The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 3 Nationally Syndicated Weekend Radio Show...
By Matt Bruce | 06/20/10 | 01:55 PM EDT | 0 Comments
Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA Hr 3 Weekend Syndicated Radio Show" Podcast....
Please click the link below to view it:
OK, here we go with hour 3 of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show," more stimulating talk at your home of common sense as heard across America on our network of 110 radio stations, over a dozen Internet radio stations, on the Galaxy satellite and Shortwave radio heard all around the World...
Our guest list for hour 3 looks like this -
1- Henry Raines, Tampa Talk Radio Host, who usually has a progressive middle of the road approach to things but with Pres. Obama's recent speech about the Gulf oil crisis, you would think Henry was thinking more like a Right Wing Libertarian Conservative. Henry isn't 'thrilled' as are many on the progressive left side of the aisle with the mishandling of the Gulf oil spill disaster and other things going on across America as well...
2- Kyle Warren, 'The Professor of Politics', has plenty to say about BP CEO Tony Hayward's performance before a Congressional committee this week and then Kyle has his own take on Pres. Obama's speech. Why is it nobody wants to blame the Federal Government for NOT following their own incident protocol called the "In Situ Plan"? There is a very strong possibly and even the USCG feels that if the Gulf disaster protocol had have been followed the Deepwater Horizon rig just might have NOT sunk! Imagine that?
3- Ryan Mauro, World Threats.com & Iran Expert, fills us in on what Iran is doing to stir the pot in both the Middle East and South America Region of the World. You'll be amazed to hear how Iran is still trying to gain the upper hand in Iraq by an attempted assassination attempt that was thwarted...
4- Kevin 'Coach' Collins, Collins Report.net, has plenty to say about the proposed Mosque for the area near Ground Zero in NYC. Coach Collins also talks about Charlie Crist and how he's clearly trying to redefine himself 'again' now that he's an Independent looking for 'love' in all the places he can find it as Marco Rubio is running 'neck and neck' with him and now White Jewish Democrat Billionaire Jeff Greene has become a serious player running against Cong. Kendrick Meek who is at the bottom of the candidate list...
We toss in another Candid Conservative Minute before we turn off the microphone, turn off the lights and lock the door on our radio studio...
Get IN the know, tell your friends and neighbors, become part of the SOLUTION and not remain part of the 'problem' in America today!
God bless ALL those who defend, protect and serve America and may God continue to bless the United States of America...
'The Captain'
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