Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 30th - Hr #1 Weekend Syndicated Show...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 30th - Hr #1 Weekend Syndicated Show...

By Matt Bruce | 01/30/10 | 01:08 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show - Hr #1 Weekend Syndicated Edition...


Hello and welcome to the weekend edition of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard around the Country via our Radio Station Network of 75 stations and on over a dozen Internet website's plus Shortwave Radio and via Wireless Radio and Sirius/XM Satellite Radio...

Our first guest is Frank Salvato, New Media Journal Editor, as he breaks down the State of the Union along with news from Haiti and the FL Senate race along with War on Terror news about Yemen...

Then we speak with Marco Rubio about the FL U.S. Senate race as he also comments about what he thought of the State of the Union message. Marco also talks about the FL Hi-Speed Rail Train proposal and those Major League Stadiums that Private funding will now have to take care of since there doesn't appear to be any more Public funding with another big Budget deficit predicted for 2011...

We hear from 7-term former OK Congressman Ernest Istook next as he was sitting IN the Congressional Chamber during the State of the Union speech. Ernest is now a Senior Fellow with the Heritage Foundation and you'll hear his take on the State of the Union speech given by Pres. Barack Obama...

Our final guest is Army Specialist Ken James calling us LIVE from Al Assad in Iraq telling us about his Unit and what his job is there. Specialist James fills us in on his tour while in Iraq and other things about Military life...

Get IN the know and become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook...

Tune in LIVE weekday mornings 6-9 AM ET on WSRQ Radio 1220 AM & 106.9 FM in Sarasota, FL., USA...

'Cultural Corruption'...

'Cultural Corruption'...


As America observes the unfolding carnage in Haiti, we have been brutally reminded of our blessings. As we shift our recliners to more comfortable positions, we might pause a moment to ponder a deeper truth - those blessings do not convey immunity.

'No Free Rides' -

As a conservative appreciative of our country's traditional values, it is a personal belief that prosperity and safety are not without cost. The Bible, reinforced by nature and the test of experience, assures us that nothing is free and the pretense of such is anything but loving.

God may have made men equal, but such is certainly not the case with cultures. Whatever romantic attributes previously granted to Haitian culture were grievously assaulted by recent events. The broken rock fault under Haiti has revealed a long standing cultural fault on top of Haiti.

In spite of the lessons of history and this current event so close to our shores, most Americans believe we retain an inevitable destiny of power and security. To do anything else would require we step around the soft allure of comfort and face the much more demanding mistress of accountability.

'Confronting the Anointed' -

In my home town a couple of dozen Tea Party members recently stepped away from their comfort zones to confront elected officials returning from a junket. The state legislator and county commission chair flew in from Hawaii, an island paradise coincidently located at about the same latitude as the paradise lost - Haiti.

The benefits of a tax payer funded vacation evidently included a respective four thousand dollar dose of Maui's version of 'chutzpa' - Hebrew for 'audacious entitlement'. It seems that both officials were stricken with the crucial importance of their roles on the Airport Authority and the daunting skill sets necessary to that function. Hawaii was clearly the only place to properly acquire those proficiencies.

Those with a resistance to chicken manure marketed as chicken salad have tilted their heads at the assertion that board membership necessitates exotic trips to tropical vistas. Those acquainted with books, the Internet, and other affordable and accessible learning tools were equally skeptical of the attitude of personal entitlement cheerfully defended as an act of accountability. It is apparent that awareness of a real national unemployment rate approaching 20% and enough debt to mortgage the future of our children's children is not one of the skill sets of an information deprived airport authority.

Insult was added to injury when it was learned that Mr. Commissioner wanted to be reimbursed for using his frequent flyer miles for the trip. Audacity was added to absurdity when it was discovered that Mrs. Legislator graciously shared her room when her family showed up in Hawaii to enhance her learning experience.

'The Politics of the Bright Lie' -

The corruption of truth by smooze artists has become the accepted model of politics in today's America. The effort by these co-conspirators to paint a bright coating of necessity over an exercise in long-distance frivolity was far too typical. We lost Lord Acton in the last century, but his quote about "power corrupting" has certainly traveled well into this one.

Thanks are due to the eighteen people who left their recliners and held a confrontation luau for these culture vultures posing as community leaders. Such activism is a living manifestation of anthropologist Margaret Mead's assertion - "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

'Progressive Corruptions' -

The country of Haiti shares an island with the Dominican Republic. There are few better places to note the dual potentials of cultures. On one side of the border strive a hopeful people grounded to a developing foundation of liberty, opportunity, and responsibility. On the other struggles a desperate people floundering in a swamp of tyranny, stagnancy, and despair. Neither reality is accidental or inevitable. Both resulted from incremental cultural decisions.

Corruption exists in all societies. Left unchallenged, it can grow here just as surely as anywhere else. It will take lots of "small groups of thoughtful committed citizens" to turn the tide of America's slide to dark places.

Taking the fight to our tainted leaders is a good place to start. Just as evil rarely comes to us with glowing eyes and a forked tail, corrupt politicians rarely step into the sunshine - especially when returning from wasteful junkets to Hawaii - without a bodyguard of lies. Deceit festers in the hearts of the corrupted - such people cannot protect America's future.

Cultures taking the potentials of evil for granted risk forces of destruction holding even greater fury than an earthquake. It behooves us to look to the unfolding tragedy in Haiti for the potentials of the progressive corruption of our own culture. We need not wait for an earthquake to leave our recliners...

Until later, that's it from me...

Dr. Carl Mumpower

'The Candid Conservative'

Friday, January 29, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 29th...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 29th...

By Matt Bruce | 01/29/10 | 12:18 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 29th...



Today we start out asking the question, "Do You Support The FL Hi-Speed Rail Train From Tampa To Orlando...Yes or No". The phones rang OFF the hook and I couldn't answer them fast enough as people called overwhelmingly to say NO!

Our first guest Greg Allen, NYC Talk Radio Host, answers the same question and asks others about the State of the Union speech and just whose Union it was that Pres. Barack Obama was speaking about...

Then it's time for Sally Tibbetts, FL-13 District Director for Cong. Vern Buchanan, as she answers questions about the State of the Union speech and other things. The 5 Point Economy and Jobs Bill proposed by Cong Buchanan, the Balanced Budget Bill, HR 847 The Sunshine Resolution are all discussed in today's radio segment...

We wrap things up by finishing off the week of great guests we've had including Marco Rubio, Army Specialist Ken James at Al Assad in Iraq, Kent Clizbe-Security and Terrorism Expert and more...

Put yourself IN the know and tune in LIVE weekday mornings 6-9 AM ET to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" LIVE on WSRQ Radio 1220 AM & 106.9 FM and WSRQ, Talkstream and The Captain's AMERICA websites...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

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Did you HEAR 'Marco Rubio' on Thursday's Radio Show? If not catch the podcast...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 28th - Special Guest, Marco Rubio...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 28th - Special Guest, Marco Rubio...

By Matt Bruce | 01/28/10 | 12:32 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 28th - With Marco Rubio...


Hello everyone and welcome to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" with plenty going on today after last night's State of the Union address by Pres. Barack Obama...

