 1 PM ET across America and around the World...

Our guest list looks like this:

1- Frank Salvato, Managing Editor of the New Media Journal, and he hits the ground running with the ground shattering news that Britain is moving AWAY from their Socialized Medicine and putting it back in the hands of the Independent Medical Doctor's who know best how to administer Britain's Healthcare program. Frank also addresses the numerous political issues across the Country starting with NY. Cong. Charlie Rengle and his Ethics violation charges which will come back to haunt the Democratic Party this November...

2- Another LIVE call from Joint Base Balad in Iraq from Iowa National Guard SFC JD Phippen who is a broadcast journalist. SFC Phippen lets us know what it's like travelling around Iraq with the various Units as he gets the first hand scoop right from the source and then reports it so the Military and Civilians back home in the USA know what's going on. We are honored to have SFC JD Phippen as our guest this week and special thanks goes to the DOD for allowing us to work with them as we tell the story of the American fighting men and women serving in harms way helping to keep us FREE & SAFE...

The latest FOX News keeps you informed before we go to our next informative guest, Ryan Mauro from World, who fills us in on National Security threats stemming from the Wikileaks security breach and how it wasn't just 1 lone soldier but many who helped to leak the military intelligence reports that have now hit the internet. Ryan also talks about how these leaks could very well 'backfire' on those doing the leaking...

We finish today's "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" with another hilarious 'Earl Pitts - Redneck' episode and a Candid Conservative minute before we give the Progressive Left Liberal listeners a chance to feel good about themselves with the playing of the "Obama National Anthem"...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show," you'll be glad you did...

'The Captain'

Thanks to the 7,900+ listeners getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN or FOLLOWER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

The Fundamental Transformation Of America...

Matt Bruce - Nationally Syndicated Columnist & Talk Radio Host...

The Fundamental Transformation of America...


When Obama wrote a book and said he was mentored as a youth by Frank, (Frank Marshall Davis) an avowed Communist, people said it didn't matter.

When it was discovered that his grandparents, were strong Socialists, sent Obama's mother to a Socialist school, introduced Frank Marshall Davis to young Obama, people said it didn't matter.

When people found out that he was enrolled as a Muslim child in school and his father and step father were both Muslims, people said it didn't matter.

When he wrote in another book he authored “I will stand with them (Muslims) should the political winds shift in an ugly direction" regarding the Palestinian issue, people said it didn't matter.

When he admittedly, in his book, said he chose Marxist friends and professors in college, people said it didn't matter.

When he traveled to Pakistan after college on an unknown national passport, people said it didn't matter.

When he sought the endorsement of the Marxist Party in 1996 as he ran for the Illinois Senate, people said it doesn't matter.

When he sat in a Chicago Church for twenty years and listened to a preacher spew hatred for America and preach Black Liberation Theology, people said it didn't matter.

When an independent Washington organization, that tracks senate voting records, gave him the distinctive title as the "most liberal senator", people said it didn't matter.

When the Palestinians in Gaza, set up a fundraising telethon to raise money for his election campaign, people said it didn't matter.

When his voting record supported gun control, people said it didn't matter.

When he refused to disclose who donated money to his election campaign, as other candidates had done, people said it didn't matter.

When he received endorsements from people like Louis Farrakhan, Mummar Muammar Kaddafi and Hugo Chavez, people said it didn't matter.

When it was pointed out that he was a total, newcomer and had absolutely no experience at anything except community organizing, people said it didn't matter.

When he chose friends and acquaintances such as Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn who were revolutionary radicals, people said it didn't matter.

When his voting record in the Illinois senate and in the U.S. Senate came into question, people said it didn't matter.

When he refused to wear a flag, lapel pin and did so only after a public outcry, people said it didn't matter.

When people started treating him as a Messiah and children in schools were taught to sing his praises, people said it didn't matter.

When he stood with his hands over his groin area for the playing of the National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance, people said it didn't matter.

When he surrounded himself in the White house with advisors who were pro gun control, pro abortion, pro homosexual marriage, anti-capitalism, anti-free markets, pro-government control over everything and wanting to curtail freedom of speech to silence the opposition, people said it didn't matter.

When he aired his views on abortion, homosexuality and a host of other issues, people said it didn't matter.

When he said he favors sex education in Kindergarten, including homosexual indoctrination, people said it didn't matter.

When his background was either scrubbed or hidden and nothing could be found about him, people said it didn't matter.

When his first act as President, literally within 5 minutes of taking office, he signed executive order #13489 that sealed his own records, people said it didn’t matter.

When the place of his birth was called into question, and he refused to produce a birth certificate, and continues to spend millions in court to keep the material sealed, people said it didn't matter.

When he had an association in Chicago with Tony Rezko, a man of questionable character, who is now in prison and had helped Obama to a sweet deal on the purchase of his home, people said it didn't matter.

When it became known that George Soros, a multi-billionaire Marxist, spent a ton of money to get him elected, people said it didn't matter.

When he started appointing czars that were radicals, revolutionaries, and even avowed Marxists and Communists, people said it didn't matter.

When he stood before the nation and told us that his intentions were to "fundamentally transform this nation" into something else, people said it didn't matter.

When it became known that he had trained ACORN workers in Chicago and served as an attorney for ACORN, people said it didn't matter.

When he appointed a cabinet members and several advisors who were tax cheats and Socialist, people said it didn't matter.

When he appointed a science czar, John Holdren, who believes in forced abortions, mass sterilizations and seizing babies from teen mothers, people said it didn't matter.

When he appointed Cass Sunstein as regulatory czar and he believes in "Explicit Consent", harvesting human organs without family consent, and to allow animals to be represented in court, while banning all hunting, people said it didn't matter.

When he appointed Kevin Jennings, an overt homosexual, and organizer of a group called gay, lesbian, straight, education network, as safe school czar and it became known that he had a history of bad advice to teenagers, people said it didn't matter.

