Wednesday, December 29, 2010

"The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Dec. 29th....

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Dec. 29th....

Please click the link below to view it:

Hello everybody and welcome to another cold morning in my backyard this morning where the temperature dipped once again to '30' degrees...

We have a lot in store for you today and some great guests to talk about some HOT topics including Border Security and what we're doing about it...

Here is our guest list:

1- John LeBoutillier, Conservative Pundit, who talks about the 111th Congress and how bad it was for America. Then we hear about the new 112th Congress and what is believed will happen right off the bat in Congress...

2- Ilana Freedman, Senior Intel Analyst for Gerard Group International, talks about our Border and making it safer. Ilana also talks about the threats posed to America with all of our Embassy's being placed on high alert for possible terrorist attacks. You'll also hear why we can't seem to secure the Afghanistan Border with Pakistan...

3- Greg Williams, a leader with "Riders Against Illegal Aliens," who joins us from Colorado to talk about what his group does along the Mexican Border with AZ while riding on their motorcycles. Greg is helping to do the job our DHS and Border Patrol is not able to do by being the eyes and ears for them in remote areas where hundreds of Illegal Aliens at a time slip across our Border and get into the USA...

4- James Keena, Author of a new book entitled "We've Been Had...How Obama & The Radicals Conned Middle Class America." You'll want to listen to this interview if you have any DOUBTS about the who, what, when, where or why Barrack Hussein Obama was pushed to the forefront and got elected to be our first Black President. This is a MUST listen to interview for ALL Americans...

We toss in another hilarious episode of "Earl Pitts-Redneck" so you leave today with a smile on your face...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


Special thanks to the 12,000+ SUBSCRIBERS getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

Don't forget to check out "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" Store to get your official logo gear,

See you there!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

"The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Dec. 28th....

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Dec. 28th....

Please click the link below to view it:

Welcome everybody to a cold morning in Florida with temperatures in my backyard in the 20's and sub freezing temperatures all the way to Lake Okeechobee...

We've got plenty of HOT topics to give you more STIMULATING talk at your home of COMMON SENSE...

Here is our guest list for today:

1- Frank Salvato, Managing Editor of New Media Journal and Basic Project, whose news and researched opinion is second to nobody. Frank talks about the incoming 112th Congress and what they'll attempt to do to save America from the mess it was left in by the 111th and their 13% approval rating...

2- Jim Kouri, our Law Enforcement Examiner, who talks about Homeland Security and what we can expect to see in 2011. Our Borders are still not secure and the DHS and Immigration Services have not been doing their job when it comes to Illegal Aliens into the USA...

3- 'The Captain' appears on AM Tampa Bay on 970 WFLA talking about who's watching us now. This is an interesting segment you'll want to listen to...

Of course we've got your latest FOX News, another hilarious "Earl Pitts - Redneck" segment and a Candid Conservative Minute for you before we turn off the microphone, turn out the lights and lock the broadcast studio door...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


Special thanks to the 12,000+ SUBSCRIBERS getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

Don't forget to check out "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" Store to get your official logo gear,

See you there!

Monday, December 27, 2010

"The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Dec. 27th....

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Dec. 27th....

Please click the link below to view it:

Welcome everybody and I hope you all had a great Christmas and Santa treated everybody just right...

We start out your week with another interesting list of guests and topics our Old Stream Media doesn't want you to know about...

Here are our guests:

1- Chrissy Prazares, 13, who is glad to see the 111th Congress gone and has high hopes for the new 112th Congress in 2011. Chrissy also talks about Gov-Elect Rick Scott's agenda for Florida and agrees that we must put everything on the table to be looked at for abuse and waste...

2- Grassfire has a special segment pertaining to Obama Care and what it will do to everyone, starting with raising the cost of your insurance. The GOP has made it one of their priorities to either repeal or overhaul the very costly Health Care Bill going into effect in 2011...

3- The latest news from the DOD regarding the START Treaty, Afghanistan, Iraq and other places involved in the Global War on Terror...

4- Attorney Noel Flashterstein talking about Airport Security and what may or may not be legal and Constitutional for the TSA to be doing to those passengers just trying to get on an airplane...

We also have your latest FOX News, another hilarious "Earl Pitts-Redneck" segment and a Candid Conservative Minute for you to start your week off right...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


Special thanks to the 12,000+ SUBSCRIBERS getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

Don't forget to check out "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" Store to get your official logo gear,

See you there!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

"The Captains AMERICA" - Hr 3, Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show for Dec. 25th, Ho...Ho...Ho....

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" - Hr 3, Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show for Dec. 25th, Ho...Ho...Ho....

Please click the link below to view it:

Welcome back to hour 3 of this Christmas Weekend edition of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show."

We hope you've enjoyed hour 1 and hour 2 where we featured more STIMULATING talk at your home of COMMON SENSE that our OLD Stream Media won't tell you about...

Our hour 3 guest list looks like this:

1- Roberty Bluey, from the Heritage Foundation, who talks about the lack of and the seemingly worthless accomplishment of the Progressive Left Liberal controlled 111th Congress. Mr. Bluey points out that number of what the 11th Congress did MAY be rescinded by the 112th Congress as they put the Budget Cutting Axe to much of the Legislation passed, starting with Obama Care...

2- Henry Raines, Progressive Moderate Talk Host, drops by to tell us what he's hearing from the LEFT side of the aisle. It may amaze you to hear Henry NOT agreeing with a lot of what the Progressive Left Liberals have done to America during the 111th Congress...

3- Kevin 'Coach' Collins, talks about the meaning of the Census Report and how that will further hurt Pres. Barack Obama and his agenda. You'll also hear the 'Coach' tell you what it was that propelled the Republicans to their record victory in November and it wasn't just the TEA Party...

4- Ryan Mauro, Intel Analyst and founder of World, drops in to talk about the latest going on in the Global War on Terror as Iran's name keeps coming up South of the Border and in South America. You'll also hear what Al Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula is attemting to do over Christmas with the help of Al Qaida in Iraq and Pakistan...

We tell you what others either don't know about or refuse to tell you going on the World around you. Thank you for dropping by to hear the difference our researched news and opinion plus our news maker guests make...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


Special thanks to the 12,000+ SUBSCRIBERS getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

Don't forget to check out "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" Store to get your official logo gear,

See you there!

"The Captains AMERICA" - Hr 2, Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show....

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" - Hr 2, Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show....

Please click the link below to view it:

Welcome back to Christmas Weekend 2010 across America and hour 2 of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard across America and around the World...

There's plenty to talk about this week and we've got the most informative and interesting guests here to talk about it. Here is our hour 2 guest list:

1- Greg Allen, Veteran Talk Radio Host formerly of the 'Right Balance' and the 'Loftus Report', is famous for his news and research independent opinion. Greg has lots to say about the Progressive Left Agenda was rammed down our throats during 2010 and how much of it will be rescinded by the incoming 112th Congress...

2- Fred Claridge, Senior Advocate, who helps Seniors and others confirm and verify Vendors and Repairmen before they get a chance to rip you off. He is one of the leading Consumer Advocates in America for Senior Citizens...

3- Shannon Rose, 'Mr Entertainment', whose news about the glitz and glitter of not only Hollywood, but New York, Florida and beyond keeps you Entertainment buffs IN the know...

