Saturday, December 11, 2010

"The Captains AMERICA" - Hr 1 Nationally Syndicated Weekend Radio Show....

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" - Hr 1 Nationally Syndicated Weekend Radio Show....

Please click the link below to view it:

Welcome everybody to another weekend and 3 hours of commentary, news, opinion and things you absolutely won't hear our OLD stream media talking about...

We have a great compliment of guests to start out Hour 1 of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" and here they are:

1- Frank Salvato, Managing Editor of the New Media Journal, who researched news and commentary is legendary amongst Conservatives...

2- Fritz Wenzel, National Pollster, who has some very interesting numbers about how Americans really feel about the continuing of the Bush Era Tax Rates for the next 2 years and how they still feel about the current Congress. It's obvious the Democrats have lost more and more prestige and support with the American people which will be very hard to get back any time soon...

3- Chris Markowski, The Watchdog on Wall Street, joins us next to talk about the Economy, Congress and the Bush Era Tax Rates being kept just the way they are for STIMULATING the American Economy...

4- Kyle Warren, 'The Professor of Politics', joins us from the Left Coast to talk about why Obama is fading fast and losing more support faster than he had gained originally as a Presidential candidate and now President. His own Party has turned on him and the Progressive Left Liberals led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen Harry Reid are making one last gasp at making as many Americans lives miserable as they can by forging the agenda forward, something that 62-71% of the Country does NOT want according to ALL of the latest polling data...

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God Bless America!

'The Captain'


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See you there!

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