While everyone knows the President does NOT make any of the laws passed by Congress, he did call for a new era of politics in Washington, DC. The question now is will it be busy as usual or doing the business of the people???

Our first guest is Tampa Talk Radio Show Host Henry Raines who gives his take on the speech and some of the new problems it creates for the Democrats to deliver on IF they want to remain the Party 'in power' come November...

Then it's time for FL U.S. Sen. GOP Candidate Marco Rubio who talks about the Obama speech and adds some thoughts you probably haven't heard anywhere else. He also speaks about the Hi-Speed Rail Service and the President's trip to Tampa where it's expected he'll deliver some $1.25 Billion, about 1/2 of what FL thought they would get, to initiate the FL Hi-Speed Rail project. You'll also hear some candid comments about the Ft Hood Shooter Report and using Public Funds for Professional Stadiums like Baseball and Football...

Time next for 7-term Oklahoma Cong. Ernest Istook, now a Senior Fellow with the Heritage Foundation, who was sitting IN the Joint Session of Congress last night viewing the State of the Union address. This is a MUST listen to segment because of the comments being made by members of both the Democrat and Republican Party's in the presence of Ernest. His 'take' on the speech is extremely enlightening and something ALL people should hear...

Of course we finish off with Earl Pitts and some more opinion about what's next for America to see if we actually can get away from all the bickering and agree to do the business of the PEOPLE for a change...

Get IN the know and tune in weekday mornings LIVE 6-9 AM ET to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on WSRQ Radio 1220 AM & 106.9 FM in Sarasota, FL. and on the Worldwide Web LIVE at WSRQ, Talkstream and The Captain's websites...

God Bless America and ALL those defending, protecting and serving America keeping all of us FREE & SAFE!

'The Captain'

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 27th - State of Which UNION???

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 27th - State of Which UNION???

By Matt Bruce | 01/27/10 | 12:03 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 27th - State of Who's Union???


Join us today as we hit the radio airwaves hard anxiously anticipating '2' things! The first being Pres. Barack Obama's second State of the Union message in an economy remarkably WORSE than when he first started, and second the trip to Tampa tomorrow where it's expected he and Vice Pres Joe Biden will announced the release of some $2.53 BILLION in Stimulus Funds for the proposed Tampa to Orlando Hi-Speed passenger Train...

Our first guest is Ryan Mauro, Christian Action Network and World Threats Writer and Security Analyst, as he describes what he is hearing and seeing going on in Yemen which just could become the next 'center' in the Global War on Terror...

Time next for former NY Cong. John LeBoutillier who speaks about the Political scene in Washington, DC as well as Marco Rubio going in front of FL Gov Charlie Crist in a recent Quinnipiac Poll...

Then it's 'The Coach' from Collins as he gets into a little Politic talk about the Senate in 2010 along with his usual Homeland Security report about what we can expect to see coming from the DHS in lieu of new security measures being implemented for air, rail and sea travel...

Get IN the know and tune in to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard LIVE weekday mornings from 6-9 AM ET on our Flagship station WSRQ Radio 1220 AM and 106.9 FM in Sarasota, FL. We also now feature our TEA Party News segment at 0635 AM ET and 0735 AM ET, something you'll absolutely LOVE, especially if you're a TEA Party member or supporter...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 26th - Special Guest, Ed Lynch, FL-19 Cong Candidate...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 26th - Special Guest, Ed Lynch, FL-19 Cong Candidate...

By Matt Bruce | 01/26/10 | 12:48 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 26th - Homeland Security Day...


Join us today with our first guest, Frank Salvato, Managing Editor of the New Media Journal talking about the Obama Administration still continuing to push their 'agenda' forward even after last week's DEFEAT in the MA Special U.S. Senate election! You'll be amazed at the audacity being shown by those in Washington who apparently still haven't received the MESSAGE delivered by the voters of MA...

Then we speak with former CIA Operative and Terrorism Expert, Kent Clizbe, who tells us about the Yemen Al-Qaia connection and the who-what-when-where-why of their existance there and why the USA is taking the fight TO them right now!

Time next for Army Specialist Ken James from Irmo, SC who calls in from Al Assad in Iraq telling us about his Unit and what they're doing in Iraq towards the overall mission. It's Specialist James 2nd Tour and he lets us know how both his Unit and the Iraqis great jobs have made the scaling down of our forces in Iraq a possible thing...

Then we speak with FL GOP 19th Congressional District Candidate Ed Lynch calling in from South Florida as he tells us what he and his campaign are all about as a 'special' Primary election is scheduled for next Tuesday in which he hopes to win based on his stated principles and go on to the November Election as the GOP Candidate in the 19th Congressional District of Florida. This IS a very interesting interview you'll want to hear...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard LIVE 6-9 AM ET weekday mornings on our Flagship Station WSRQ 1220 AM and 106.9 FM in Sarasota, FL and also broadcast LIVE on WSRQ, Talkstream and The Captain's websites...

God Bless America and ALL those who defend, protect and serve her keeping all of us FREE & SAFE...

'The Captain'

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Monday, January 25, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 25th - Monday Politics Edition...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 25th - Monday Politics Edition...

By Matt Bruce | 01/25/10 | 12:41 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 25th - Political Monday Edition...


Hello everyone and welcome to the start of a new week right here on "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard LIVE weekday mornings 6-9 AM ET on WSRQ Radio 1220 AM & 106.9 FM also LIVE on WSRQ, Talkstream and The Captain's websites 6-9 AM ET weekday mornings...

Our first guest is Chrissy Prazares from 13 and the Manatea Party Republicans who talks about what her group has been up to along with an afternoon meeting with FL-13 Cong. Vern Buchanan at his office in Sarasota...

Then we speak with World Net Daily Founder, CEO and President Joseph Farah who talks about the American TEA Party Movement and where he thinks it's headed in 2010. This is interesting stuff as Mr. Farah says the TEA Party Movement started some '18' months ago but I point out it was more like '4' years ago when Cong. Ron Paul, Dick Armey and others in TX were beginning the TEA Party Movement in America...

Time next for Kyle Warren, "The Professor of Politics," as he talks about last week's MA Special Senate Election and what he's hearing way out in California and how it's going to affect Campaigns like Sen. Barbara Boxer and Sen. Harry Reid in NV...

Of course you'll hear more FACTS being discussed than 'opinions' mentioned by our MSNM who don't seem to understand what facts actually are...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Is It Time To Bring Back The Draft???

Matt Bruce
Is It Time To Bring Back The Draft???

Editorial! News Alert! Family Alert! Action Alert! Legislation/Vote Alert!
Is It Time To Bring Back The Draft???

Written By: Matt Bruce

News Source: News Sarasota, Iraq Study Group, Congress


After the Iraq Study Group released its report a couple of years ago, there's been a lot of speculation over whether bringing back the Draft would be something needed to be done...

In its initial report the Iraq Study Group said, "An extraordinary amount of sacrifice has been asked of our men and women in uniform, and of their families. The American Military has little reserve force to call on if it needs ground forces to respond to other crises around the World."