4- Ilana Freedman, Senior Intel Analyst from the Gerard Group, tells us what we aren't hearing from our OLD Stream Media about the Global War on Terror and where the HOT spots are. Airport Security? You bet she knows the who, what, when, where and why...

5- Wayne Allyn Root, former Libertarian VP Candidate in '08, drops by to tell you what he sees coming for America in 2011 and beyond as the 112th Congress gets into session. The first thing they will do is READ the U.S. Constitution to the entire body. Wayne also talks about his own Political future...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


Special thanks to the 12,000+ SUBSCRIBERS getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

Don't forget to check out "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" Store to get your official logo gear,

See you there!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

"The Captains AMERICA" - Hr 1, Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show for Dec. 25th....

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" - Hr 1, Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show for Dec. 25th....

Ho...Ho...Ho...Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to all...

Please click the link below to view it:

Welcome everybody and a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY HOLIDAYS to ALL! We have plenty to talk about this weekend related to the past 2 week's events in Washington, DC with the 111th Congress, our Economy, Afghanistan and our Country as it celebrates a Christmas Weekend with the rest of the Christian World...

Here is our hour 1 guest list:

1- Frank Salvato, Managing Editor of the New Media Journal & Basics Project, who is one of our Nations leading Conservative News Pundits...

2- Fritz Wenzel, National Pollster, who tells you what the American people are really thinking after the close of the 11th Congress. It's NOT what some in our OLD Stream Media would lead you to believe. Fritz was a National Pollster during the recent Mid Term Elections for Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC)...

3- Chris Markowski, our good friend and neighbor who is also 'The Watchdog On Wall Street', chimes in on the Economy and the Stock Market. Did the 111th Congress actually do things to HELP America? Listen to what Chris has to say...

4- Kyle Warren, 'The Professor Of Politcs', who just happens to live on the LEFT Coast and is neighbors with Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein and Jerry Brown. Kyle is one of those 'lonely California Conservative voices' who remains LOUD in the land of "Tootie Fruities and Lolly Pops"...

That's our first hour on this weekend's 3 hour "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" now heard on over 120 leading independent radio stations across America and that list continues to grow!

Get IN the know and become a regular listener of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


Special thanks to the 12,000+ SUBSCRIBERS getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

Don't forget to check out "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" Store to get your official logo gear,

See you there!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

"The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Dec. 22nd....

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Dec. 22nd....

Please click the link below to view it:

Welcome everybody, just 2 more shopping days left before Christmas and lots of stuff to talk about on today's "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

Here is our guest list:
1- John LeBoutillier, Conservative Political Pundit who has Boot's Blasts, talks about everything political regarding the Lame Duck Congress and the last minute 'wish list' the Democrats are RAMMING through...

2- Ilana Freedman, Senior Intel Analyst from the Gerad Group, who has plenty to say about the Global War on Terror and the involvement of Al Qaida in Iraq and Al Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula who are attempting to carry out their threats over the Christmas Holiday's to attack Western European Countries and the United States...

3- Kyle Olson, Education Expert, who talks about how Teacher's 'Tenure' is hurting the educating of our children because some teachers just can't teach and they can't be fired either. Kyle also talks about dwindling school budgets that will reshape Teachers Union agreements and the programs schools will have to make tough choices on...

You'll also get the latest FOX News, another hilarious "Earl Pitts-Redneck" segment, a Candid Conservative Minute, 'The Captain' and 2 callers while he was guest hosting on AM 8209 WWBA in Tampa and another Phil Shanklin parody that will leave a smile on your face...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


Special thanks to the 12,000+ SUBSCRIBERS getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

Don't forget to check out "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" Store to get your official logo gear,

See you there!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

"The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 3, Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show

Welcome back to hour 3 of this weekend's "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard across America and around the World...

We pick up from where we left off in hour 2 with more STIMULATING talk at your home of COMMON SENSE...

Please click the link below to view it:

Here are our hour 3 guests:

1- Wayne Allyn Root, Libertarian VP Candidate in '08, comes on to light things up. Wayne is a 'spark plug' who always has something to say and knows how to say it...

2- Kevin 'Coach' Collins, Coach Is, whose news and researched articles are always spot on target. The 'Coach' knows and we are proud to have him on our Team...

3- Henry Raines, Tampa Bay Progressive Moderate Talk Host, who always sounds more like a Conservative when he comes on to talk about the Florida and National Political news of the day...

4- Ryan Mauro, Intel Analyst and Founder of World, joins us to talk about recent Al-Qaida, Taliban and War on Terror News coming from both Iraq and Afghanistan. Ryan also ventures into the troubled waters of North Korea and Iran where a connection between both is now very well documented...

We finish this weekend's Nationally Syndicated "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" with another hilarious 'Earl Pitts - Redneck' segment to leave you with a smile on your face...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


Special thanks to the 12,000+ SUBSCRIBERS getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

Don't forget to check out "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" Store to get your official logo gear,

"The Captains AMERICA" - Hr 2 Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show....

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" - Hr 2 Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show....

Please click the link below to view it:

Welcome back everybody to hour 2 of this weekend's "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard across America on our Network of over 120 Radio Stations, around the World on over a dozen Internet Radio Stations, on Satellite and on Shortwave Radio...

We want to thank the 12,000+ subscribers who regularly get this Podcast of our Radio Show from all of our various Podcast sources. That number continues to grow and will reach 13,000 SOON...

Our guest list for hour 2 looks like this:

1- Greg Allen, Veteran Talk Radio Host formerly of 'The Right Balance' & 'The Loftus Report', joins us for his researched News & Opinion that he's become famous for...

2- Dr Jerome Corsi, NY Times Best Selling Author & Senior Writer for World Net Daily, talks about the Tax Cut Extension Bill and the Omnibus Bill in terms you won't hear our OLD Stream Media doing. He also has a FREE Newsletter entitled Red Alert that you can subscribe to...

3- Shannon Rose, 'Mr Entertainment', drops by with his Entertainment News from Florida, Hollywood, New York and beyond as Shannon SCOOPS many who call themselves "Entertainment Reporters"...

4- Ilana Freedman, Senior Intel Analyst from the Gerard group, brings her years of experience and credible Intel Analysis to the table. Her sources have helped this Country stop Terrorist attacks planned for our soil...

Just to add a little humor to the mix, we finish hour 2 with "Earl Pitts - Redneck" so you get a chuckle while you wait to hear hour 3 of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


Special thanks to the 12,000+ SUBSCRIBERS getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

Don't forget to check out "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" Store to get your official logo gear,

See you there!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

"The Captains AMERICA" - Hr 1, Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show....

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" - Hr 1, Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show....

Please click the link below to view it:

Welcome listeners and subscribers to another great 3 hours of STIMULATING talk at your home of COMMON SENSE, right here on "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" with host Ret. Fire-Rescue Capt. and Vietnam Veteran, Matt Bruce, who has a son serving with the Marine Corps in Afghanistan fighting in the Global War on Terror...

We have a great first hour lineup of guests and here they are:

1- Frank Salvato, Managing Editor of the New Media Journal & Basics, whose Conservative News and Opinion leads all others for being accurate and authentic...

2- Fritz Wenzel, National Pollster who worked for Sen. Jim DeMint during the Mid Term Elections, from Wenzel with his extremely accurate Polling Data...

