The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 15th...
The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 15th - Breaking News From FL Security Council...
Hello everybody and welcome to the start of another week here on "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...
We start out with BREAKING News that you will only hear being discussed right here about the Muslim Day Rally in Tallahassee, FL. last Thursday March 11th which turned into an aggressive and rowdy 'Battery Incident' being reported to Capitol Police by Joe Kaufman a News Reporter and FL. Security Council Cameraman J. Mark Campbell...
We hear first from FSC Camerman J. Mark Campbell and then from an eyewitness to the incident, Randy McDaniels from the ACT Chapter in Jacksonville, FL. who verifies what happened when the perpetrator of the attacks, Prof. Bassem Alhalabi, was charged with simple battery for each incident. The 2 assaults happened on 2 separate occasions, both on the same day...
Alhalabi is a Professor at FL. Atlantic University (FAU), a Director and Co-Founder of the Islamic Center of Boca Raton (ICBR), and a former Associate of convicted Terrorist Sami al-Arian...
You can see the video for yourself of this incident and what happened by going to:
Then we speak with 13 Patriots.net and Chrissy Prazares who has not stopped fighting the passage of the Health Care Bill and encourages everyone to call 202-224-3121 and talk to any and all the Congressional Reps that you can and just say "NO" to Health Care...
We this up with bottom of the hour FOX News keeping us informed of the days events and then come back with Don Baldauf of Florida Oil.org discussing a new Op-Ed piece he's written and the misstatements being made by those who are against using Oil in the Gulf for the people of Florida...
Then we hear from 'The Candid Conservative' and toss in our usual humor with the latest from 'Earl Pitts' before we do a little 'Sweatin With Nancy Pelosi & The Socialists' to finish up today's "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...
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God Bless America!
'The Captain'
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