When he appointed Mark Lloyd as diversity czar and he believed in curtailing free speech, taking from one and giving to another to spread the wealth and admires Hugo Chavez, people said it didn't matter.

When Valerie Jarrett was selected as Obama's senior White House advisor and she is an avowed Socialist, people said it didn't matter.

When Anita Dunn, White House Communications director said Mao Tse-Tung was her favorite philosopher and the person she turned to most for inspiration, people said it didn't matter.

When he appointed Carol Browner as global warming czar, and she is a well known socialist working on 'Cap and Trade' as the nation’s largest tax hike in history, people said it doesn't matter.

When he appointed Van Jones, an ex-con and avowed Communist as green energy czar, who since had to resign when this was made known, people said it didn't matter.

When Tom Daschle, Obama's pick for health and human services secretary could not be confirmed, because he was a tax cheat, people said it didn't matter.

When as president of the United States, he bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia, people said it didn't matter.

When he traveled around the world criticizing America and never once talking of her greatness, people said it didn't matter.

When his actions concerning the middle-east seemed to support the Palestinians over Israel, our long time friend, people said it doesn't matter.

When he took American tax dollars to resettle thousands of Palestinians from Gaza to the United States , people said it doesn't matter.

When he upset our European allies by removing plans for a missile defense system against the Russians, people said it doesn't matter.

When he played politics in Afghanistan by not sending troops the Field Commanders said we had to have to win, people said it didn't matter.

When he started spending us into a debt that was so big we could not pay it off, people said it didn't matter.

When he took a huge spending bill under the guise of stimulus and used it to pay off organizations, unions and individuals that got him elected, people said it didn't matter.

When he forced the takeover of insurance companies, car companies, banks, etc, people said it didn't matter.

When he took away student loans from the banks and put it through the government, people said it didn't matter.

When he designed plans to take over the health care system and put it under government control, people said it didn't matter.

When he set into motion a plan to take over the control of all energy resources in the United States through Cap and Trade, people said it didn't matter.

When he announced he was returning the masterminds of 9/11 to New York City to stand trial as ordinary criminals -- not war criminals -- and thus allow them the benefits from our system of jurisprudence, the mainstream media loved it and the people said it didn't matter.(Oh really? Go ask an FDNY FF, NYPD Cop, NY EMS, NY Port Authority Cop or Transit Worker, or a 9/11 Families member who was at the World Trade Center 9/11/2001 and see if it matters.)

When he finally completed his transformation of America into a Socialist State, people finally woke up, but it was too late.

Any one of these things, in and of themselves does not really matter. But when you add them up one by one you get a phenomenal score that points to the fact that our Obama is determined to make America over into a Marxist/Socialist society. All of the items in the preceding paragraphs have been put into place. All can be documented very easily. Before you disavow this, do an internet search. The last paragraph alone is not yet cast in stone. You and I will write that paragraph. Will it read as above or will it be a more happy ending for most of America ? Personally, I like happy endings.

If you are an Obama Supporter, please recognize that you have elected a president who is a 'socialist'. There is simply no debate about these facts. But you need to seek the truth; you will be richer for it. Don't just belittle the opposition. Search for the truth. I did. Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Constitutionalist, Libertarians and what have you, we all need to pull together. We all must pull together or watch the demise of a society that we all love and cherish. If you are a religious person, pray for our nation.

Never before in the history of America have we been confronted with problems so huge that the very existence of our country is in jeopardy. Don't rely on most television news and what you read in the newspapers for the truth. Search the internet. Yes, there is a lot of bad information, lies and distortions there as well, but you are smart enough to spot the fallacies. Newspapers are a dying breed. They are currently seeking a bailout from the government. Do you really think they are about to print the truth? Obama praises all the television news networks except Fox who he is currently waging an open war against. There must be a reason. He does not call them down on any specifics, and he has failed to refute any facts presented – because it is all true. If they lie, he should call them out on it but he doesn't. Please, find the truth, it will set you free.

Our biggest enemy is not China, Russia or Iran; no, our biggest enemy is the current contingent of politicians in Washington DC led by the Progressive Left Liberals who support the previously mentioned things.

Is it any wonder why America is in the shape its in today???

Wake Up America! There's still time in 2010 to take back America and send a message LOUD and CLEAR to those who think "it doesn't matter."

I happen to think "it does matter."

God Bless America!



Matt Bruce

Host Of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

More STIMULATING Talk At Your Home Of Common Sense...

American Conservative Independent Reagan Thinking TEA Party Patriot...

Special thanks to the more than 7,900 listeners who get our Podcast daily...
Radio Voice Of The American TEA Party Movement On The Gulf Coast Of Florida...
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"We the PEOPLE are coming to the Voting Booth on November 2nd, 2010 to take back America!"...
God Bless America & All Those Who Defend, Protect & Serve America Keeping All of Us FREE & SAFE While They Risk Their Lives For Us...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Monday, July 26, 2010

July 26, 2010 - The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show with FL Tea Party Leaders...

"The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For July 26th - TEA Party Leaders from across FL featured today...

July 26, 2010 - The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show with FL Tea Party Leaders...

Welcome to the start of another busy week as the task at hand is coming down to '100' days to go until November 2nd, 2010 the day WE the PEOPLE take back America from the Progressive Left Agenda that's taking our Country into a place the MAJORITY of us don't want to go...

Our guest list for today looks like this:

1- Chrissy Prazares, 13, who talks about her groups new billboard up for all to see on Cortez Road West of 62nd Avenue in Bradenton, FL. Chrissy and her group have been very busy waving signs reminding people of the economic and political disaster we continue to face with the Progressive Left in charge of our Country...

2- Then we speak with Paula Scharff, President of the Punta Gorda TEA Party, which was one of the first 34 members of the TEA Party Coalition when their Founder, Robin Stublen, met with others in February of 2009 to get things off and running. Paula talks about what her TEA Party group is doing and has planned for October 2nd, "30 Days BeFore Real Change Comes To America," as well as the latest events her group has had...

FOX News is next to keep you informed of the current events of the day before we move on...