3- Chris Markowski, The Watchdog On Wall Street & Host of the weekday Chris Markowski Show heard on AM 820 WWBA in Tampa, joins us for some accurate financial news and information regarding the Tax Rate Extension Bill, The Omnibus Spending Bill and the cost of Obamacare and the challenge by State's over the Constitutionality of it...

4- Kyle Warren, Our Professor of Politics from the Left Coast, who always has comments and researched opinion about the Washington Scene along with his firsthand knowledge of Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid since he lives in their backyards out in California...

We have a little Paul Shanklin humor for you with his "Sneakin In America" parody to leave a smile on your face before we take a break and come back with hour 2 of this weekend's nationally syndicated "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


Special thanks to the 12,000+ SUBSCRIBERS getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

Don't forget to check out "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" Store to get your official logo gear,

See you there!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

"The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Dec. 16th....

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Dec. 16th....

Please click the link below to view it:

Hello everybody and welcome to another fast paced news and political events show packed with discussions you won't hear coming from your OLD Stream Media...

We've got some great guests today and here they are -

1- Henry Raines, Tampa Bay Progressive Moderate Talk Host, whose comments will leave you wondering why he sounds more like a Conservative than a Progressive Left Moderate Liberal. That's because we let him be 'himself' over here...

2- Ryan Mauro, Founder of World, an Intel Analyst who keeps his eyes and ears open on the Afghanistan, Iranian, Korean and World Hot Spots in the Global War on Terror...

3- Army Lt. Col. Gerald Oselund, Operation Toy Drop, updates us on the efforts of Paratroopers from 7 Countries to spread some Christmas cheer to needy children by jumping out of airplanes to deliver the toys to waiting kids on the ground...

We've got your latest FOX News before we go around the services with the latest DOD News about how the IED's are being taken out of the equation before they have a chance to kill or wound our Troops...

Of course we've got Earl Pitts - Redneck to amuse you before we turn off the microphone, turn out the lights and lock the door on the broadcast studio for today...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


Special thanks to the 12,000+ SUBSCRIBERS getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

Don't forget to check out "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" Store to get your official logo gear,

See you there!

"The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Dec. 15th....

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Dec. 15th....

Please click the link below to view it:

Welcome everybody to 'hump day' here on "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

We've got LOTS of news and information for you today and our guest list looks like this:

1- John LeBoutiliier, Conservative Pundit- Former NY Congressman - Author, who joins us to talk about the Democrats arrogance and attitude that now has the Congressional approval rate at an all time LOW of 13%. John LeBoutillier also has co authored a new book entitled "The Obama Identity - Truth or Fiction" out which is a MUST read for all the Birthers out there...

2- Dr. Jerome Corsi, Author - Senior WND Writer - Economist, talks about the Tax Rate Extension passed by the Senate and being argued about in Congress with Nancy Pelosi promising more 'changes'. By the way, the "Wicked Witch Of The West," is doing everything in her power to ram every last piece of pork and progressive agenda tidbits into every Bill coming out of Congress while she is still in power. You can also get Dr. Corsi's RED ALERT Newsletter for FREE by going to Jerome

3- Ilana Freedman, Senior Intel Analyst from the Gerard Group, talks about an Al-Qaida assault on America and Western Europe coming this Christmas and Holiday season. A failed bombing, a captured comber and more details have Security and Intelligence Agencies on the alert around the Western World...

FOX News, Earl Pitts, a Candid Conservative Minute, another Paul Shanklin Parody help finish out today's show as we get ready for another episode of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show," heard LIVE weekday's @ 12 noon ET and every weekend for 3 hours across America and around the World...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


Special thanks to the 12,000+ SUBSCRIBERS getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

Don't forget to check out "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" Store to get your official logo gear,

See you there!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Dec. 14th....

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Dec. 14th....

Please click the link below to view it:

Welcome to another edition of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard LIVE from 12 noon to 1 PM ET weekday's...

We have another great lineup of guests for you to hear today and here they are:

1- Frank Salvato, New Media Journal Managing Editor, whose Conservative News and Researched Opinion is the mainstay of Conservative America...

2- Navy Corpsman Matt Nowak LIVE from Camp Leatherneck in Afghanistan calls us to talk about being a Navy Corpsman assigned to a front line Marine Combat Unit...

3- Jim Kouri, Law Enforcement Examiner and former NY City Housing Auhtority Police Chief, has plenty to say about the US-Mexican Border, Guatemala-MX Border and WikiLeaks...

You'll also get the latest FOX News, Earl Pitts-Redneck, a Candid Conservative Minute and another hilarious Paul Shanklin parody...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


Special thanks to the 12,000+ SUBSCRIBERS getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

Don't forget to check out "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" Store to get your official logo gear,

See you there!

Monday, December 13, 2010

"The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Dec. 13th....

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Dec. 13th....

Please click the link below to view it:

Welcome to the start of a very COLD week for a large portion of the United States as people struggle to stay WARM...

We have a HOT list of guests to warm up the airwaves and give you information you won't hear our OLD Stream Media telling you...

1- Chrissy Prazares, President of 13, who always has lots to say about the Obama Administration and the Socialist agenda of the Progressive Left Liberal Democratic Party...

2- Kyle Warren, our Professor of Politics, who enlightens us on some ideas of his own involving former Pres. Bill Clinton talking for Pres. Obama last week because Barack was LATE for a Christmas Party where his wife was impatiently waiting...

3- John Greenburg, Co Author of "Captain Courageous - My True Story," who talks about a real life ordeal about a very famous young man who grew up to by a Ship Boat Captain...

You'll also hear the latest FOX News, a new Earl Pitts and Candid Conservative Segment plus another hilarious Paul Shanklin Parody before we turn off the microphone, turn out the lights and lock the door on the broadcast studio...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


Special thanks to the 12,000+ SUBSCRIBERS getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

Don't forget to check out "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" Store to get your official logo gear,

See you there!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

December 12, 2010 - Hr 3, The Captain's AMERICA Nationally Syndicated Radio Show...

The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 3, Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show For Dec. 11th...

December 12, 2010 - Hr 3, The Captain's AMERICA Nationally Syndicated Radio Show...

Welcome back to hour 3 of this weekend's "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" where you'll get more STIMULATING talk at your home of COMMON SENSE. Often imitated but NEVER duplicated...

We have a great final hour of guests for you and here they are:

1- Henry Raines, Tampa Bay Talk Radio Host, whose Progressive Left Moderate Liberal Views always add a little 'mix' to the show. Henry is one on the Left who believes the Democrats has just 'lost it' altogether and have NO idea what to do...

2- Kevin 'Coach' Collins, from Coach is, joins us to discuss the week's events across America and in Washington. 'Coach' always has plenty of great talking points you won't hear from the OLD Stream Media...

3- Ryan Mauro, Intel Analyst and World founder, keeps us informed on the news coming from Iran every week including the agreement with Venezuela to ship missiles capable of reaching the USA...

4- Wayne Allyn Root, 'Mr Libertarian', who ran for Vice President in '08 and is still keeping busy within the Libertarian Party as well as writing articles and talking on Radio and TV...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


Special thanks to the 12,000+ SUBSCRIBERS getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

Don't forget to check out "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" Store to get your official logo gear,

December 12, 2010 - Hr 2, The Captain's AMERICA Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show...

