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Unless otherwise indicated or assumed, all material herein, written, audio and/or visual, is Copyrighted by News Sarasota, a wholly owned subsidiary of Firetrans Services LLC, 8176 Natures Way, Lakewood Ranch, Florida 34202, that was established in April of 2002. News Sarasota's Managing Editor and Publisher is Mathew Bruce, a Vietnam Veteran, Retired Fire Captain, Former Elected Town Official and long time small Business owner. Mr. Bruce is also a licensed Amateur Radio Operator KI4VOB, DHS/TSA Operation 'Highway Watch' Program Instructor and was elected Sarasota County 38th Precinct Republican Committeeman in 2004. Seeing the need for change and with the increasing popularity of his new "The Captain's AMERICA" radio program, Mr. Bruce resigned from the Sarasota County REC in 2005 to pursue his radio career...
He is an American first, Conservative second, Independent third and always a Patriot giving you the facts and telling you the truth our 'oldstream' media doesn't want you to know about. With Matt Bruce it's all about "Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie & Chevrolet," truly our American traditions which we don't forget...
News Sarasota currently has affilliations with AccuWeather, America Supports You, AP, Basics Project, Blogger, Blogspot, CBN, CNS, American Conservative Radio, Conservatives For Better Government, CERT, DOD Defense Link, DHS. DVIDS, EIN News, Families United Mission.com, Find It.com, Find Sarasota.com, Firehouse.com, Firefighters For Christ, Firefighters For Vern, First Alert Network, First Observer, Florida Firefighters Assn., FOX News, Great Minds Think Right, Highway Watch, IAFF, INA Today, IRN News, IHSSA, LIVE 365.com, Manatee County CERT Member, Manatee County Red Cross Public Affairs Liason, Midnight Trucking Radio Network, Military.com, National Assn Of Broadcasters, Net Talk World, New Media Journal, Newsbull, NewsMax, OOIDA, Phoenix Broadcasting Company, Podomatic, Punta Gorda TEA Party, Red Cross, Reuters, Save The Soldiers.com, SERT, SPECOPS, "Sports Talk LIVE", Suncoast FOOLS, Swift Vets, Talk Show America, Talk2K Radio, TEA Party Patriots, The Accent Radio Network, The Moral Majority, The Washington Post, Talkspot, Topix, Truckin Bozo Radio Network, Trucking News.com, TSA, USAR, USA-GOP News, U-Broadcast, Ugly Puppy.net, UPI, Vietnam Veterans of America, Vietnam Vets.org, Weather Underground, Windows To Liberty Radio, WOO TV.US & Yahoo News...
Make sure you check out our 'Firefighters', 'Homeland Security', 'Military', 'Opinions', 'Politics', 'Sarasota Info', 'Sports' and 'Weather' pages....
We feature up to the minute Hurricane Information including Storm Tracking and Predictions from 3 MAJOR Weather Sources including NOAA, NHC, Accuweather, Weather Underground and ALL of the State Resources available in Florida through our CERT, FEMA and SERT affiliation...
This is where you'll find more News and Information about the things YOU want to know about, WHEN you want to know it! This website is dedicated to "Honesty, Reliability and Professionalism."
We publish the news the OLD mainstream media doesn't want you to see...
Tune in weekday mornings Monday thru Friday (6-9 AM ET) and listen LIVE to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Net Talk World, 12Noon to 1 PM ET, then again 6-8 PM ET. Our radio show is rebroadcast on Talk 2 K , Talkstream Live , The Captain's AMERICA Website 24/7, Windows To Liberty Radio and on a rotating basis on Sirius XM Radio. Our Radio Show can now be heard in Santaigo, Chile via Radio Santiago-English, and the Show is also heard rebroadcast overnight on weekends on 'The Accent Radio Network', 'Windows To Liberty Radio Network' across America and around the World on the Galaxy Satellite...
We are the Radio Voice of the TEA Party Movement and of SPECIAL OPERATIONS. Radio Station program Directors are invited to contact us, thecaptainsamericaradioshow@yahoo.com , to find out how EASY it is to add our radio show to your station lineup!
We also offer a VERY affordable advertising package to those who want their message to be heard by tens of thousands of listeners at any given time to our radio show across America and around the World and by our visibility on the Internet with thousands of website visitors daily...
Tell your Friends you've found REAL news and Conservative Family values right here! We appreciate your visit and hope you come to visit News Sarasota often...
May God Also Continue To Bless America & The Freedoms We All Enjoy Here!
THANK YOU very much for taking the time and stopping by to visit News Sarasota...
Y'all come back now ya here...
*Matt Bruce, Managing Editor, News Sarasota*...
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