Join us today as we tackle why the U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder is so heel bent on holding the 9/11 Terrorist Trials in New York City, this after any poll we've seen shows OVER 50% of the people IN New York City don't want it held there. That number goes even higher when you ask only the FDNY, NYPD, NY Transit Police, NY EMS and Port Authority Police. Is this all about Politics???
Our first guest is former NY Congressman John LeBoutillier who tells what he's hearing from his neighbors in and around New York City and why he thinks the Obama Administration is allowing this to take place. You'll either be mad as hell or if you don't care, you'll wash it off. Either way this is an interview you MUST listen to!
Then we speak with Dr. Barbuna from an Islamic Think Tank in Istanbul, Turkey who calls us to tell us why "Isam Denounces Terrorism." This interview will give everyone a chance to hear from the 'other side' and you can make your own conclusions from what you hear being discussed.
We also get a call from a retired NYPD beat cop who was a first responder to the World Trade Center as he poses some questions about the Koran to the Islamic Scholar, Dr. Barbuna. The questions asked and the answers given will wake you up to what it is we're dealing with and why things like the Ft. Hood shootings can occur in America.
Time next for some chat about upcoming guests and more about the FL. high speed commuter train being proposed as well as the higher unemployment taxes employers are expected to pay starting in January 2010.
We thank our over 4,000 recipients of our daily podcast and welcome you to tell your friends and neighbors about our "The Captain's AMERICA" radio show heard LIVE weekday mornings 6-9 AM ET on AM 1220 and FM 106.9 WSRQ Radio in Sarasota, FL. and also on WSRQ Radio.com and Talkstream Live.com LIVE at the same time.
You can believe that the 9/11 'Mastermind' Khaleed Sheik Muhammed WILL put on a 'show' in a NYC Court room which will further incite and make the possibility of another 9/11 style attack from his Radical Islamic cohorts much MORE plausible!
Tell President Obama and our members of Congress you do NOT want the 9/11 Terrorist's tried in an American Court on American Soil! They belong in a Military Tribunal and since some of them have already confessed, the punishment is clear, D-E-A-T-H.
God Bless America!
'The Captain'
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