Immediately after that, Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY), spoke up and started to immediately publicly discuss the option of reinstating the Military Draft...

The Selective Service Act went into effect in 1917 when it required American civilian males between the ages of 21-30 to register for WWI...

The United States hasn't had a military draft since 1973, when Congress eliminated conscription as the Vietnam War was drawing to an end...

For most of its history, the United States has been without a draft. But the times we live in and the Global War on Terror may have forced that all to change...

Many military officers, lawmakers and analyists oppose bringing back the draft. However a larger number of our our elected officials and more ranking members of the military are starting to suggest bringing back the draft...

Today's military has been an all-volunteer force the past 34 years. The demands being brought forward by the Global War on Terror, is now present in at least 60 Countries around the World in one form or another...

The Army had 732,000 active-duty soldiers during the 1991 Persian Gulf War which happened 3 years after President Ronald Reagan was out of office...

During the Clinton years, the force was reduced and now numbers about 512,000 under President Bush...

The Bush administration recognized there was a problem and has promised to add 92,000 service members to the Army and Marine Corps over the next 5 years...

The Obama administration has continued this policy...

But how do you do this without mentioning the fact there may be a need for the reactivation of the Military Draft???

This would mean Army and Marine recruiters would have to sign up additional people every year, while they're already struggling to meet recruiting quotas and some standards have had to be dropped to do so...

For example, raising the enlistment age to 42, allowing some lessor criminal charges previously not allowed for recruit eligibility and lowering some of the test scores recruits have to take...

I would like to suggest that IF the United States Government feels the need to reinstate the Military Draft, that we add women between the ages of 18-39 to the list...

Women have already been proven to be able and willing to serve in Combat situations and have performed extremely well under some extremely adverse conditions...

While the Feminist's will never agree with what I've just said, go ask a female soldier what she thinks about what they're doing for America...

I have and they are damn proud to be serving and are willing to do whatever it takes to defend, protect and serve America...

That being said, the men's requirements for instituting a new Draft would probably remain the same as the enlistment requirements. The only thing that might be changed would be the maximum age of 42, which would probably be dropped to 39 as well...

When you start seeing the likes of 'Jane Fonda' back on the anti-war stage, every Vietnam veteran remembers what she meant to our Enemy and how her efforts gave more resolve to the NVA and Viet Cong Forces fighting against us in Vietnam and across Southeast Asia...

It is time for honorable and patriotic men and women across America to stand up for our Military. The fact of the matter is, our young men and women serving in our Military today are keeping the Terrorist's from operating and doing what they're doing over there, right here in our Country...

For the people that don't understand that, I say what rock have you been living under???

The Radical Islamic Muslim Terrorist's are real and they want nothing more than to kill as many of us as they can. They know they can defeat us in the world of public opinion, if we allow them to...

We are not the people running around with suicide bombers, killing hundreds and thousands of people each and every month...

We are also not the people running around beheading those who stand up and fight against them in the name of their Religion...

And finally, what part of the word TERRORIST don't you understand???

These people do not want to talk. They do not want to negotiate. They merely want to kill as many of us as they can and destroy our way of life...

Democracy is not a part of their beliefs or upbringing. We are the 'Great Satan' because we allow women the right to vote. That also applies to women having the ability to express their opinion. You don't have to look very far to understand that either...

Just go to Afghanistan where the Taliban ruled and you'll run across women who have had their tongues cut out for rendering any opinion against the Muslim fanatics that used to run that Country...

These are the facts that are there to be found if you just bother to look. So the fact still remains, do you want to fight them over
there...or over here???

To do what we need to do to destroy the Radical Islamic Terrorist's around the World before they have the chance to destroy us, we 'may' have to bring back the Military Draft...

Think about that when you read the headlines from across the Globe...

Draft proponents say that those whom the Military doesn't need could be used instead to work in Homeland Security guarding our Airports, Seaports and Borders or could even work in understaffed Hospitals or Schools. All of this could be done just by reinstating the Draft...

So, consider the evidence and the facts of what I've written and then stand up for America and our brave Military men and women...

You can either be part of the solution or remain part of the problem. The choice is up to you...

One thing IS for certain, if this old Warrior's body would let him, I'd volunteer in a minute! Whatever happened to that kind of spirit in America???

For Now, That's Just 'OUR' Opinion...

Matt Bruce
Managing Editor
Host Of "The Captain's AMERICA" Radio Show
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The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show - Hour #1 Weekend Syndicated Show...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show - Hour #1 Weekend Syndicated Show...

By Matt Bruce | 01/23/10 | 09:07 AM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show - Hr 1 Syndicated Weekend Show...


Hello Folks and welcome to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" Hour #1 heard on our Network of Radio and Internet Stations across America as well as on Shortwave Radio being heard around the World. For more information on how to hear our Radio Show, go to The Captain's

Our first guest this weekend is Frank Salvato, Managing Editor of the New Media Journal, who does his week in review. Of course the biggest but not the only news was the special Senate election in Massachusetts won by a Republican who clearly had the support of the TEA Party Movement in doing so. You'll also hear news about Yemen and Al-Qaida which has grown and spread to other parts of the World...

Then it's our pleasure to be able to speak with our good friend FL-13 Cong. Vern Buchanan as he talks about his HR 847 Sunshine Resolution in Congress and the introduction of a new Bill which will put the Terrorist's on Trial in Military Tribunals NOT our Civilian Courts. Cong. Buchanan also talks about the FL-13 Congressional District and points out that Washington IS broken and how YOU can help fix it...

Of course you'll hear Earl Pitts and another hilarious segment as only Earl can do! Tell your friends and neighbors and become a regular listener to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard LIVE weekday mornings from 6-9 AM ET on WSRQ Radio 1220 AM & 106.9 FM in Sarasota, FL.! You can also hear us LIVE on WSRQ, Talkstream and The Captain's website's via the streaming there when you click on the "Listen LIVE" button...

God bless ALL those who defend, protect and serve America keeping all of us FREE & SAFE! Don't forget our 18,000 Military Personnel now in Haiti who are helping those who need help the most right now! When disaster happens anywhere in the World, America responds and LEADS the way...

'The Captain'

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Friday, January 22, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 22nd - The Fritz Poll...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 22nd - The Fritz Poll...

By Matt Bruce | 01/22/10 | 01:44 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA For Jan. 22nd - The Fritz Poll...


Howdy everyone and welcome to another interesting hour #3 of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" which is heard LIVE from 6-9 AM ET weekday's on WSRQ Radio 1220 AM and 106.9 FM along the Suncoast of Florida from studios in downtown Sarasota, FL. USA. You can also hear us LIVE on WSRQ, Talkstream and The Captain's websites via the webstream there...

We start out with Fritz Wenzel, 'The Fritz Poll', now a weekly segment and he tells us the numbers that matter coming out of the special Massachusetts Senate election. You'll also hear some poll numbers from across America where 60% of Republicans polled are calling themselves "TEA Party Republicans," and the latest polling data from Ohio in the Governor's race where the Republican leads the incumbent Democrat by 10 percentage points right now...