Dec. 11th, 2010 - Hr 2, The Captain's AMERICA Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show...

By Matt Bruce | 12/12/10 | 9:31 AM EST | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 2, Nationally Syndicated Radio Show For Dec. 11th...

December 12, 2010 - Hr 2, The Captain's AMERICA Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show...

Welcome back to hour 2 of this weekend's "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard across America on over 120 Radio Stations, on over a dozen Internet Radio Websites, on Satellite and Shortwave Radio around the World...

We'd like to start by saying a sincere heartfelt THANKS to ALL of our Listeners and over 12,000 Podcast subscribers from all of our who made us the #1 Conservative News Politics Radio Show yesterday and for the last 2 days in a row have made the coveted "Movers & Shakers List' today ranked in the Top 100 of ALL the Podcasts at Podomatic. THANKS and God bless ALL of you...

OK, we have another great lineup of guests for you and here they are:

1- Greg Allen, former host of 'The Right Balance' and Co Host of 'The Loftus Report', whose news and researched opinion is well known across the Country and around the World...

2- Ilana Freedman, Senior Intel Analyst for the Gerard Group, whose Group has given Intel information to the DHS which has helped to thwart Terrorist attacks INSIDE the USA...

3- Shannon Rose, 'Mr Entertainment', who knows all about the FL and even the Hollywood Entertainment scene, movies, TV shows and upcoming talent making news...

4- LTC Gerald Oselund, Operation Toy Drop, calls us from the Jump Ramp at Pope AFB in NC telling us about the 4,000+ Paratroopers from around the World taking part in the annual parachute jump with toys for needy kids in NC, SC and VA near Ft Bragg, NC...

5- Alix Redmonde, Fitness Guru, who tells us how to pick a Health Club toi get the most 'bang for our buck'. Alix is a national writer for Men's Exercise magazine and a local TV host in the Sarasota, FL area...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


Special thanks to the 12,000+ SUBSCRIBERS getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

Don't forget to check out "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" Store to get your official logo gear,

Saturday, December 11, 2010

"The Captains AMERICA" - Hr 1 Nationally Syndicated Weekend Radio Show....

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" - Hr 1 Nationally Syndicated Weekend Radio Show....

Please click the link below to view it:

Welcome everybody to another weekend and 3 hours of commentary, news, opinion and things you absolutely won't hear our OLD stream media talking about...

We have a great compliment of guests to start out Hour 1 of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" and here they are:

1- Frank Salvato, Managing Editor of the New Media Journal, who researched news and commentary is legendary amongst Conservatives...

2- Fritz Wenzel, National Pollster, who has some very interesting numbers about how Americans really feel about the continuing of the Bush Era Tax Rates for the next 2 years and how they still feel about the current Congress. It's obvious the Democrats have lost more and more prestige and support with the American people which will be very hard to get back any time soon...

3- Chris Markowski, The Watchdog on Wall Street, joins us next to talk about the Economy, Congress and the Bush Era Tax Rates being kept just the way they are for STIMULATING the American Economy...

4- Kyle Warren, 'The Professor of Politics', joins us from the Left Coast to talk about why Obama is fading fast and losing more support faster than he had gained originally as a Presidential candidate and now President. His own Party has turned on him and the Progressive Left Liberals led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen Harry Reid are making one last gasp at making as many Americans lives miserable as they can by forging the agenda forward, something that 62-71% of the Country does NOT want according to ALL of the latest polling data...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


Special thanks to the 12,000+ SUBSCRIBERS getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

Don't forget to check out "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" Store to get your official logo gear,

See you there!

Friday, December 10, 2010

"The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Dec. 9th....

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Dec. 9th....

Please click the link below to view it:

Hello everyone and welcome to another informative edition of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" with more STIMULATING talk at your home of COMMON SENSE...

We have a full list of guests for today's show and here they are:

1- Henry Raines, Tampa Bay Talk Host, whose progressive moderate views always seem to turn a little more conservative when he gets on the air with 'The Captain'. Just what are the Democrats once again doing to themselves? Henry knows...

2- Stuart Vener talks about how he and his company have been helping people to either stay in their homes or get out of them without ruining their credit. He also addresses how the tax cuts will force even more foreclosures across America if they're not kept just the way they are...

3- Joe Gruters, running for RPOF Chairman, gives us a weekly report from his current location as he seeks the Chairman's position for the Republican Party in Florida. His website is ...

4- Fritz Wenzel, our National Pollster, tells us what we heard the President say about the polls "supporting" his and the Democrats position was NOT true. Of course nobody should be surprised because House Speaker Nancy Pelosi still doesn't think her party LOST on Nov. 2nd, 2010...

4- Fitness Guru Lior Sher joins us next talking about her common sense approach to losing weight without a bunch of diet pills and using daily exercise, like walking, plus changing what you eat and how much of it you gobble down will result in much larger weight losses over a shorter period of time...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


Special thanks to the 12,000+ SUBSCRIBERS getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

Don't forget to check out "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" Store to get your official logo gear,

See you there!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Dec. 7th....

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Dec. 7th....

Please click the link below to view it:

Welcome to another noontime edition of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" where you'll get more STIMULATING talk at your home of COMMON SENSE...

Today there's lots to talk about and we've got the best guests to talk about it with...

Here's today's guest list:

1- Frank Salvato, Managing editor of New Media, who tells us about WikiLeaks Found Julian Assange voluntarily turning himself in 'hoping' he'd be granted Bail to fight Extradition back to Sweden to face Rape and Sexual Assault charges. Instead he sits in a Jail awaiting his fate while the USA 'may or may not' get involved in bringing him here to face charges on Espionage similiar to what his Home Country of Australia has indicted him on...

2- U.S. Army Lt. Col. John Dorrian calls us LIVE from Kabul, Afghanistan to tell us what life in Afghanistan has been like for the Military after the recent visit from Pres. Barack Obama...

3- Jim Kouri, Law Enforcement Examiner, who gives his take on WikiLeaks and what additional charges could be coming plus were there others involved that we haven't heard about yet? You'll want to hear this one!

We also have the latest FOX News, a Frankly Speaking Segment, Earl Pitts-Redneck, Candid Conservative Minute and some laughter before we turn off the microphone, turn out the lights and lock the studio door...

Get IN the know and tell all your friends about "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


Special thanks to the 12,000+ SUBSCRIBERS getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

Don't forget to check out "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" Store to get your official logo gear,

See you there!

Monday, December 6, 2010

"The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Dec. 6th....

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Dec. 6th....

Please click the link below to view it:

Welcome everybody and thanks for starting out your week listening to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

We sincerely appreciate the 12,000+ subscribers now getting this Radio Show Podcast...

Here's our guest list for today:

1- Chrissy Prazares, 13 President, who has plenty to say about the Federal Deficit and keeping the Tax rates we currently enjoy and NOT raise them for anybody! We also talk about FL Gov-Elect Rick Scott who is our traveling Florida finding out from Businesses what is needed by them to help create new jobs...

2- Katharine Gagg, Camp Better America, joins us to talk about what her group is doing to help returning Military Veterans and their families adjust back into civilian life and take pressure off their routine so they can relax and just simply enjoy having a good time swimming, fishing, horseback riding, golfing or whatever with their families...

