Welcome to "The Captain's AMERICA" radio show heard LIVE weekday mornings on AM 1220 & FM 106.9 WSRQ Radio in Sarasota, FL. You can also hear us LIVE streaming on WSRQ Radio.com and Talkstream Live.com on your computers or Wi-Fi devices anywhere in the World from 6-9 AM ET weekday mornings.
This is the 3rd hour of "The Captain's AMERICA" radio which is recorded to be heard via this Pod0matic podcast.
Today's first guest is Frank Salvato, Managing Editor, of the New Media Journal who talks with 'The Captain' about the Ft. Hood shooter and the facts now starting to surface about his background and involvement with a Radical Islamic Imam and his possible working with or knowing about at least '2' of the 9/11 Hijacker Terrorists who went to the same Mosque he attended.
Then we speak with Jim Kouri, 5th Vice Pres. of the National Association of Police Chief's, as he addresses whether or not 'political correctness' has created the problem that lead to the Ft. Hood shootings last week. jim also talks about a GM Executive who was convicted of $6.5 million in fraud which MIGHT have had something to do with the 'Cash For Clunkers' program. Jim also discusses the focus now on our Northern Border with Canada as Authorities have finally figured out we have problems in the North besides the problems along the Southern Border with Mexico.
Then we get a LIVE call from Capt. Lynnette Jones who is in Camp Taji, Iraq as she tells us what life is like during her 2nd tour of Iraq. The last time in 2006-2007 she said the Camp was rocketed 10 times a day every day and that has all stopped now with the Iraqis finally stepping up to the plate in Iraq.
Of course you'll hear 'Earl Pitts' and enjoy 2 of our 'Strange But True' news stories that will have you laughing and enjoying your day!
Get IN the know and become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA" radio show on either Pod0matic.com or Facebook.com! Catch us LIVE weekday morning's from 6-9 AM ET on AM 1220 & FM 106.9 WSRQ Radio or LIVE on WSRQ Radio.com, Talkstream Live.com or recorded on this Pod0matic podcast.
God Bless America!
'The Captain'
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