Then we speak to Greg Allen, NYC Talk Radio Host, who offers his condolences to the Democratic Party but advises the Republicans not to get to cocky as there's still a long way to go between now and November 2nd when the Mid-Term elections are going to be held...

Sally Tibbetts the FL-13 Congressional District Director for Cong. Vern Buchanan joins us next to discuss the busy political week including the HR 847 Sunshine Resolution and the support his petition is getting to bring this to a vote on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives...

Then we close out talking about some local political developments including the visit of LTC Allen West GOP Candidate for the FL 22nd Congressional District...

Join us Monday when we'll have Dr. Jerome Corsi, best selling author and investigative reporter along with James Farah, Editor of World Net Daily who will give us all the latest scoop on the attempt to find out more about Pres. Obama's background...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard LIVE weekday mornings 6-9 AM ET on WSRQ Radio...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook...

Join us LIVE weekday mornings 6-9 AM ET on 1220 AM and 106.9 FM WSRQ Radio...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 21st - TEA Party Rules...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 21st - TEA Party Rules...

By Matt Bruce | 01/21/10 | 12:18 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 21st...


Welcome to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard LIVE weekday mornings from 6-9 AM ET on WSRQ Radio 1220 AM and 106.9 FM in Sarasota, FL. and on the Internet via WSRQ, Talkstream and The Captain's websites LIVE 6-9 AM ET...

Today we hear from more TEA Party folks and people who are talking about the success of the TEA Party movement and how it affected the Massachusetts Special Senate election on Tuesday won by Scott Brown...

Our first guest is Henry Raines, Tampa Talk Radio Host, as he lays out the reasons WHY the Democrats were beaten and WHAT they did and are still doing wrong which will bring on even more problems for them in the November Mid-Term election...

Then we speak with Kyle Olsen, ACORN, who tells us about the role ACORN once again played in the Special MA Election. Kyle also addresses other reasons why the Democrats have even MORE problems in store if they don't start listening to the American people about Healthcare, Cap and Trade and Economy and Job issues right NOW!

Time next for Kevin 'Coach' Collins, Collins, as he finishes his comments not only about the election in MA but those elections in November that had the SAME results where incumbent Democrats were voted OUT of office in local elections around NYC and replace by new Conservative ones...

Of course it's nothing but the FACTS but why isn't the mainstream media reporting what is easily and readily available? WHY are they instead still trying to blame George W. Bush or anyone but themselves in what is clearly a Voter REVOLT against the first year of Democratic control of Congress???

Get IN the know and tell your friends to start tuning in because you'll know what they won't and you'll be glad you do...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

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Catch our Podcast:

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 20th - Scott Brown MA Senate Victory & MORE...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 20th - Scott Brown MA Senate Victory & MORE...

By Matt Bruce | 01/20/10 | 12:15 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 20th - Scott Brown's Victory In MA...


Wow! What a day this is for Freedom Loving Americans who believe in Apple Pie, Baseball, Hot Dogs, Fair Elections and the American Way...

First of all a very special thanks to all of the attendee's of Ret. Army LTC Allen West's Fundraiser held at Gold Coast Eagle Distributors in Lakewood Ranch, FL. A very special thanks to Ret. USMC Col. John Saputo for his hospitality, Gene Sweeney from Salt of the Earth and all the fans and friends we met there at the event. Special thanks also go to Dan Mashburn and Alix Redmonde for their excellent video taping of the event which will be heard and seen SOON on Neil Boortz, Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Medved, Bill O'Reilly, FOX News Radio & TV as well as "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

Our first guest today is Ryan Mauro from World who talks about the recent capture in Yemen of Al-Qaida's #2 man for the African Southern Peninsula. And are there more Terror threats America is preparing for in light of the Detroit 'Crotch Bomber'???

Then we speak with former NY Congressman John LeBoutillier who speaks about what Scott Brown's victory in Massachusetts means for the Obama agenda in Congress. Will things now get pushed and rammed through? Tune in and find out...

Time next for former 2 term NM Gov. Gary Johnson who is promoting his OUR America group as 2010 and the Mid-Term elections move forward. The Governor was know as being a financial conservative who kept the State of New Mexico in the 'black' while he was in office...

Then we bring in 'The Coach', Kevin Collins, who Steve had problems trying to reach this morning so his segment is a tad bit 'short' about Cruise Ship security and the things you don't know are going on while you're busy cruisin'...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show". God Bless America!

'The Captain'

"The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard LIVE weekdays 6-9 AM ET on 1220 AM & 106.9 FM WSRQ Radio...

Become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 19th - MA Senate Race & More...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 19th - MA Senate Race & More...

By Matt Bruce | 01/19/10 | 12:23 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 19th...


Hello everybody and welcome to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard LIVE 6-9 AM ET on WSRQ Radio 1220 AM and 106.9 FM along the Suncoast of Florida from studio's located in downtown Sarasota, FL., USA and also webcast LIVE on WSRQ, Talkstream and The Captain's websites...

We start out with New Media Journal Managing Editor Frank Salvato who discusses the special election being held today in Massachusetts. This IS an extremely interesting race which sets the table for what's coming in the Mid-Term election on November 2nd. You'll want to pay close attention to the FACTS that have made it this way and the reason WHY it's even 'close' to begin with...

Time next for Jim Kouri from and current 5th VP for the Natl Assn of Chief's of Police as he discusses the violence in Haiti which is making it difficult to get some of the food, medical and water supplies to the people who need it. You'll also hear about the FBI which has now set up a Haiti Scam Unit to deal with so called "Charities" getting money and not using for Haiti at all...

Then we speak with Army Staff Sergeant Charles Muntz from Mt. Pleasant, SC who calls us from Al Asad in Iraq to tell us about his Unit and job duties there. SSG Muntz is a Firefighter with the North Charleston, SC Fire Dept. in his civilian life and a Human Resources Sergeant in the Military. We thank the DOD and his Unit for allowing us to speak with him on today's show...

Time next for a chat about our weekend remote with 'Kat' at the Cat Depot in Sarasota where another record number of cats were adopted for a single day as literally several hundred cat lovers stopped by to see the new Cat Depot facility and say hello to the WSRQ 'crew' at the live radio remote...

Get IN the know and tell your friends to tune in for what they've been missing out on by not listening to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America and ALL of our brave First Responders and Military keeping all of us FREE & SAFE!

'The Captain'

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Monday, January 18, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 18th...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 18th...

By Matt Bruce | 01/18/10 | 12:02 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 18th...


Hello everybody and welcome to today's "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard LIVE weekday's from 6-9 AM ET on WSRQ 1220 AM and 106.9 FM Radio in Sarasota, FL. as well as WSRQ, Talkstream and The Captain's websites...

Join our first guest Chrissy Prazares from Florida Patriotic Resistance and as she talks about the 'battle plan' her group has for getting accurate information to Voters who need to know the facts and not the rumors about Candidates and their Campaigns throughout Florida and including District 13...