3- Brigitte Gabriel, Founder of ACT for, joins us to talk about a new group she has started with retired Army Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely called Veteran Defenders which gives an opportunity for all Military Veterans to use their skills to help their Community and their Country during time of disaster's such as Fires, Floods, Hurricanes, Tornadoes and Earthquakes...

We have your latest FOX News to keep you informed on the events going on in the World today. You'll also hear the latest around the services DOD News talking about the Military and the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" Policy and whether or not it's a good idea to change...

Get IN the know and tell all your friends about "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


Special thanks to the 12,000+ SUBSCRIBERS getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

Don't forget to check out "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" Store to get your official logo gear,

See you there!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

"The Captains AMERICA" - Hr 3 Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show for Dec. 4th....

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" - Hr 3 Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show for Dec. 4th....

Please click the link below to view it:

our "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show."

For our new listeners, we hop you are enjoying the privilege of hearing what our OLD stream media doesn't want you to know about...

You haven't heard anybody talking about the WikiLeaks connection with George Soros, but we sure did talk about it and told you how there's both an email and a money connection to WikiLeaks Founder Jilian Assange...

Our hour 3 guest list looks like this:

1- Henry Raines, Progressive Moderate Talk Radio Host, who lets us know what and why the Progressive Left Democrats under Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are sticking to their guns and still trying to ram their Far LEFT Agenda through the Congress...

2- Kevin 'Coach' Collins from Coach is joins us to talk about Charlie Rangel's Censure by the Congress, the Project 51 Mosque developer now in deep financial trouble with one of his NJ businesses and how the WikiLeaks debacle should he handled as Treason and arrest ALL those who had something to do with spreading the Classified Documents onto the Internet...

3- Ryan Mauro, Intel Analyst and Founder of World, investigates your National Security and talks about the North Korea - Iran situation that has its tentacles deep into the Middle East and South America...

4- Dr. Richard Davis, who has done research and talks about those TSA Airport Full Body Scanners that equate to 50 Chest X-rays every time you have 1 Airport Scanner body scan...

That concludes hour 3 and the weekend edition of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" where you get more STIMULATING conversation at your home of COMMON SENSE...

Get IN the know and tell all your friends about "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


Special thanks to the 11,000+ SUBSCRIBERS getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

Don't forget to check out "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" Store to get your official logo gear,

See you there!

"The Captains AMERICA" - Hr 2 Nationally Syndicated Weekend Radio Show for Dec. 4th....

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" - Hr 2 Nationally Syndicated Weekend Radio Show....

Please click the link below to view it:

Welcome back to hour 2 of this weekend's 3 hour "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard across America and around the World. We never forget how we got to the point we are now at and thank ALL of our 12,000+ SUBSCRIBERS now getting our radio show podcast...

Here is our hour 2 guest list -

1- Greg Allen, Veteran Talk Show Host, who compares the WikiLeaks debacle to Espionage seen on TV with Mission Impossible. We still don't know how much damage this has done to the USA, our Allies and our effort of Diplomacy around the World...

2- Dr Jerome Corsi, MY Times Best Selling Author and Editor of the Red Alert, talks about the economics mistakes still being made by the Obama Administration. Is it intentional or are the people in the Obama Circle just not very good at what they're advising the President to do? Tune in and hear the answers...

3- Ilana Freedman, Senior Intel Analyst from the Gerard Group, talks about the WikiLeaks connection that shows how North Korea - Iran - Hezbullah and Lebanon are all related to the Global War on Terror. Hezbullah is sitting on 80,000-100,000 missiles of all kinds ready to strike and take down the Lebanon Christian Government first, then launch an all out attack on Israel which could lead to another Middle East War of immense proportions...

4- Shannon Rose, 'Mr Entertainment', lets us know the who - what- when- where and why of Hollywood and FL Entertainment News. Bet ya didn't know we have plenty of Celebrities here in FL making lots of news???

We also have another hilarious "Earl Pitts-Redneck" segment and add a Candid Conservative Minute to the mix before we take a break...

Coming up in hour 3 more news that IS news you're NOT hearing our OLD stream media tell you about...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


Special thanks to the 12,000+ SUBSCRIBERS getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

Don't forget to check out "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" Store to get your official logo gear,

See you there!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" - Hr 1, Nationally Syndicated Weekend Radio Show for Dec. 4th....

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" - Hr 1, Nationally Syndicated Weekend Radio Show for Dec. 4th....

Please click the link below to view it:

Welcome to Hour 1 of Nationally Syndicated Weekend Edition of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show." It's been a busy week and we've got a LOT of news, great guests, opinion and MORE you won't hear being discussed by our OLD stream media...

Here is our hour 1 guest list:

1- Frank Salvato, New Media Journal Managing Editor, talks about breaking news involving a connect between George Soros and WikiLeaks. You'll want to hear this one!

2- Fritz Wenzel, National Pollster, comments on the Democrats rapid fall from grace with the American people and current Congressional Poll numbers for Nancy Pelosi and the Congress...

3- Chris Markowski, The Watchdog On Wall Street, joins us to talk about a new Ponzi Scheme that has cost investors $110 million. Chris also gives details about why the Bush Era Tax Cuts MUST be kept 'in tact' for at least 1-2 more years and the Tax Cuts for Middle Income people should be made PERMANENT...

4- Kyle Warren, The Professor Of Politics, joins us from the Left Coast to talk about Nancy Pelosi's retirement and California's continuing Budget problems operating Hundreds of Millions of Dollars in debt. Kyle also has a unique opinion on the WikiLeaks Founder, the Army PFC and 'others' who might be involved in the release of all these American Classified Documents...

We round off the first hour with another hilarious "Earl Pitts - Redneck" segment to leave a smile on your face before we come back with Hour 2 of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard across America on our 121 Radio Station Network and across the World via over a dozen Internet Websites and on Satellite...

Get IN the know and tell all your friends about "The captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


Special thanks to the 11,000+ SUBSCRIBERS getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

Don't forget to check out "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" Store to get your official logo gear,

See you there!

Friday, December 3, 2010

"The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Dec. 3rd....

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Dec. 3rd....

Please click the link below to view it:

T.G.I.F.!!!!! Well it's here and we've saved some of the BEST for the last day of the week!

Today on "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" we start out talking with Chris Markowski, 'The Watchdog On Wall Street', about why the Tax Cuts will be Tax Hikes for those making above $250K unless the Congress and Senate agree very QUICKLY to extend the current Bush Tax Cuts just the way they are for ALL of us. Chris also talks about another Ponzi Scheme that has defrauded people out of $110 Million in Sarasota County, FL...

It's time next for our National Pollster, Fritz Wenzel, who has his own take on what the people think about the Tax Cuts and extending them for ALL. He also talks about the fact that Speaker Nancy Pelosi still is THE #1 most hated Democrat in Congress...

Then we hear from our Entertainment Reporter, Shannon Rose, who tells us 'Todd Palin', Sarah's husband, will be on the next Dancing With The Stars. Shannon also tells us who won't be on the show before he goes over his list of Grammy Winners and his review of 'Ghostbusters 3' and another new movie coming this weekend, "Warrior's Way"...

