Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Oct. 6th...

Hello and welcome to 'hump day' here on "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" featuring the best in quality guests and common sense opinion from 'The Captain'...

Our guest list looks like this:

1- John LeBoutillier, National Political Pundit and Author of "The Obama Identity," who has plenty to say about the Democrats feeling 'better' about their chances on November 2nd...

2- Ilana Freedman, Senior Intel Analyst from the Gerard Group, who talks about the large number of people of interest living in the Tampa Bay, FL area who light up the Intelligence watch list. The big attraction seems to be CENTCOM and how those seeking to do foul deeds against the USA are listening and observing whatever than can find out to feed to their Overseas contacts...

3- Noel Flashterstein, Gun Rights Attorney, who represents NRA members when something involving Gun Rights comes up. Noel talks about what the current Administration in Washington, DC is doing to try and impede your right to carry a firearm...

You'll also hear the latest FOX News, a new 'Frankly Speaking' segment, another hilarious 'Earl Pitts - Redneck' segment, a 'Candid Conservative' segment and the playing of the 'Obama National Anthem' to give our progressive Left Liberal pals a chance to feel good about 'something'...

Get IN the know and tell all your friends to listen to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" where you'll hear things being discussed that our OLD Stream Media doesn't want you to know about...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

More STIMULATING talk at your home of COMMON SENSE...

Special thanks to the 10,000+ subscribers now getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

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