Then it's time for our pal, Greg Allen, NYC Talk Radio Host who fills us in on the lack of interest in getting America off the dependency of Foreign Oil. This is something that would create as much as $80 Billion a year in new jobs in the Energy Field which would include Oil, Natural Gas, Solar, Wind and more. The big question here is WHY doesn't Washington get serious about helping America break free from OPEC and their constant HOOK they have firmly planted into each and every one of us???

Joining us next is Kyle Warren, 'The Professor of Politics', who gets into the latest details about the State of Massachusetts U.S. Senate race and how CLOSE it is with at least '2' polls showing the GOP Candidate Scott Brown LEADING in the final hours before the Tuesday vote. This would be an AMAZING feat if a Republican Candidate can WIN a Senate seat held by Ted Kennedy for over 3 decades...

Then we talk about some of the Relief Agencies in the area helping out in Haiti along with a very interesting stat about some of our 'friends' who vote against us in the UN anywhere from 67% to 80% of the time. Those same 'friends' who get large amounts of Foreign Aid from us and in some cases we buy their Oil from them. The logical question here is WHY do we even bother with them???

Get IN the know, tell your friends and start listening to what you won't hear being discussed until other Talk Radio and Internet Shows hear us talk about them FIRST...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

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Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show Hr 1 Weekend Syndicated Program...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show Hr 1 Weekend Syndicated Program...

By Matt Bruce | 01/16/10 | 05:46 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 1 Weekend Syndicated Radio Show...


The weekend version of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" starts out with Frank Salvato from the New Media Journal talking about the Relief work in Haiti. Then we switch over to the business 'as usual' even though we were all promised 'hope and change' by President Barack Obama. We got the 'hope' and we're all still looking for the 'change' but it's obvious that's NOT going to happen until we vote those in the Congress who are NOT doing the business of the 'people' OUT of office in November 2010...

Time next for former U.S. Senator from NH Robert Smith who will surprise a lot of people who thought they knew him during his 12 years in the Senate. This is a MUST listen to interview for anyone who is on the 'bubble' about the FL. U.S. Senate Race between Gov. Charlie Crist, former FL. House Speaker Marco Rubio and himself...

Then we listen to Ray Stevens Song about 'We The People' which is pretty much what our first hour is all about. You'll absolutely LOVE listening to this song that's taking the Country and the TEA Party movement by storm...

Get IN the know and tune in to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard weekends across the Country on our Radio Station Affiliates, Worldwide via our Internet partner websites plus on Shortwave Radio where you can hear us from...

God Bless AMERICA!

'The Captain'

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Friday, January 15, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show With Cong. Vern Buchanan For Jan. 15th...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show With Cong. Vern Buchanan For Jan. 15th...

By Matt Bruce | 01/15/10 | 03:19 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 15th With Cong. Vern Buchanan...


Hello everybody and welcome to today's "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" hour #3 as heard LIVE on WSRQ Radio 1220 AM and 106.9 FM in Sarasota, FL...

We start out talking with FL. State Senator Paula Dockery from District 15 in Lakeland who is now running for Governor against FL Attorney General Bill McCullum. Sen. Dockery lays out her issues which include not supporting the High Speed passenger rail train proposed for the State which she believes will cost more than what we're now hearing along with her experience and why she'd make a good Governor...

Time next for Greg Allen, NYC Talk Radio Host, who speaks about the Massachusetts U.S. Senate race which now has one poll showing the GOP challenger in the lead and the Election simply a 'dead heat' based on others. This is indeed HUGE news and if 'Taxachusetts' goes RED it will be even bigger news!

Then we spend the next half hour with FL-13 Congressman Vern Buchanan who is LIVE in studio as he takes calls and speaks about new legislation he's introduced called "Military Tribunals for Terrorists Act," along with his "Sunshine Resolution" drawing National interest and the FBI taking up Congressman Buchanan's plan to track violent offenders as the Bureau moves quickly to erase the backlog and acquire new DNA samples from inmates which could solve a lot more crimes faster...

Congressman Buchanan's answers are exactly what Americans need to hear especially when it comes to the "Transparency" we were all promised by Pres. Barack Obama during his Campaign which Speaker Nancy Pelosi has 'laughed off' calling it merely a "campaign promise"...

Get IN the know and become involved in helping to keep America the BEST place on the Planet to live!

Tell your friends and tune in LIVE 6-9 AM ET weekday's to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

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Tell a Friend, get involved and start tuning in LIVE 6-9 AM ET Weekdays...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 14th...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 14th...

By Matt Bruce | 01/14/10 | 02:13 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 14th...


Hello Listeners we once again give you all the lastest ways to find out about friends or relatives in Haiti and how to contribute money through the American Red Cross to help out the Haiti Earthquake relief and recovery effort as time is of the essence in trying to save lives...

Our first guest is Henry Raines, Tampa Bay Talk Radio Host, who addresses the Special MA US Senate Election which is virtually dead even right now and a HUGE surprise for Democrats who 'thought' they had an easy time of retaining the seat left vacant by the death of Edward Kennedy...

Then we speak with FL. GOP Congressional Candidate Ret. Army LTC Allen West who will be in Lakewood Ranch Tuesday Jan. 19th at Gold Coast Eagle Distributing from 5:30 PM to 8 PM for a Fund Raising Event beine hosted by Salt of the Earth USA and Ret. US Marine Col John Saputo. You'll want to hear what LTC West has to say in regards to questions he's asked by both 'The Captain' and a caller...

Time next for more info on how you can help the victims of the Earthquake in Haiti and not only phone numbers but Organizations and what it is they need being mentioned so YOU can help out those who are running out of time. It now appears that as many as 3 million people have been affected and perhaps 500,000 have been either killed, injured or or missing and presumed buried under the rubble of all the collapsed structures in Haiti...

Then we speak with Vicki Behenna the mother of Army Ranger Lt Michael Behenna who is sitting in a Military Prison for a crime that DNA and evidence 'suppressed' would more than likely exonerate him of the crime he was previously convicted of. This is truly a 'gut wrenching' story of a Mother who is standing up for her son who very easily could be released upon the successful appeal of his case...

Then we finish up by chatting with 'Kat' about how she feels now that it's WARMER in Florida as the temperature today MIGHT get up to '70'!!!!!

Get IN the know and tune in weekday morning's LIVE 6-9 AM ET to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard on WSRQ Radio 1220 AM and 106.9 FM as well as WSRQ, Talkstream and The Captain's websites also from 6-9 AM ET and heard LIVE via the Internet...

Tune in tomorrow to hear FL-13 Congressman Vern Buchanan LIVE in studio discussing the Washington scene and news about the FL-13 Congressional District...

God Bless America and ALL those who defend, protect and serve her keeping all of us FREE and SAFE and God Bless and HELP the victims of the Haiti Earthquake...

'The Captain'

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 13th - Haiti Information...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 13th - Haiti Information...

By Matt Bruce | 01/13/10 | 02:21 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 13th...


Hello everyone and in light of the devastating Earthquake that has hit Haiti we are passing along ways for Family and Friends of victims in Haiti can communicate with their loved ones. This is a MUST listen to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" if you want to know what and who to contact to get the latest information about Haiti...