3- Tom Garland, TEA Party Manatee, drops in next to talk about their group's concern with the proposed Manatee County School tax hike even though teachers and school employees received a $2.6 million pay hike earlier this year. Tom also talks about an upcoming State Candidate Forum his TEA Party group is sponsoring on August 7th where I will proudly be serving as the event moderator...

Of course we've got 'Earl Pitts' and another Candid Conservative Minute before we give our Progressive Left friends a moment of 'glory' as they listen to the Obama National Anthem...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener to "The Captain's AMERICA" radio show and please tell your friends...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the 7,900+ listeners getting this podocast...

Become a FAN or FOLLOWER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

Sunday, July 25, 2010

July 25, 2010 - Hr 3, The Captain's AMERICA Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show...

"The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show Hr 3 Nationally Syndicated Radio Show For July 24th...

July 25, 2010 - Hr 3, The Captain's AMERICA Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show...

Wow! If you thought the first 2 hours of this weekend's nationally syndicated "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" were good, just wait until you hear hour 3!

Here's our hour 3 guest list:

1- Henry Raines, Tampa Talk Radio Host, who is a Progressive Liberal Moderate himself but is beginning to sound more and more like a Conservative as even he finds himself 'fed up' with Barack Obama and the Democrats 'hope and change' he got which wasn't what he expected...

2- Kevin 'Coach Collins' from the Collins and Coach Is who talks about how Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently illegally allowed the "Congressional Watchers" from Guam, The Marshall Islands and Puerto Rico the ability to vote on something they couldn't vote on to defeat a measure from being brought to the Congressional floor. Where's the outrage? The Coach also has plenty to say and the Gallup Poll and their incorrect data which was recently discovered by the media...

3- Ryan Mauro from World has plenty to inform us of regarding the situation still going on in Iran between those who seek Democracy and the current regime in power. You'll also hear how Turkey has helped Syriua by using unmanned drones to 'hunt down' Kurds who have infiltrated their Borders and more coming from Afghanistan about the alliance that probably won't hold much longer because of Pakaistan continuing to allow Al-Qaida and the Taliban to operate from inside their Country...

4- We finish up with some very interesting economic and financial survival news from Bill Glynn of Billy You'll want to hear these common sense ideas that could keep you out of the financial crunch most Americans are now feeling...

That's a wrap on this weekend's 3 hour nationally syndicated "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" and we hope you tell all your friends and tune in LIVE weekday's from 12 noon to 1 PM ET to hear our weekday radio show heard across America and around the World on the AM-FM radio, Internet, Satellite and Shortwave Radio...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to more than 7,900+ people now getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN or FOLLOWER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

America Speaking Out Town Hall...

America Speaking Out Town Hall


Today I was in attendance for something new called “America Speaking Out” at a Town Hall held by FL-13 2 term Congressman Vern Buchanan at the Sarasota County Commission Building in Sarasota, FL.

This was different because the people present were asked to make any suggestions they had for helping America move forward.

I was sitting amongst Democrats, Independents, Republicans and others who got their chance and they had plenty to say.

It’s obvious of the anger and disgust that Americans have right now towards Washington, DC and what’s transpired since Barack Obama and the Democratic Party took control.

Nobody in attendance had much of anything good to say about where our Country is at right now at this point in history.

I was keeping track of the topics being discussed and it was a tossup between Earmarks-Entitlements-Pork and Immigration that set the tone for the Town Hall.

People also spoke about Taxes, Healthcare, the Economy and Jobs, Tort Reform, Government Waste and the massive Federal Deficit and Debt that most present felt could never be paid off in their lifetimes.

Previously Congressman Buchanan had held 19 Town Hall Meetings where he guided the agenda and questions were allowed to be asked. This time around it was the people who were making suggestions and asking questions.

Here were some of the ideas offered:

1- Encouraging people to buy “U.S. Savings Bonds,” just like in World War II…

2- Putting our own unemployed American citizens and Veterans back to work first…

3- Putting back the Investment Tax Credit for Small Business so it can grow again…

4- Doing something to stop the $14 Trillion Deficit. Perhaps a 10% cut across the board…

5- Encouraging and starting a “Buy American” program…

The people present as I mentioned earlier were from all sides of the aisle and different political persuasions but the passion their shared about the concern they all had for the direction they see America going in was obvious.

From where I was sitting I firmly believe there is going to be a real ‘house cleaning’ in Washington, DC come November 2nd, 2010 when the Mid-Term elections are held across America.

The people are disgusted and they are mad and they’re not going to take it anymore. I know that sounds like the slogan you’ve heard in the newspaper, radio and tv ads but it’s also the sentiment that was displayed today at the “America Speaking Out” Town Hall held by FL-13 Congressman Vern Buchanan…

Matt Bruce

Managing Editor News

Manatee County Buzz Contibutor

July 24, 2010 - Hr 2, The Captain's AMERICA Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show Hr 2 Nationally Syndicated Radio Show For July 24th...

July 24, 2010 - Hr 2, The Captain's AMERICA Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show...

Welcome back to hour 2 of this weekend's nationally syndicated "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard on AM-FM radio, Internet, Satellite and Shortwave radio across America and around the World...

Our hour 2 guest list looks like this:

1- Greg Allen, Co Host of 'The Loftus Report', who talks about NY Cong. Charlie Rangel's House Ethics Violations, Adult/Embryonic stem cell research and where that stands up until now, Rashid Khaladi and his connection to Barack Obama and his new "Audacity of Hope" ship that he wants to use to run the Israeli Blockade with and what Muslims really mean when they say they want to build a Mosque at Ground Zero...

2- Kevin 'Coach' Collins, from 'The Collins Report', talk's about the Obama Administration's 1099 scheme which will wind up choking the IRS in a glut of paperwork, Nancy Pelosi saying "damn the constitution" and illegally using House "Observers" to beat an anti-moratorium act, plus the Gallup Poll caught lying about the generic ballot trend as well as the possibility of a Congressional Office getting involved in NYC in faking some US Census forms...

