The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 13th - Hr 2 Weekend Show...

Welcome back to Hour 2 of the weekend syndicated "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" and thanks for taking time out of your busy weekend to tune in...
First guest is the always informative Greg Allen, NYC Talk Radio Host, who has his own rant today about Eric Holder and news that's come out about what he didn't disclose at his Confirmation Hearing before the U.S. Senate...
Then we hear from former 7 term OK Congressman Ernest Istook, a Distinguished Fellow with the Heritage Foundation, as he talks about Health Care, the Budget Deficit, The 'No' Jobs Bill and why the Democrats are committing 'Political Suicide' as they go for broke knowing full well the mood of the Country is dead set AGAINST them right now...
Time next for 'The Coach', Kevin Collins of Collins as he talks about more Homegrown Terrorist's getting arrested, this time in Yemen. This is something that will only get worse as the tighten the noose on Al-Qaida and their operatives all across the Globa...
"The Watchdog On Wall Street," Chris Markowski joins us next with his always informative knowledge of Wall Street, the economy and what Investors are doing or not doing in today's World Recession. Chris will tell you what you're not hearing our Mainstream News Media talk about because if you knew the REAL truth about how our current President and the Progressive Liberal Democrats were doing to HURT more than help the economy you'd probably want to vote them all OUT right now!
Of course you'll hear Earl Pitts with his humor and have some more FUN listening to 'The captain' and one of his 2 minute rants...
That concludes Hour 2 of the weekend syndicated "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" and we'll be back with Hour 3 in the next Podcast...
God Bless America!
'The Captain'
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