Our first guest today is former NY Cong. John LeBoutillier who speaks about the upcoming Congressional vote on the Senate's Heal Care Bill as they revamp the Bill to Speaker Nancy Pelosi's liking. We also talk about the political climate in Florida with Gov. Charlie Crist losing a straw vote in his own County which spells big trouble for him as he seeks the GOP U.S. Senate nomination. This plus more about how we've been 'snowed' by those in power in Washington, DC who have their own personal agenda and NOT the business of 'we the people'...

Then we speak with former USAG MSG Phil Ward who was SPECOPS for some 11 years. MSG Ward tells us about his 'face to face' confrontation with Cindy Sheehan at a War Protest Rally in CA where he had a tooth broekenand a cut on his face causing Cindy Sheehan to get arrested. MSG Ward also talks about the Military Trial of the Navy SEALS charged with 'roughing up' an Al-Qaida Terrorist in Iraq and the sentence of Army Range Lt. Mike Behenna who was charged with killing a Terrorist who was being taken '1 on 1' by Lt. Behenna to a rear area. Some of the evidence that would have CLEARED the Army Ranger Lt. has NOT been allowed to be released in Court as an appeal is now being launched on his behalf...

Then we speak at length about how to find out about what's going on in Haiti with almost all lines of communication cut off except for the TV pictures and satellite phone coverage you're hearing about. There is another way to find out and it's called 'Amateur Radio' which is being used right now 24/7 to find out ALL the details of the 7.0 magnitude Earthquake that has affected some 2-3 million people and more than likely left tens of thousands dead and injured or buried alive in the rubble...

Get IN the know and tell your friends to start tuning in to hear "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" LIVE weekday mornings 6-9 AM ET on WSRQ Radio 1220 AM and 106.9 FM along the Suncoast of Florida and LIVE on the Worldwide Web at WSRQ, Talkstream and The Captain's websites from 6-9 AM ET...

God Bless America and God Help all those affected by the Earthquake that has struck Haiti...

'The Captain'

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To help the Haiti Earthquake victims go to the American Red website or call 1-888-407-4747...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 12th...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 12th...

By Matt Bruce | 01/12/10 | 02:32 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 12th...


Stay WARM as the temperature once again went below freezing last night and at air time it was '29' degrees in Sarasota, Fl.!

We start out with more STIMULATING talk and Frank Salvato, Managing Editor of the New Media Journal, as he sets up the scenario with the Washington Democrats losing seats and quite possibly power in either the House or the Senate with the mood currently sweeping the Country. Frank also talks about how the attitude being displayed by the ME type Politicians in Washington is going to backfire on them BIG time...

Then we speak with Jim Kouri, former NYC Housing Authority Police Chief and current 5th VP for the Natl Assn of Chiefs of Police, about Airline Security and why Israel is so successful doing what they do, PROFILING. There's a major reason for their success and nobody is complaining about being SAFE ever since 2002 at Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion Airport by being PROFILED before they ever get anywhere near an Airplane or the Departing gate...

Col. Alan Brewer from Denver, CO. calls in next from the 96th Sustainment Brigade now at Camp Taji, Iraq. The Colonel tells us what it's like to be the Brigade Surgeon in charge of some 4,000 Military Health Care providers and about a 'close call' he had while riding in a Blackhawk Helicopter enroute to a scene to assist wounded Soldiers. Colonel Brewer is on his 4th Tour in the Global War on Terrorism after having been to Kosovo, Kuwait and Afghanistan. You'll enjoy hearing the positive message from a 22 year career leader of our great Military men and women...

That's today's show but coming up tomorrow Wed. January 13th we'll have Ret. Army SPECOPS MSG Phil Ward talking about an Army Ranger Lt. Behenna and Navy SEAL being charged by our Military based on the words of Radical Islamic Terrorists who word should count a lot LESS or be meaningless when it comes to who we can believe. You'll enjoy hearing from Ret. MSG Ward who spells it all out for you...

We'll also have Ret. Army Lt. Col. Allen West, now running for the 22nd Congressional District seat in Florida, who will be talking about his Campaign and a Fund Raising Event coming up on Jan. 19th at Gold Coast Eagle Distributing in Lakewood Ranch, FL. from 5:30 to 8 PM ET...

Get IN the know and become a daily listener to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard LIVE 6-9 AM ET on WSRQ Radio 1220 AM and 106.9 FM also on WSRQ, Talkstream and The Captain's websites LIVE from 6-9 AM ET...

We are where you will hear "More STIMULATING Talk At Your Home Of COMMON SENSE"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

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Thanks to all our listeners for putting us on the Top 100 Talk Radio Show List, #47, for the 2nd year in a row...

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 11th...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 11th...

By Matt Bruce | 01/11/10 | 03:24 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 11th...


Join us on this cold Florida morning where more record LOW temperatures have been set for some HOT topics that will warm things up!

Our first guest today is Chrissy Prazares from Florida Patriotic Resistance who tells us what her Group is doing to keep people informed about what's going on in Tallahassee and Washington. Her group holds regular meetings so people can attend and socialize with folks of similar Conservative persuasion...

Then we chat with Kyle Warren, "The Professor of Politics," as he starts out talking about Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and all the trouble he's gotten himself into over racial remarks made about then Candidate Barack Obama. It should also be pointed out Sen. Reid is trailing 3 Candidates in recent Polls taken in the Nevada U.S. Senate race and there's a very real chance he could LOSE his bid for reelection to the U.S. Senate in 2010...

Time next for Ret. U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Paul Valley who starts out talking about Airline Safety and what has successfully worked for Israel and El Al Airlines, namely PROFILING, and it used every day around the World and known as "Israelification." Gen. Vallely also talks about the current Military situation as it involves Yemen pointing out we have a SPECOPS Base not very far away which has probably been active in some of the missions Yemen is conducting against Al-Qaida who is operating out of Yemen and other regions close by in Africa...

I want to thank Tampa Talk Radio Host for having me appear on his Radio Show Sunday. What started out as a 30 minute interview with phone calls wound up lasting almost a full hour with the phone lines LIT up over our discussion about the TEA Party movement. Thanks to all those callers and listeners and we'll do it again real SOON...

Tune in weekday's LIVE from 6-9 AM ET to hear "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on WSRQ Radio 1220 AM and 106.9 FM along the Suncoast of Florida from Studios in Downtown Sarasota. You can also hear us LIVE on WSRQ, Talkstream and The Captain's websites...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Become a Fan of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook...

Thanks to all our Fans and Listeners for putting us on the Top 50 Talk Radio Show List...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 2 Weekend Syndicated Radio Show...

The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 2 Weekend Syndicated Radio Show...

By Matt Bruce | 01/10/10 | 09:16 AM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 2 Weekend Syndicated Radio Show...


Welcome back to Hour #2 of this weekends Syndicated "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard on our Network of Radio Stations and around the World on a growing list of Internet Websites...

Our first guest is Fritz Wenzell a Pollster who has done extensive work for the Zogby Poll who you will hear each week. Fritz tells us how the Polls have shown a 180 degree turnaround in 12 months for the Democrats and Pres. Barack Obama who came into office promising 'Hope & Change' and so far we've all seen a lot of 'Change' and are still looking for 'Hope'. The point is it's STILL 'business as usual' in Washington, DC and the people are simply fed up with what they're seeing as the 2010 Mid-Term Elections draw nearer...