3- Ryan Mauro, World Founder, gives all the latest details on the Iranian situation in country where we're hearing reports of gas lines because of sanctions against Iran. Then how Afghanistan is not an easy place to form alliances plus more involvement in the Gaza Strip and Syria with unmanned drones being used by Syria to hunt down their enemies...

4- Bill Glynn from Billy drops by to talk about his 2 step plan to help America and the economy right away. Bill has also written a new book that has many helpful tips for people to survive these tough economic times we face...

Get IN the know and find out what you've been missing right here on "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

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July 24, 2010 - Hr 1, The Captain's AMERICA Nationally Syndicated Weekend Radio Show...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show Hr 1 Nationally Syndicated Radio Show For July 24th...

July 24, 2010 - Hr 1, The Captain's AMERICA Nationally Syndicated Weekend Radio Show...

Welcome everybody to hour 1 of the weekend nationally syndicated "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard across America and around the World on AM-FM radio, Internet, Satellite and Shortwave radio...

We have an info packed 3 hour show today for you and our first hour guest list looks like this:

1- Frank Salvato, Managing Editor of the New Media Journal and Basics Project, who has plenty to say about the massive Financial Reform Bill which has racial quotas hidden in it with the establishment of a new "Office of Minority and Women Inclusion" in it at what cost to the taxpayers creating yet another bureaucracy Frank also addresses the 173 sweetheart deals we know about that helped bring down Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae which involved numerous members of Congress and the Government...

2- Fritz Wenzel, The Fritz Poll, joins us next to an accurate account of the polling data both across America and in Florida. What you'll hear is amazing because it shows the continued free fall downward of the Obama Administration and the Democrats controlling Congress. And when it comes to job approval it's worse now than anyone previously thought...

3- Chris Markowski, The Watchdog on Wall Street, joins us next to render his thoughts on the Financial Reform Bill as well as the economy in general. Where are the jobs? It IS all about the economy and nothing that's been tried 'yet' by the Dems in Congress, the Senate or the Obama Administration has worked...

4- Kyle Warren, The Professor of Politics, calls in next from California which has now been surpassed by Illinois as having the worst economy and unemployment rising to above 11% while Illinois goes further into the depth of financial bankruptcy. Just WHO got their start in IL politics and now sits in the White House? Imagine that...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show." You can subscribe to the daily podcast for FREE, also become a member of our Facebook or Google Group for FREE and become part of the SOLUTION for America and not remain the 'problem'...

We will also be announcing something NEW for America called "It's My Job" which will be a place where employees of Companies can come and make suggestions to help their Companies and the Government out in these hard economic times...

We WILL take ALL of the suggestions and forward them on to the appropriate Company or Government Agency or Congressman for their consideration...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the 7,900+ listeners now getting this Podcast...

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Friday, July 23, 2010

July 23, 2010 - The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For July 23rd...

July 23, 2010 - The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show...

Hello everybody and T.G.I.F.!

We have Libertarian Wayne Allyn Root on to start of this Friday broadcast as he points out that he was in the same graduating class at Columbia University in 1983 as Barack Obama but he never saw or spoke to him. Wayne admits this is very strange and you can draw whatever conclusions you want from this since he knew just about all of his Classmates especially those in the Law School there he attended...

Actor Director Producer and Filmmaker John Kozmas is up next talking about s new project he has regarding health issues and one man's fight to lose 160 lbs. so he can have his quality of life back again...

Brigitte Gabriel from ACT for America and Veteran Defenders joins us next talking about her new joint venture with retired Army Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely called "Veteran Defenders." All Veterans are encouraged to take a look at this new group founded to help out during any National Emergency with people who already have extensive training and can be of immediate help because of it during a disaster or emergency...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the 7,800+ listeners who receive this podcast...

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

July 22, 2010 - The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show...

"The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For July 22nd - Henry Raines-Tampa Radio
Host, Chalice-Patriots Heart Network, Gene Sweeney-Natl TEA Party News
& MORE..."

July 22, 2010 - The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show...

Today's show will really get to the heart of the matter when it comes to the latest TEA Party News and more...

Henry Raines, Tampa Talk Radio Host, joins us to begin with talking about the passage of the Financial Bill which actually contains a 'Racial Quota' provision in Section 342 of the Bill which calls for an "Office of Minority and Women Inclusion" to be established in each of the 29 Federal Bureaus and Offices. Talk about more BUREAUCRACY! Henry also talks about how the Obama Administration is running SCARED as was evidenced by the recent USDA firing then rehiring of an employee who was accused falsely of making racial comments which were not taken totally in context when reported by FOX News and others like The Breitbart Report...

Time next for some more discussion with 'Chalice' from the Patriots Heart Network regarding her eligibility lawsuit with the Board of Elections in IL. You'll want to pay close attention to this because it's way past time to change eligibility laws when it comes to candidates running for elected office...

Add the latest FOX News before we speak with Gene Sweeney, one of the original '34' TEA Party Coalition Members who started the ball rolling in a meeting held February 2009. Gene has plenty to say regarding the latest news from TEA Party Groups across America and will be heard every week telling us what the TEA Party groups are doing including reporting on the newly formed Congressional TEA Party Caucus...

Of course the day wouldn't be complete without another 'Earl Pitts- Redneck' episode which always leaves you roaring for more. Our 'Candid Conservative' drops by for another minute before we make sure our Progressive Left Liberal Pals get a chance to listen to the 'Obama National Anthem' so they have something to feel good about since all the lastest polling news continues to show the Democrats and Barack Obama in a political free fall downward...

get IN the know and become a regular listener to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" and make sure you tell all your friends!

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the 7,800+ listeners who get this Podcast...

Become a FAN or FOLLOWER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

July 21, 2010 - The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show - FL Atty Gen Candidate Holly Benson & MORE...

"TheCaptain's AMERICA Radio Show For July 21st...">The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For July 21st...

