The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For July 12th - Ladies Day and Earl Pitts...
By Matt Bruce | 07/12/10 | 05:09 PM EDT | 
The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For July 12th - It's Ladies Day...
July 12, 2010 - The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show...
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Hello everyone and welcome to the start of another week on a hot July day down here in Florida with even hotter talk on "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard LIVE 12 noon to 1 PM ET weekday's...
As is the case, today is 'Ladies Day' and we even bring in 'Earl Pitts' to add a little humor to the show as only 'Earl' knows how to do...
Our guests are:
1- Chrissy Prazares, 13, who has plenty to say about FL. Gov. Charlie Crist calling a Special Session of the FL. State Legislature where a Constitution Amendment may come out of it which will appear on the November Ballot. However there is a real chance an AZ style Immigration Bill may also emerge out of this session...
2- Theresa Sareo, Singer-Songwriter, whose song "Through A Soldier's Eyes" will be performed in Tampa on July 31st at the "Supporting America's Finest" Concert benefiting SPECOPS, CENTCOM and another TBI Injured Warriors projects...
3- Sally Tibbetts, FL-13 District Director for Cong. Vern Buchanan, also joins us for her weekly "Congressman's Corner" segment. Sally lets us know what's going on in the FL-13 Congressional District as well as in our Nations Capitol...
Of course we have the latest FOX News to keep you abreast of the latest goings on today and then to top things off we have 'Earl Pitts' with his great Redneck Humor to bring a smile on your face...
We also have a Candid Conservative minute just to balance off the day with the playing of the 'Obama National Anthem' just for good measure...
Get IN the know and become a regular listener of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" and find out what you've been missing in the World around you that our 'Old Stream Media' won't tell you...
God Bless America!
'The Captain'
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