Then we speak with NYC Talk Radio Host Greg Allen, who echoes the same sentiment along with some new FACTS about not just Health Care but now the Jobs Bill, our Homeland Security and how the War on Terror is all being done not only in the right fashion but in the most costly fashion to all of us...

Sally Tibbetts, FL-13 District Director for Cong. Vern Buchanan, speaks this week about the alleged Detroit Airliner Bomber being afforded rights under a Civilian Court, also the latest hob nob and stalling of the House Sunshine Resolution Cong. Buchanan has sponsored with help from another 151 co sponsors in Congress. Speaker Nancy Pelosi won't let the Bill come out onto the Floor for a vote. Sally also talks about the news affecting the FL-13 Congressional District...

Then it's time to hear Bill Donovan, Pres. of a Company who has a new software capable of detecting things in the way of liquid and powder explosives for use by the DHS and TSA which is being IGNORED. The big question here besides WHY is just what is this new software capable of doing if implemented on the current Airport Screening system in place around the World???

Tell your friends to start listening if they want to KNOW what's really going on in America that's being kept from them by our Mainstream Media. "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" is the home of more STIMULATING talk and your home of COMMON SENSE, heard weekend's on our Radio Network of stations and LIVE weekday's 6-9 AM ET on WSRQ Radio 1220 AM and 106.9 FM along the Suncoast of Florida from studio's in downtown Sarasota, FL, USA. You can also tune in LIVE via the Worldwide Web 6-9 AM ET on WSRQ, Talkstream and The Captain's AMERICA websites...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook...

Thanks for ranking us #47 on The Top 100 Talk Radio Show List for 2009...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 1 Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show...

The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 1 Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show...

By Matt Bruce | 01/09/10 | 03:01 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 1 Weekend Syndicated Radio Show...


Hello Fans, Listeners, Subscribers and welcome to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" hour #1 of the Weekend Syndicated Radio Show...

As COLD as it is this weekend in Florida we've got some HOT news and interviews for you that are guaranteed to melt the ice!

We start out with Frank Salvato, Managing Editor of the New Media Journal, who does what he does in telling the FACTS you aren't hearing coming from our mainstream media bout the juicy behind the scene tidbits pertaining to the Health Care Bill, Jobs Bill, a new Stimulus Bill and the failure of Pres. Barack Obama to keep his word about TRANSPARENCY which is what he promised during his Campaign. The 'Wicked Witch of the West, Nancy Pelosi, has even LAUGHED about this saying "it was only a campaign pledge and we should not expect it be to kept." Are YOU kidding me Nancy P-Lousy???

Time next for Chris Markowski, 'The Watchdog on Wall Street', who tells us just how much all of this 'hope and change' is actually costing ALL of us. You'll be amazed at the answer and the FACTS Chris has to offer because once again, you are NOT hearing this from our mainstream media...

Then we get a call from U.S. Army SSG Hardy in Iraq who fills us in on her Unit and what's going on in Iraq as we are winding down and our Troops are starting to come Home...

Of course we have 'Earl Pitts' as only HE can inform America about the real truth in the Heartland! Then we add some more HUMOR with the Ray Stevens parody "We The People" which will have you in stitches!

Get IN the know and have some FUN doing it by tuning in to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" and become a regular listener. To find out where and how you can hear our Radio Show, simply go to our website link shown below...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 8th...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 8th...

By Matt Bruce | 01/08/10 | 01:13 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Jan. 8th...


Welcome to today's "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard LIVE 6-9 AM ET on WSRQ Radio 1220 AM and 106.9 FM along the Suncoast of Florida from studios in downtown Sarasota, FL., USA...

Today's show starts out with the latest Weather system head towards Florida which just might bring SNOW to the Panhandle of Florida or a combination of Sleet and Snow mixed with some Freezing Rain as temperatures are forecast to drop below 32 degrees all the way to just North of Tampa Bay Friday night into Saturday morning. Record lows could once again besiege Florida both Saturday and Sunday mornings...

Our first guest is Don Baldauf from Florida who talks about State Sovereignty regrading the Submerged Lands Act and using Florida's own oil plus building a Refinery to SAVE Florida residents anywhere from 10-12 cents per gallon or more just in Transportation costs...

Then we talk about the Political Climate in Florida starting with the GOP Senate Race which has FL. Gov. Charlie Crist 'scrambling' these days as former FL House Speaker Marco Rubio's Campaign is gathering steam and drawing more attention. We also discuss the MOOD of the Country and how that relates to Florida's current Politics...

We also talk about the Navy SEALS who are facing charges for allegedly 'roughing up' a Radical Islamic Terrorist they had taken into custody. Folks this IS a ridiculous accusation to begin with that we would even CONSIDER what a Radical Islamic Terrorist who had killed 8 American Private Security Contractors had to say! This is WRONG and WE need to stand up for them and let our Government and the DOD know this MUST stop NOW!

Time next for Brian Darling from the Heritage Foundation as he discusses the opportunity provided by C-Span to televise the Health Care Bill proceedings and allow the American people to see what's going on and also help keep Pres. Barack Obama's Campaign promise of TRANSPARENCY which was promised several times during his Presidential Campaign and is now being LAUGHED at by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi...

This is MUST hear Talk Radio because what we offer YOU the listener is FACTS so you can make up your own mind as to what's actually going on in Washington, DC and the Congress that those in power do NOT want YOU to know about...

God Bless America and ALL of our Military men and women for the jobs they are doing in keeping all of us FREE and SAFE!

'The Captain'

Become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook...

Thanks to all of our listeners for putting us on the Top 100 Talk Radio Shows List for the 2nd year in a row...

The Janus Face of the Progressive Democrats...

The Janus Face of the Progressive Democrats...

Written By: Frank Salvato...


“Get thee glass eyes, and, like a scurvy politician, seem to see the things thou dost not.” – William Shakespeare

America, when exactly did we come to tolerate politicians lying to us – bald-faced –about things that actually matter? When did we start to put up with being lied to by our elected officials and accepting it as the status quo? When did we come to accept that disingenuous political spin was just part of the process; that deceiving the electorate was any level? I ask because as I try to reconcile the “hope and change” propaganda with the actions of the Obama Administration, well, let’s just say the campaign rhetoric appears to have been crafted by P.T. Barnum.

Examples of intellectual malfeasance exist on both sides of the aisle but it is dramatically more prevalent on the political Left and since the Progressives have hijacked the Democrat Party it has gotten worse. There doesn’t seem to be a day that goes by where news comes out of Washington DC that is literally unbelievable.

Transparency -

When President Obama was running for office he promised unprecedented transparency. He maintained that not only would the American people be able to access information about every move his administration made via the Internet, he maintained that his administration would be a post-partisan administration and that he would value input and scrutiny from both sides of the aisle equally. In the realization of his presidency nothing could be further from the truth.