July 21, 2010 - The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show - FL Atty Gen Candidate Holly Benson & MORE..

Well if you want information about everything from Firefighters News to Politics and Economic News plus a whole lot MORE, this is the place to be today!

We start out speaking with FL GOP Attorney General Candidate Holly Benson who calls us from Pensacola and she lets us know why she's running for FL Atty General and what she expects to do if she's elected to be our next Atty General. Holly has some very interesting idea's you'll want to hear from a former 3 term FL State Legislator with a legal background...

Then we speak with IAFF 2546 President Merve Kennel who brings his concerns and those of the IAFF Membership about staff reductions with the Sarasota County Fire Dept. reducing engine crews on what was a previously agreed upon plan of 3 to 2 and reducing Truck crews from 2 to 1 which creates a very serious problem in the event of a major fire or disaster where manpower will become a major problem to the response that's being dealt with. You'll want to listen to this interview and then CALL the members of the Sarasota County Commission and ask how this could be possible...

Ryan Mauro from World has all the latest news regarding Iran and the continuing rift in the Middle East emerging from Turkey as they team with Syria using drones to go after Kurds who have been opponents of Turket for years. Ryan also talks about the problems emerging in Afghanistan as various factions still argue over who controls what and where they control things...

We wrap up today's show with our good friend, 'Chalice', from Patriots Heart Network who talks about a legal challenge to the Board of Election in the State of Illinois over the eligibility of candidates who want to run for office where currently there are NO controls at all. 'Chalice' also speaks about her "Somebody Died For Me" website and the movement in conjunction with Ret. Army Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely's "Stand Up America US" website. 'Chalice' is a very well informed and enlightening guest who has plenty of facts for you to consider...

That's a wrap on today's "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" and we hope you like what we're talking about and informing you of which you will not hear our "Oldstream Media" telling you...

Become a regular and start tuning in to hear "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" either on your local radio affiliate or right here via this podcast or LIVE streaming on the Internet...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the more than 7,800 listeners getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN or FOLLOWER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For July 20th...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For July 20th - Frank Salvato, Jim Kouri, Capt. Marshall Jackson LIVE From Iraq & MORE...
July 20, 2010 10:24 AM PDT
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Hello again everybody and welcome back to another extremely informative edition of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show."

We start out with New Media Journal Managing Editor Frank Salvato also from Basics who has plenty to talk about when it comes to this week in Washington and National politics. Frank talks about the progressive left agenda still very much alive and in place whereby Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid are trying to RAM through things the American people just don't want!

Then we speak with Jim Kouri, National Law Enforcoment Report for, as he talks about AZ and 9 other State's fighting back against the DOJ Lawsuit challenging AZ's new Immigration Law, AZ Sen. John McCain's phony conservatism regarding the Immigration Law being slammed by AZ Cops, Terrorist's Attorney Lynne Stewart re-sentenced to 10 years in Prison, VP Joe Biden's 2008 Presidential Campaign getting fined $200K by the FEC and the Congress failing to pass WMD Legislation which would have only helped with the security of our Country...

Toss in some FOX News to give the latest goings on before we speak LIVE to U.S. Army Capt. Marshall Jackson calling us from Joint Base Balad in Iraq. Capt. Jackson is from Columbus, OH and is the Commanding Officer of the 196th Military Public Affairs Detachment serving his 2nd tour in Iraq. Capt. Jackson talks about the BIG difference between not being shot at or attempting to be blown up every time he ventures somewhere in Iraq in his previous tour to how GOOD it is in Iraq right now...

Then we just have to have some good old 'Earl Pitts - Humor' to make your day happy before we have a Candid Conservative Minute...

Next to keep our Progessive Left Liberal listeners happy and to help us get a good LAUGH, we feature the "Obama National Anthem" and a "Barack News" bit from one of our Media Comrades...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" and tell your friends and neighbors too...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to our 7,800+ listeners who get this Podcast...

Become a FAN or LIKE "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

Monday, July 19, 2010

July 19, 2010 - The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For July 19th - FL 13 Cong Vern Buchanan, Robin Stublen - Hot TEA News, Latest DOD News, Earl Pitts & MORE...
July 19, 2010 - The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show...
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Welcome to the start of another exciting summer week! We have LOTS of great information for you to hear today...

Starting with FL-13 Congressman Vern Buchanan who talks about the recess appointment of a new Medicare Director known for his position on healthcare 'rationing', a new form of Town Hall called "America Speaking Out" coming to the FL-13 District, Cong. Buchanan signing the discharge petition to repeal the Obamacare Health Bill, recent developments in the Gulf Oil Disaster, Jobs & the Economy and the AZ Immigration Law being challenged in Court by the DOJ with the possibility of the same kind of Immigration Law coming to Florida on the horizon...

Then we speak with Robin Stublen, Creator and Editor of a new TEA Party News website called "Hot TEA News." Robin was also the Founder of the Punta Gorda TEA Party who moved on to become the State Director for the Liberty Central Group. You'll want to hear this interview as it contradicts everything you heard the 'Talking Heads' discussing over the weekend...

The latest around the services DOD News is next with all our branches of the Military being represented in today's report from the DOD. We also have another Heroes Segment honoring CW4 Pat Benson who was shot in the leg with his co pilot of a Medivac chopper seriosuly wounded as well and managed to get his chopper out of a hot LZ and fly some 6 miles to a secure FOB with wounded soldiers aboard...

We have a 'Directors Cut' Entertainment Minute before 'Earl Pitts - Redneck' joins us for another hilarious segment!

Of course for the Progressive Left Liberals listening we play the "Obama National Anthem" so they have something to feel good about in lieu of all the latest polling news around the Country showing them on the SHORT end of the polling stick during the Mid-Term elections...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the 7,800+ listeners getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN or FOLLOWER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

July 18, 2010 - Hr 3, The Captain's AMERICA Syndicated Weekend Radio Show...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show Hr 3 Nationally Syndicated Radio Show For July 17th...
July 18, 2010 - Hr 3, The Captain's AMERICA Syndicated Weekend Radio Show...
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Well here we go with hour 3 of this weekend's nationally syndicated "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

What you've heard in the first 2 hours of the radio show will be different in this the 3rd hour and you just might find out something you didn't know about...