Rob Bluey, from the Heritage Foundation and a Red State Blogger, comes aboard next to tell us about "Nancy Pelosi's Final Stunts On America" before she steps down as Speaker of the House. The Tax Cut Bill was just the first measure in her die hard approach to stick it in our face while she still has a majority of Democrats running the show in Congress...

We finish up with aspiring Actress and swimsuit Model Sonia Lynn who will be featured on "The Brandon Lang Show" coming to Reality TV in 2011...

Of course "Earl Pitts - Redneck" joins us for some Friday humor to leave you with a smile on your face...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


Special thanks to the 11,000+ SUBSCRIBERS getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

Don't forget to check out "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" Store to get your official logo gear,

See you there!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

"The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Dec. 2nd....

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Dec. 2nd....


Welcome to today's edition of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" where you'll get more STIMULATING talk at your HOME of COMMON SENSE...

We welcome our new listeners from Ghostfighter and look forward to hearing your comments in the future...

We also thank "AM Tampa Bay" on 970 WFLA and "The Big Show" on 820 WWBA for having me on as a Guest this morning...

Our guest list today looks like this:

1- Joe Gruters, current RPOS Chairman in Sarasota, who's out on the road traveling across the 67 Counties of FL now running for RPOF Chairman. Joe is a hard charging CONSERVATIVE who will bring action and new ideas to the Republican Party in Florida...

2- Dr Richard M Davis, the Founder of Patriot Storm, who addresses the numerous safety issues regarding those new full body scanners at our Airports and coming to a Train, Bus and Seaport Terminal near you SOON...

3- Ryan Mauro, Founder of World and Internationally recognized Security Analyst, who talks about WikiLeaks and what really has been divulged to the World. Ryan also adds some thoughts about how our Enemies will be using this information...

We have the latest FOX News, another hilarious "Earl Pitts - Redneck" episode, a Candid Conservative Minute and a Paul Shanklin Parody to leave you smiling for the day...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


Special thanks to the 11,000+ SUBSCRIBERS getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

Don't forget to check out "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" Store to get your official logo gear,

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Catch 'The Captain' LIVE Thursday Dec. 2nd @ 0640 AM ET on 970 WFLA...

Catch 'The Captain' LIVE Thursday Dec. 2nd @ 0640 AM ET on 970 WFLA...

Catch 'The Captain' tomorrow morning, Thur. Dec. 2nd @ 6:40AM ET, with Jack Harris and Ted Webb on "AM Tampa Bay" on AM 970 WFLA Radio. go to: if you're not in the Tampa Bay, FL area to listen on the internet webstream ...

'The Captain'...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Nov. 30th....

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Nov. 30th....

Please click the link below to view it:

Welcome everybody to another episode of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" featuring another LIVE call from Afghanistan...

We have LOTS to talk about with our guests today and here is our guest list for today's show -

1- Frank Salvato, Managing Editor of the New Media Journal, whose researched news and opinion is second to none. Frank talks about those Wikileaks from a slightly different perspective not being discussed...

2- USAF Capt. Jeffrey Fry, calls us LIVE from Afghanistan, where the Logan, OH native tells us what it's like being a Logistics Officer moving in and outside of the wire with Convoys delivering supplies to our Troops in Afghanistan...

3- Jim Kouri, Law Enforcement Examiner and a retired Police Chief, talks about the Portland, OR Christmas Tree Lighting suspect and all of the Somali connections coming to light in America. Somalia is rapidly turning into the next big area in the Global War on Terror and will have to be dealt with by our Military...

4- Ron Galletti, Born To Ride Magazine & TV Host, joins us to tell us about his Special Operations Warriors Foundation motorcycle ride to the Playboy Mansion in California where our Wounded Warriors got a chance to meet Hugh Hefner and some Playboy Playmates. Ron works very closely with SOWF and tried to help our Wounded Warriors all that he can...

We toss in some FOX News to keep you informed and make you wiser for the rest of the day...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" and don't forget to tell ALL of your friends...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


Special thanks to the 11,000+ SUBSCRIBERS getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

Don't forget to check out "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" Store to get your official logo gear,

See you there!

Monday, November 29, 2010

"The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Nov. 29th....

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Nov. 29th....

Please click the link below to view it:

Welcome everybody to the start of another week here on "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" where you hear more STIMULATING talk at your HOME of COMMON SENSE...

We have a fast paced radio show for you today with lots of information about topics you won't hear being discussed anywhere else...
Here's our guest list -

1- Chrissy Prazares, from 13, who talks about whether the Lame Duck session of Congress should even be held and whether or not we should seat our Congressional Representatives a few weeks after the elections just like we do here in FL...

2- Jessica Misitano, Critically Acclaimed Writer, Self Published Novelist and Publicist to the Stars. Jessica talks about overcoming many struggles in her life to get where she is today...

3- John Edmonds Kozma, Head of Bang Productions, Executive Producer of Documentaries, Producer of Music Videos, whose film credits include Communication Breakdown, The Enduro at Erzberg, Travis Pastrana's Baja Diaries, Giant Maximus, Kentucky Rhapsody, One Night with You, The Teacher and Hallows. We get an insight into the World of filmaking...

We have the latest around the services DOD News about how a group of Marines managed to get home in time for the Holiday's. You'll also hear a special interview with 'The Captain' on the morning radio show "AM Tampa Bay" talking about the Korean situation...

The best way to finish today's program is to include another "Earl Pitts - Redneck" segment to leave you smiling for the rest of the day...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show."

Catch 'The Captain' tonight, Monday Nov. 29th, at 8:15 PM CT on KMOX 1120 AM radio in St. Louis, MO. where he'll be appearing on "The John Carney Show"...

God Bless America!'

The Captain'


Special thanks to the 11,000+ SUBSCRIBERS getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

Don't forget to check out "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" Store to get your official logo gear,

See you there!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 3 Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show For Nov. 27th...

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" - Hr 3 Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show....

Please click the link below to view it:

The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 3 Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show For Nov. 27th...

Welcome everybody to Hour 3 of the weekend edition of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" now heard on 121 radio stations across America, on over a dozen Internet Radio sites and on Satellite and Shortwave Radio all around the World...

Often imitated but NEVER duplicated, we are your source for more STIMULATING talk at your HOME of COMMON SENSE...

Here is our hour 3 guest list:

1- Henry Raines, Progressive Moderate Talk Radio Host, talks about the Democrats, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barack Obama and what they all plan to continue to try and do while they still have the numbers to do it with in Washington. They did NOT get the 'message' sent them on Nov. 2nd during the Mid Term Election...

2- Ilana Freedman, Senior Intel Analyst for the Gerard Group, talks about the 'power play' going on in North Korea and the transition of power that had Kim Jung Un, the son, showing his Country he's the man IN charge. In the mean time, tensions are at an all time HIGH between the 2 Korea's and it looks like they'll stay that way...

3- Kevin 'Coach' Collins, Founder of Coach is, always has plenty to talk about relating to Homeland Security, the War on Terror and Politics both in New York City and Washington, DC...

4- Ryan Mauro, Founder of World where he investigates your National Security, joins us to tell us about how North Korea views the USA. Ryan also talks about Iran and the part they are playing in all of this while China tries to keep a LID on the situation. Ryan has some interesting information on Afghanistan and what Al-Qaida and the Taliban have been doing making things very unstable there...