By now everyone has seen the compilation video of then presidential candidate Barack Obama testifying to the masses about how any and all negotiations regarding healthcare insurance reform was going to be televised on C-SPAN. The compilation video numbers his assertions at eight but because this was a premier plank in his campaign, one can rightfully assume that this promise was made at every campaign stop where the issue of healthcare insurance reform was addressed.

But the truth of the matter is that there was absolutely no transparency in the crafting of either the House or Senate healthcare insurance reform bills. In fact, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a Progressive from California, refused input from any GOP House member and instead crafted her bill behind closed doors with the help of special interest groups like the SEIU. In the Senate, Harry Reid crafted legislation without any input from the GOP at all and behind closed doors with, again, special interest groups like the SEIU. Reid went further in his clandestine operations when he negotiated the bribery of several US Senators (Mary Landrieu and Ben Nelson to name but two) with taxpayer monies in an effort to achieve the sixty votes needed to move the Senate bill forward.

Through it all Mr. Obama remained silent. Harry Reid, Mary Landrieu and Ben Nelson tried to explain to a very anger American public that “'s not different from other pieces of legislation...We work compromises. That's what legislation is all about, the art of compromise." And recently Nancy Pelosi, while mocking the promises made by Mr. Obama during the campaign, insisted, “...there has never been a more open process for any legislation in anyone who serves here’s experience.” Again, through it all, Mr. Obama remained silent. He never insisted that negotiations be televised and, in fact, he not only didn’t object to the closed-door crafting of legislation, he held his own closed door meetings to strategize with Progressive Democrats on the tactics to be employed to achieve victory on the issue.

Earmarks -

During the campaign, Mr. Obama promised not only an end to wasteful spending, but he said he would eliminate the earmark process and veto any piece of legislation that came across his desk that included earmarks. Enter the stimulus bill.

The stimulus bill, it can be successfully argued, was one giant earmark benefiting special interest groups. From a transit system linking Las Vegas to Disneyland to the funding of an effort to preserve the habitat for the San Francisco Salt Marsh Mouse, the “stimulus bill” did little to “stimulate” anything but the bank accounts of special interest groups. The proof of its absolute failure is in the current national unemployment numbers (10 percent as of November). This of course does not address the fact that almost two-thirds of the money allocated to this initiative is left unspent, slated for use in elections years 2010 and convenient.

Further, when one examines the latest appropriations bill for military expenditures – and even the hotly contested healthcare insurance reform bill – there has been little “reform” applied to the practice of earmarks, let alone an “elimination” of the practice, as promised.

Partisanship -

During the campaign, Mr. Obama insisted and, in fact, centered his campaign on the notion that he would be a “post-partisan president,” meaning that the era of divisive party politics would be at an end. He promised repeatedly to listen to any suggestions and to include ideas from both sides of the aisle in the crafting of legislation.

One simply needs to examine how the stimulus and healthcare insurance reform bills were crafted – clandestine meetings, Democrat House leadership locking the GOP out of committee conference rooms, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the President himself holding non-public partisan meetings to craft strategy – to understand that not only does the status quo partisan political era remain, it has gotten worse to a caustic level.

Ethics -

The issue of ethics was a central talking point in the 2006 midterm elections. In fact, when Nancy Pelosi ascended to the House Speakership, she took an oath, promising to the American people, that she intended to, “...lead the most honest, most open and most ethical congress in history."

Today, in 2010:

▪ John Murtha (D-PA) still enjoys the confidence of Speaker Pelosi.

▪ William Jefferson (D-LA) was convicted and sentence to jail for taking bribes.

▪ Charles Rangel (D-NY) is the subject of an ethics investigation focusing on his fundraising practices for a college center in his name, his ownership financing of a resort property in the Dominican Republic and his financial disclosure reports.

Further, in addition to the House ethics issues:

▪ Tom Daschle, the former Senate majority leader from South Dakota, abandoned his bid to become health and human services secretary and the administration's point man on reforming health care because of tax issues and potential conflicts of interest related to working with health care interests.

▪ Nancy Killefer stepped down from a newly created position charged with eliminating inefficient government programs because of tax issues.

▪ Timothy Geithner was confirmed after revealing he had tax troubles.

▪ Obama's initial choice for commerce secretary, Bill Richardson, stepped aside due to a grand jury investigation into a state contract awarded to his political donors.

▪ And while the Senate voted overwhelmingly to confirm William Lynn as deputy defense secretary, Obama had to waive his ethics regulations to place the former defense lobbyist in charge of day-to-day operations at the Pentagon.

And the list goes on and on.

Pelosi & The CIA -

Nancy Pelosi was proven to be untruthful in her assertion that the Central Intelligence Agency didn’t accurately brief her on the use of enhanced interrogation techniques used on terrorist detainees at the Guantanamo Bay military detention facility. Ms. Pelosi stuck to her story in defiance of overwhelming proof that she was, indeed, briefed on the use of these interrogation tactics. In the end, CIA Director Leon Panetta prevailed and Ms. Pelosi slinked away into the shadows, refusing to discuss the subject in public. The media soon grew bored of their truth vigil and the subject faded to black.

I have touched on but a very few issues that have found the Obama Administration and the Progressive Democrat leadership in Congress in a juxtaposed position to what they promised the American people. All of these examples – and again, this list just scratches the surface, coupled with the full range of offenses, could fill a book (one can refer to Michelle Malkin’s book, Culture of Corruption, for a more in-depth look).

The point I am trying to make here is that if the 2010 midterm elections are about anything they should be about the restoration of honesty in government. That honesty has become a commodity in Washington DC is a shameful reflection on not only the political class but on those who repeatedly elect these ethically challenged political opportunists and elitist oligarchs to office.

America, isn’t it time that we asked our Democrat and liberal friends (forget about the Progressives, they are too far gone) why they tolerate being lied to; how they can continue to support politicians who have been proven to have lied to the American people about some really important issues? Isn’t it time we ask our liberal and Democrat friends why we – as a people – should accept dishonesty and untruthfulness from those we send to Washington to serve our best interests? Isn’t it time that we ask our liberal and Democrat friends, “What kind of government are your party’s politicians bequeathing to our children?”

Perhaps – just perhaps – we should be asking ourselves the exact same question. Maybe then we will be adequately motivated to demand good government over politics in Washington DC.

Editor's Note:

Frank Salvato is the Executive Director and Director of Terrorism Research for a non-profit, non-partisan, 501(c)(3) research and education initiative. His writing has been recognized by the US House International Relations Committee and the Japan Center for Conflict Prevention. His organization,, partnered in producing the original national symposium series addressing the root causes of radical Islamist terrorism. He is a member of the International Analyst Network. He also serves as the managing editor for The New Media Journal. Mr. Salvato has appeared on The O'Reilly Factor on FOX News Channel, and is a regular guest on talk radio including on The Captain's America Radio Show airing on AM1220 and FM106.9 WSRQ and on the Internet catering to the US Armed Forces around the world and on The Roth Show with Dr. Laurie Roth syndicated nationally on the USA Radio Network. His opinion-editorials have been published by The American Enterprise Institute, The Washington Times & Human Events and are syndicated nationally. He is occasionally quoted in The Federalist.