Our guest list looks like this -

1- Henry Raines, Tampa Talk Radio Host, who has a different angle on things because of his Progressive Left Moderate background. Henry has some views you might or might not agree with but they're interesting to listen to...

2- Kyle Warren, 'The Professor of Politics', joins us to talk about Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the Governator in California as the problems in the West continue to spread across America. Whether it's the economy, elections, jobs, terrorism or whatever, our 'Professor of Politics' can tell you what's going on and the reason why...

3- Kevin 'Coach' Collins has plenty to say about FL Gov Charlie Crist as he continues to appeal to the moderate wing of the Democratic Party in hopes of getting elected in the fall. 'Coach' also offers his opinion on Atty Gen Eric Holder's DOJ Lawsuit against AZ and why it won't go anywhere because of it being a State's Rights issue. 'Coach' has the ball and hits a homerun you'll have to hear...

4- Brian Darling from the Heritage Foundation sits in next and tells us why the Progressive Left isn't listening to America and how bad it will cost them come November 2nd...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to our more than 7,800 listeners receiving this podcast...

Become a FAN or FOLLOWER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

A Week Of Anxiety In The Gulf Of Mexico...

July 18, 8:06 AM · Matt Bruce - Manatee County Gulf Oil Spill Examiner


One has to wonder and hope the 48 hours turned into 72 hours will bring favorable results for the testing of the new cap put in place by BP to stop that oil leak at 5,300 feet below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico...

In a nail-biting weekend across the Gulf Coast, engineers struggled to make sense of puzzling pressure readings from the bottom of the sea Friday, trying to determine whether BP's capped oil well was holding tight or in danger of springing a new leak...

No immediate leaks were spotted, which was encouraging. But midway through the testing period on the new temporary cap that was bottling up the crude inside the well, the pressure readings were not rising as high as expected, said retired Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen, the government's point man on the crisis...

Allen said two possible reasons were being debated by scientists: The reservoir that is the source of the oil could be running lower than expected three months into the spill. Or there could be an undiscovered leak somewhere down in the well. Allen ordered further study but remained confident...

"This is generally good news," he said. But he cautioned, "We need to be careful not to do any harm or create a situation that cannot be reversed."

He said the testing would go on into the night and through the weekend, at which point BP may decide whether to reopen the cap and allow some oil to spill into the sea again...

"No news is good news, I guess that's how I'd say it," Kent Wells, a BP PLC vice president, said on a conference call two hours after Allen spoke...

Throughout the day, no one was declaring victory — or failure. President Barack Obama cautioned the public "not to get too far ahead of ourselves," warning of the danger of new leaks "that could be even more catastrophic."

Even if the cap passes the test, more uncertainties lie ahead: Where will the oil already spilled go? How long will it take to clean up the coast? What will happen to the region's fishermen? And will life on the Gulf Coast ever be the same again?

The big question is how much of the Gulf of Mexico is now a 'dead zone'? Large schools of fish and the predators that follow them have moved closer to shore with even the largest of the Gulf's creatures, Whale Sharks, spotted much closer to shore than ever before...

BP's newest spill-containment strategy in the Gulf has yielded such encouraging initial results, many are asking why the oil giant didn't hit on this solution earlier in the crisis...

The short answer is that the model of the well cap now in place didn't exist in the earlier stages of the spill saga. But what's more noteworthy than the timing issue is the likelihood that the device owes its origin to the same authority that any homeowner turns to in order to get a leak plugged: a professional plumber...

That, at any rate, is the theory that the Christian Science Monitor's Patrik Jonsson has floated — and the recent sequence of events leading to the plugging of the leak make it seem plausible...

Jonsson reports that six weeks ago, University of California, Berkeley, engineering professor Robert Bea received a late-night call from an anonymous plumber. According to Bea — who had formerly worked as an oil-industry executive before his present gig as an academically backed manager of engineering crises — the "mystery plumber" reached out to him because he had an idea for how to plug BP's busted well in the Gulf. The plumber provided Bea with sketches of a containment cap that upgraded some of the design flaws in the cap the oil company deployed in its unsuccessful bid to plug the leak several weeks ago...

Bea passed the plumber's sketches on to a contact at the Coast Guard and to a panel of experts who were evaluating proposed schemes to repair the leak submitted by the general public. Jonsson writes that when Bea first got a glimpse of the containment cap that has stopped the flow of oil into the Gulf, he noticed striking similarities to the designs dreamed up by the plumber...

"The idea was using the top flange on the blowout preventer as an attachment point and then employing an internal seal against that flange surface," Bea told Jonsson. "You can kind of see how a plumber thinks this way. That's how they have to plumb homes for sewage."

BP spokesman Mark Salt told Jonsson that he presently has "no way of finding out" if the well-capping crew used any of the mystery plumber's ideas. Salt added that there's "a good chance that this was already being designed" when Bea handed over the sketches...

Still, there's one way that BP's containment officials can be sure if they followed the plumber's blueprint: When he submits his three-figure-an-hour bill...

Was it really 'Joe The Plumber' who did this? We'll just have to wait and see who emerges to collect the 'bill'...

So we all watch and wait to see and hear what the test results bring. If this works, Admiral Thad Allen says they'll immediately return to containment of the Gulf oil spill...

Matt Bruce

Manatee County Gulf Oil Spill Examiner

Saturday, July 17, 2010

July 17, 2010 - Hr 2, The Captain's AMERICA Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show Hr 2 Nationally Syndicated Radio Show For July 17th...
July 17, 2010 - Hr 2, The Captain's AMERICA Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show...

Hello and welcome back to hour 2 of the nationally syndicated weekend edition of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show," now heard on 110 radio stations across America and around the World in the Internet and Satellite...