For a little humor we finish off Hour 3 of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" with another hilarious Paul Shanklin Political Parody to leave you smiling...

Get IN the know and tell all your Friends to become listeners of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show," the place to go when you need to know...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


Special thanks to our 11,000+ SUBSCRIBERS getting our Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

Check out "The Captain's AMERICA Store," where you can get Patriotic Logo Gear, go to:

See you there!

The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 2, Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show For Nov. 27th...

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" - Hr 2 Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show....

Please click the link below to view it;

Welcome everybody to Hour 2 of the weekend edition of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" now heard on 121 radio stations across America, on over a dozen Internet Radio sites and on Satellite and Shortwave Radio all around the World...

Often imitated but NEVER duplicated, we are your source for more STIMULATING talk at your HOME of COMMON SENSE...

Here is our hour 2 guest list:

1- Greg Allen, Veteran Talk Radio Host, who always has plenty to say about Conservatives, Democrats, Indepdendents, The TEA Party, Republicans, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barack Obama and Politics...

2- Matt Mayer, a Visiting Fellow from the Heritage Foundation, who been busy writing about the Washington Political scene and what we can expect to see during the remainder of 2010...

3- Shannon Rose, known as 'Mr Entertainment', who always has plenty to talk about relating to the World of Entertainment News and keeps us rolling along wondering what's next...

4- Wayne Allyn Root, 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential Candidate, joins us to tell us about how North Korea views the USA and our President Barack Obama. Wayne also talks about 'possibly' making his own run for President in 2012 as a Libertarian Candidate...

For a little humor we round off hour 1 with another hilarious Paul Shanklin Political Parody to leave you laughing while you wait for Hour 3 of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" Nationally Syndicated Weekend Radio Show...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


Special thanks to our 11,000+ SUBSCRIBERS getting our Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

Check out "The Captain's AMERICA Store," where you can get Patriotic Logo Gear, go to:

See you there!

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Nov. 26th...

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Nov. 26th....

Please click the link below to view it:

T.G.I.F.!!!!! It's Friday and BLACK Friday to boot...

Today we have some interesting discussions starting out with Chris Markowski, "The Watchdog On Wall Street," about why Retail Merchants put so much emphasis on this business day and what it tells America about the economy and the people...

Then we speak with our National Pollster Fritz Wenzel who talks about the Lame Duck Congress and how they've managed to spin their Mid Term Election losses into being nothing at all as they still continue to ram their progressive left liberal agenda on America...

Time next for Veteran Talk Host Greg Allen who talks about the 47th anniversary of JFK's death and who had the most to gain. Greg also speaks about how the liberal media is ignoring the slaughter of innocent Christians around the World by Muslims and mentions how minorities in Chicago want 'school choice' which is something the conservatives and many Republicans are famous for...

Bring in the 'Coach', Kevin Collins as we address ending Birthright Citizenship. Then we talk about the 1968 legal case, Terry v Ohio, which in the Coach's opinion makes ALL of the TSA searches 'illegal' before we finish talking about any ballots found after 48 hours should be deemed as fraudulent and NOT counted...

Of course we have a Friday "Earl Pitts - Redneck" segment to round off your day before we turn off the microphone, turn out the lights and lock the broadcast studio door...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


Special thanks to the 11,000+ SUBSCRIBERS getting our Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

See you there!d

Thursday, November 25, 2010

HAPPY THANKSGIVING From "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Nov. 25th - Thanksgiving Day Special...

November 25, 2010 - The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show, Happy Thanksgiving Special...
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Happy Thanksgiving everybody! We take time to remember those who can't be with their Families today serving in our Military and you are always in our prayers...

We also thank all those EMS, Firefighter's, Hospital, Police and others working on Thanksgiving keeping us FREE & SAFE...

We have a special Thanksgiving program for you with some seasonal tips and information for you...

Here is today's guest list:

1- Alix Redmonde, Sarasota TV Host and a Nationally recognized Haelth & Fitness expert, who talks about the Thanksgiving meal being a GOOD thing for you as long as you eat in moderation. If you're like ME, you love to stuff yourself with everything that's on the Thanksgiving table! Alix tells us how you can still do that but eat healthier in the process...

2- Ilana Freedman, Senior Intel Analyst from the Gerard Group, tells us why North Korea is acting the way they are and who stands to benefit and what they expect to get by doing so. Ilana Freedman knows her stuff and her research and articles have helped our DHS and Intel Agencies to keep America safe...

3- Fred Claridge, Director of the Certified Senior Guidance Association, who tells us how his Association gives everybody, including Seniors, a place to go and verify if the Business they're about to do business with is a good choice. His Certified website is the place to go and he extensively checks out those Internet Businesses that keep sending you emails about what they're going to do to save you money, or those many get rich quick schemes that are usually to good to be true, and they're NOT true to begin with...

4- Henry Raines, Tampa Bay Talk Radio Host, who gets a chance to be more Conservative when he's with us. Henry talks about Thanksgiving, has a message for the Troops listening in and then speaks about the Lame Duck Session of Congress. Was it necessary? Should Congress be a part time position? Should Congresses pay be cut? All this and more today...

We have time to finish with another hilarious "Earl Pitts - Redneck" and Candid Conservative Minute before we turn off the microphone, turn out the lights and lock the door on the radio studio...

Often imitated but never duplicated, we are "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

Happy Thanksgiving Everybody and God Bless America!

'The Captain'


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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Nov. 24th...

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Nov. 24th....

Please click the link below to view it:

Welcome to what some call the busiest travel day of the year for our Nation as we approach Thanksgiving...

We have some great conversation and opinion today from our guests about what's going on in the World around you...

Here's our guest list:

Conservative Political Pundit and former NY Congressman John LeBoutillier who speaks about the TSA and whether or not he thinks their intrusive Pat Down Policy will continue. He also talks about what North Korea was trying to do by lobbing artillery shells at a South Korean Island. You'll want to hear his explanation because it had NOTHING to do with flexing their "Military Muscle"...

Patriot's Heart Network's "Chalice" Jackson joins us to talk about the Thanksgiving Holiday travel plans and the TSA. She gives us her take based on the Constitution and a little old fashioned "common sense." You'll also hear a discussion about what the TEA Party is planning to do next as we enter the next election cycle where we'll be deciding on a new President and Congress again in 2012...

After you hear the latest FOX News we bring you a special report from the DOD about North Korea and our Military Forces there with some news around the services...

From there you get some humor from "Earl Pitts - Redneck" with another Candid Conservative Minute and a couple of hilarious Political Parodies for your day...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

More STIMULATING talk at your home of COMMON SENSE...

Special thanks to the 11,000+ subscribers getting our Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

See you there!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Nov. 23rd...

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Nov. 23rd....

Please click the link below to view it:

Hello everybody and welcome back to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show," for a Tuesday with beautiful sunny Florida weather to broadcast by...

Our guest list today looks like this:

1- Frank Salvato, New Media Journal Managing Editor, who talks about the unprovoked artillery barrage on a contested South Korean Island near the Western end of the Border that killed 2 South Korean Marines and wounded another 16 and has raised tensions to new heights across the Region. Then we speak about the TSA and why they'll have to change what they're doing with the very intrusive body pad downs that has raised the ire of airline passengers across America...