Our hour 2 guest list looks like this:

1- Greg Allen, Co Host of 'The Loftus Report', who wants to talk about the likely Presidential Candidates might be for 2012 from the GOP and some more interesting information on why Hillary Clinton will resign as Secretary of State and run one more time in 2012 against President Barack Obama. Hillary and her supporters see Barack Obama as an incompetent embarrassment who cost them the 2010 Mid-Term elections along with the majority in the Congress...

2- Kyle Warren, 'The Professor Of Politics,' drops by to talk about Sen. Harry Reid's downfall in Nevada along with the latest from California about a neck and neck Governor's race along with plenty of other political news and events going on. The Progressive Left still thinks the TEA Party can't stay together to defeat the 'Wicked Witch of the West' known as Nancy Pelosi and her Chronies. Once again we are hearing "It's ALL about the economy stupid!" only this time it's coming from the GOP...

3- Kevin 'Coach' Collins drop by next to talk about Charlie Crist and how he's going to lose to Marco Rubio in the FL. Senate race where the 'Coach' says Marco will get 53% of the vote. He also has plenty to say about the DOJ suing AZ without considering who supports the AZ Immigration Law and the fact 9 State's joined AZ in standing firm against the Federal Government and Eric Holder...

4- Our next guest is the Heritage Foundation's Brian Darling who has plenty to say about why President Barack Obama and the Democrats continue in a 'free fall' downward which won't change any time soon. Brian comments in all the polling, MOST Americans don't thing the Country is on the right track. He also explains how Immigration issue, Border Security and the Gulf oil disaster is all a show of obvious inexperience, blundering or both by the Obama Administration...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to our more than 7,800 listeners getting this podcast...

Become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Podomatic...

July 17, 2010 - The Captain's AMERICA Hr 1 Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show Hr 1 Nationally Syndicated Radio Show For July 17th...
July 17, 2010 - The Captain's AMERICA Hr 1 Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show...
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Hello and welcome to hour 1 of the nationally syndicated weekend edition of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard across America and around the World...

We welcome all of our Military listeners tuning in from wherever they happen to be serving in the Global War on Terror and thank you for your service to America!

Our hour 1 guest list looks like this:

1- Frank Salvato, Managing Editor of the New Media Journal, who summarizes the Gulf Oil disaster and what those gauges are telling us as everybody waits to see if the cap put on the oil well at 5,300 feet will continue to hold and stop the leaking oil. Frank also talks about recent Federal Trials involving radical civil rights lawyer Lynn Stewart, the Obama-Clinton money bundler Hassan Nemazee and where he thinks the DOJ Lawsuit against AZ will go...

2- Fritz Wenzel, Wenzel National Pollster, fills us in on the continued freefall all across America in every State of the Democrats and President Barack Hussein Obama. People just aren't buying the 'lie' and as we've said before it's not a question of the Democrats losing control of Congress anymore, it's merely by how many seats will they be in the minority...

3- Chris Markowsaki, The Watchdog On Wall Street, stops by to fill us in on where our economy is headed as a recent report of job creating and job saving some 3.6 million jobs appears to be 'fictitious' and Chris tells us why he thinks so. You'll also hear what Chris thinks will happen to our economy and investments until after the November Mid-Term elections...

4- Coach Terry Alvord calls in from San Diego telling us the Military All Stars Baseball Team has been doing while on their 45 State whirlwind tour of America. This past week going to the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, NY and playing in Watertown, NY and Green Bay, WI. The Team has had some recent tragedy with the death of one of their Coaches daughters and we send our condolences along to the Family and the Team...

Of course we have to toss in some 'Earl Pitts - Redneck' humor for you and add a Candid Conservative Minute for good measure...

Get IN the know, tell your friends and become a regular listener to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" growing by leaps and bounds. Become a part of the SOLUTION and don't remain the 'problem' we are faced with in America today...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the 7,800+ listeners who get this Podcast...

Become a FAN or FOLLOWER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

July 15, 2010 - The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For July 15th - Brian Darling-Heritage Foundation, Henry Raines-Tampa Talk Host, Ryan Mauro-World Threats & MORE...

By Matt Bruce | 07/15/10 | 04:06 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For July 15th - Brian Darling-Heritage Foundation, Henry Raines-Talk Host, Ryan Mauro-World Threats Security, Earl Pitts & MORE...

July 15, 2010 - The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show...

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Hello everyone and welcome to another extremely informative and fact finding "The Captain's AMERICA" radio show...

We start out speaking with the Heritage Foundation's Brian Darling who is the Director of the U.S. Senate Group at the Heritage Foundation. We talk about the rapid decline of Pres. Barack Obama and the continued plunges the Democrats are taking at the polls simply because they are not listening to the people and what they're saying. Brian has plenty of facts to back up his assertions about the Dems and the Obama Administartion heading for a whitewashing at the Mid-Term elections...

Then we get a slightly different spin from Henry Raines, Tampa Bay Radio Talk Host, who is less skeptic but still agrees the Democrats and the Progressive Left just don't understand or don't want to get the message being sent to them loud and clear by the American people. Henry brings up some very good economic points that are clear indicators of an emerging SWAMP of the Democrats coming on November 2nd, 2010...

You'll get the latest FOX News next before we speak with World Threats.con Founder Ryan Mauro about the latest National Security News coming out of not only Iran and the Middle East but also Afghanistan. Ryan mentions some details you are clearly NOT hearing our "Old Stream Media" talk about...

Then it's time for some FUN with "Earl Pitts - Redneck" as he'll have you in stitches after his 2 minutes of mayhem and finish for good measure with a Candid Conservative Minute...

Of course for our Progressive Left Liberal listeners we give them their daily "Obama National Anthem" so they can feel good about 'something' with all the BAD news that's been coming out about them and the way their Progressive Left Liberal Pals have been governing or 'ruining' our Country which will STOP after November 2nd, 2010...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the 7,800+ listeners who get this Podcast...

Become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook...

Important IAFF Announcement For Sarasota County Residents Regarding The SCFD...

Important IAFF Announcement For Sarasota County Residents Regarding The SCFD...
By Matt Bruce | 07/15/10 | 03:20 PM EDT | 0 Comments

Press Release - July 15, 2010...

For Immediate Release -

LOCAL 2546
Suncoast Professional Firefighters & Paramedics
740 Commerce Drive,
Suite 1
Venice, Florida 34292
Phone: 941-485-5193
Fax: 941-488-6134

Are you aware that Sarasota County has recently reduced its daily Firefighter staffing on ladder trucks and several Fire Engines from 3 per unit to 2???

For example, Fire Station#1 located in the Downtown serves our High Rise district including Lido Key. This reduction in emergency services staffing levels creates a significant risk to both the citizens and the Firefighters...

In April 2010 the US Dept of Commerce released a study that shows that 4 person Firefighting crews perform tasks 30% faster than 2-person crews. This saves lives and greatly reduces property loss and subsequent Insurance costs and claims...

For too many years Sarasota County subscribed to the minimum staffing levels for Emergency Services. Several years ago that bad practice made a dramatic turn-around with the announcement of an “emergency catch up plan” authored by the Fire Chief and approved by the Board of County Commissioners...

The plan called for the addition of several new Fire Stations added to areas that were underserved, and an increase in staffing on Fire Engines from two per truck to 3 per truck phased in over 10 years...

The plan was supported by the Firefighters and welcomed by the community...

The question remains, “will the County Commission stand by its commitment to the citizens of Sarasota County to achieve safer Firefighting staffing levels on its Fire Trucks?”


Mervin Kennell

Donald “D.J.” Seiler

Philip Vets

Rocco Salvatori
Business Agent


Affiliated with:

Sarasota County
Charlotte County
City of Bradenton
City of North Port
Englewood FCD
City of Venice
Longboat Key
City of Punta Gorda
Southern Manatee
- - - - -

Tune in Monday September 19th at 12 noon ET to hear IAFF 2546 President Merve Kennell speak all about this issue on "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" with host Matt Bruce, Ret. 25 year Fire-Rescue Captain...

An Email I Had To Share...

Dear American Liberals, Leftists, Progressives, Socialists, Marxists,
Anti-Miltary and Obama supporters:

We have stuck together since the late 1950's for the sake of the kids,
but the whole of this latest election process has made me realize that
I want a divorce. I know we tolerated each other for many years for
the sake of future generations, but sadly, this relationship has
clearly run its course...

Our two ideological sides of America cannot and will not ever agree on
what is right for us all, so let's just end it on friendly terms. We
can smile and chalk it up to irreconcilable differences and go our own

For those of you who have recently woken up and realize we are going
backwards and not forward under the Progressive Left Liberal
Democratic agenda, I salute you and thank you for leaving the Leftward
side to the 'Right side'...

Here is my model divorce agreement:

Our two groups can equitably divide up the country by landmass each
taking a similar portion. That will be the difficult part, but I am
sure our two sides can come to a friendly agreement. After that, it
should be relatively easy! Our respective representatives can
effortlessly divide other assets since both sides have such distinct
and disparate tastes...

We don't like redistributive taxes so you can keep them. You are
welcome to the liberal judges and the ACLU. Since you hate guns and
war, we'll take our firearms, the cops, the NRA and the military.
We'll take the nasty, smelly oil industry and you can go with wind,
solar and bio-diesel. You can keep Oprah, Michael Moore and Rosie
O'Donnell. You are, however, responsible for finding a bio-diesel
vehicle big enough to move all three of them...

We'll keep capitalism, greedy corporations, pharmaceutical companies,
Wal-Mart and Wall Street. You can have your beloved lifelong welfare
dwellers, food stamps, homeless, homeboys, hippies, druggies and
illegal aliens. We'll keep
the hot Alaskan hockey moms, greedy CEO's and rednecks. We'll keep
the Bibles and give you NBC and Hollywood...

You can make nice with Iran and Palestine and we'll retain the right
to invade and hammer places that threaten us. You can have the
peaceniks and war protesters. When our allies or our way of life are
under assault, we'll help provide them security...

We'll keep our Judeo-Christian values. You are welcome to Islam,
Scientology, Humanism, political correctness, Shirley McClain and you
can also have the U.N. but we will no longer be paying the bill...

We'll keep the SUV's, pickup trucks and oversized luxury cars. You
can take every Subaru station wagon you can find...

You can give everyone Obamacare if you can find any practicing
doctors. We'll continue to believe healthcare is a luxury and not a
right. We'll keep "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" and "The National
Anthem." I'm sure you'll be happy to substitute "Imagine", "I'd Like
to Teach the World to Sing", "Kum Ba Ya" or "We Are the World" and
that ridiculous version of "The National Anthem" sung at the 2010 MLB
All Star Game in Anaheim...

We'll practice trickle down economics and you can continue to give
trickle up poverty your best shot...

Remember we have proven time and time again that we do know how to
simulate the economy through tax cuts while you only know tax hikes
and spend, spend, spend what you didn't have to begin with so you just
print, print, print more money that you didn't have to begin with...

Since it often so offends you, we'll keep our history, our name and
our flag, you know the one that's red white and blue and our proud
Military history...

So if you would you agree to do this, please then pass it along to
other like-minded liberal and conservative patriots. If you do not
agree, then just hit delete...

In the spirit of friendly parting, I'll bet your answer will still be
debated amongst yourselves 4 years from now and beyond...

God Bless & May God Continue To Help America!


Matt Bruce
Host of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"
Heard LIVE weekday's 12 noon to 1 PM ET..

P. S. - Also, please take Ted Turner, Sean Penn, Martin Sheen,
Barbara Streisand, & Jane Fonda along with you....

P.P. S. S. - Don't forget the New Black Panthers either, you can put
them on the Southern Border with Mexico and they can feel free to use
their clubs there! And you won't have to press '1' for English when
you call our country...