2- USMC SSG Terry Robinson, calling us LIVE from Camp Dwyer in Afghanistan whose hometown is Jacksonville, FL. SSG Robinson is with the Marine CLB-3's Support Company and works on a variety of "heavy equipment" that's used by the Marines across Afghanistan. SSG Robinson talks about his duties, his deployment and his family during another interview with one of America's finest serving in the Global War on Terror...

3- Jim Kouri, Law Enforcement Examiner Columnist, talks about the influence of CAIR with the TSA and why we're doing the things we are doing at our Nations Airport's. There's also a growing movement afoot to get Attorney General Eric Holder fired ASAP in light of what most see as a 'failure' in the recent Trial of a Terrorist in Civilian Court that almost resulted in a not guilty verdict. Jim also mentions a 'slush fund' by the DOJ which is being used for things other than what it was intended for...

4- We revisit a short interview with Congressman-Elect Alan West from FL's 22nd District during the Campaign. You can all hear the dynamic personality that has taken America by storm of an individual who will truly be a GREAT member of Congress acting in the best interest's of what his constituents want done...

Of course we have time for another hilarious "Earl Pitts - Redneck" segment, a Candid Conservative Minute and a Paul Shanklin Parody...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" to find out what's really going on across America and around the World in the Global War on Terror...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

More STIMULATING talk at your home of COMMON SENSE...

Special thanks to the 11,000+ subscribers now getting our Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

See you there!

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio SHow For Nov. 22nd With Dr. Rich Swier and Brigitte Gabriel...

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show for Nov. 22nd....

Please click the link below to view it:

Welcome everybody to the start of a new week here on "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show," where you'll get more STIMULATING talk at your home of COMMON SENSE...

We've got a GREAT discussion for you today with our good friend, Dr. Rich Swier, Editor of Red in Sarasota and also the Florida Editor. Dr. Swier talks about the UN Agenda 21 initiative for "Sustained Growth" which has made some progress both here in FL and around the USA. This agenda is funded primarily by 'George Soros' and is NOT in the best interests of America or the States within it...

Dr. Swier also talks about Funding of NPR and how they indeed get MORE than 2% and it is now believed as much as 25% of their Funding comes from our Taxpayer dollars...

We finish up our discussion talking about PROFILING in our Airports and how it now appears a previous legal case, "Terry v Ohio," decided by the US Supreme Court in 1968 will show the TSA has gone to far with their very intrusive "pat down" searches. Our final talking point is the Military Tribunals that we should be having for ALL of the "Enemy Combatants" coming up for Trial...

The we toss in another "Frankly Speaking" segment with New Media Journal Managing Editor Frank Salvato...

After a FOX News update we speak with ACT for America Founder, Brigitte Gabriel, about our Nations Homeland Security and Terrorist activity going on around America and the World. Brigitte always has some extremely informative news about Hezbullah, Hamas, Al-Qaida and what the Taliban are up to trying to wreak more havoc on the United States and her Allies...

Of course you get some "Earl Pitts - Redneck" humor today to go along with another "Candid Conservative" Minute before we turn off the microphone, turn out the lights and lock the door on the Radio Studio for today...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

More STIMULATING talk at your home of COMMON SENSE...

Special thanks to the 11,000+ subscribers getting our daily Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

See you there!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 3 Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show For Nov. 20th...

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" - Hr 3 Nationally Syndicated Weekend Radio Show....

Please click the link below to view it:

Welcome back to hour 3 of the nationally syndicated weekend edition of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show," now heard on 121 radio station affiliates across America and around the World on over a dozen Internet Radio websites, Shortwave Radio and on Satellite...

We thank all of YOU listening to this Podcast of our Radio Show and especially thank the 11,000+ subscribers getting this Podcast from all of our various sources...

Here is our hour 3 guest list:

1- Henry Raines, Talk Radio Host, whose middle of the road moderate progressive liberal show gets a chance to go conservative when he visits us. Henry talks about why and how the Democrats have fallen from power and the good graces of the American people in less than 2 years...

2- Kevin 'Coach' Collins, Coach Is Founder, talks about how that Terrorist Trial in a NYC Civilian Court ALMOST was a complete loss for Attorney General Eric Holder whose comments earlier practically guaranteed a guilty verdict. Oh really???

3- Ryan Mauro, World Intel Analyst, has lots to say about Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula and the TSA Airport Pad Downs. Ryan talks about how the Taliban now seem to be playing politics in Afghanistan trying to get the NATO night time raids against them stopped...

4- Robert Mazur, former Customs Undercover officer and Author of "The Infilitrator," stops by to tell us how his new book is going and how the same old stuff is still going on in Mexico with money laundering. Mr. Mazu helped to bring down the Pablo Escobar Cartel which led to the US Bank involvement of Wachovia Bank and the Drug Cartel...

We toss in another humerous Paul Shanklin Parody entitled "The Party's Over" just for our Democratic listeners so they have something to laugh about after their HUGE defeat a couple of Tuesday's ago...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" and tell all your friends about us...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

More STIMULATING talk at your home of COMMON SENSE...

Special thanks to the 11,000+ subscribers getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

See you there!

October 10, 2010 - Hr 2, The Captain's AMERICA Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show...

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" - Hr 2 Nationally Syndicated Weekend Radio Show....

Please click the link below to view it:

Welcome back everybody to hour 2 of this weekend's "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show," now heard on 121 stations across America!

We have lots to talk about with some very interesting guests and here they are:

1- Greg Allen, Veteran Talk Radio Host, who has a different take on the Obama demise and fall from grace. Could it be he's fallen from the good grace of George Soros? It's clear the Progressive Left Agenda isn't to the liking of MOST of Americans and the recent Election proved that but yet the Obama Administration and Democratic Congress continues to plow ahead with it, insuring Barack Obama WILL be a "1 term" President...

2- Dr Jerome Corsi, NY Times Best Selling Author and Red Alert Editor, joins us next to talk about the Economy and how Ethanol made from Corn isn't doing anything to help us. Dr. Corsi instead suggests if we're going to make Ethanol, we should be using the Brazilian model and make it from Sugar Cane which burns cleaner and does less damage to our small engines. Ethanol will be going up to a 15% mixture with Gasoline...

3- Noel Flasterstine, Constitutional Attorney, talks next about how these "Groping Pad Downs" and the Full Body Scanners at Airports are actually "Unconstitutional" and should be stopped. The Terrorist's are laughing at our TSA because some of what's being down would NOT have caught the famous Christmas Day "Underwear Bomber" let alone the "Show Bomber." We need to start PROFILING just like they do in Israel with El Al Airlines and let the Airlines hire their own Security people and remove the TSA from the Passenger Screening process EXCEPT for watching the screening of baggage and passengers via those X-Ray machines...

4- Shannon Rose is next with his "Rose Report," all about the area's and the Country's Entertainment News with a "Shannon Twist." The ever humorous and always informative Shannon keeps us informed about things that will just make your entertainment news FUN to listen to...

We toss in our own little bit of humor with some "Strange But True News" about a 'Donut Diet' that actually works and people are losing weight doing it...

We also play our hilarious "Sneakin In The USA" musical parody to round off the second hour on a silly note...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

More STIMULATING talk at your home of COMMON SENSE...

Special thanks to the 11,000+ subscribers getting this Podcast...

Become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups...

See you there!