Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 31st - Is It Time For Michael Steele To Go???

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 31st - Is It Time For Michael Steele To Go???

By Matt Bruce | 03/31/10 | 12:58 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 31st - Is The GOP Better Off Without Michael Steele As Chairman???


Today on "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" we take the gloves off and start out by asking and commenting on the question, 'Would the GOP be better off with Michael Steele as Chairman? This comes in light of the latest scandal involving the RNC and that visit to a questionable 'Sex Club' with some donors. 'The Captain' is not afraid to make his voice heard and suggest a couple of replacements for job...

Next we hear from Ryan Mauro, Writer for the Christian Action Network & World, who talks about how close Iran is according to the CIA and a former Iranian Nuke Scientist to actually having Nuclear Weapons. Ryan also talks about the Radical Michigan Militia Group recently busted for planning the death of a Police Officer and then setting off IED's at the Funeral in an attempt to kill even more people...

Don Baldauf from Florida talks about a new report that reveals even more Oil has been found in the deeper waters of the Gulf of Mexico and asks the question why we're not going after it and building more Refineries as Pres. Barack Obama is about to announce his new Policy today regarding Offshore Drilling...

Time next for the latest FOX News and Dept. of Defense 'Around The Services News' which is an exclusive feature of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" and "Troop Talk Radio - Voice Of The Troops" heard on Net Talk World - Global Talk Radio...

We have a new 'Frankly Speaking' segment by Frank Salvato - Managing Editor of the New Media Journal, followed by "Earl Pitts" and his Redneck humor which have you rolling in laughter!

We finish off today's show with another 'Candid Conservative' minute as we once again inform you, the audience, about things our mainstream news media won't tell you and the Progressive Left doesn't want you to know about...

Tell your friends and neighbors and join us via this Podcast or by tuning in to one of our Network Radio Stations...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the more than 7,000 listeners who get this Podcast every day...

Become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 30th - Special Guest Dan Fanelli FL Cong Dist 8 GOP Candidate...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 30th - Special Guest Dan Fanelli FL Cong Dist 8 GOP Candidate...

By Matt Bruce | 03/30/10 | 01:03 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 30th - Meet Dan Fanelli, 8th Congressional Candidate...


Welcome to another educating and enlightening experience today right here on "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show."

We start out with Frank Salvato, Managing Editor of the New Media Journal, who discusses FL House Bill 5701 which will affect every person who is currently enrolled or getting Florida Retirement Service (FRS) retirement benefits as a move is being made to change and reduce benefits retirees and widows receive regarding their Health Insurance...

Then we have the honor of speaking to Dan Fanelli, Military Veteran and GOP Candidate for Congress in Florida's 8th Congressional District which is currently held by the infamous Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson. You'll be interested in hearing the issues being discussed and the position of Dan Fanelli when it comes to all things on the minds of Floridians and Americans alike...

Next it's time for the latest FOX News and then we come back with a LIVE call from Joint Base Balad in Iraq and Army 1st Lt. Marjorie Johnson from Ft Myers, FL. Lt. Johnson is with the 37th Engineer Battalion and is the Communications Officer (SIGO) for the Unit. She fills us in on what it's like to be a woman and a mother serving far away from home in the Army helping to keep America free and safe...

Of course we have some "Earl Pitts" humor and then give you a minute with 'The Candid Conservative' before we call it a day...

Get informed, tell your friends and neighbors "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" is the place to be to hear everything our mainstream media doesn't want YOU to know about...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the more than 7,000 listeners who receive this Podcast every day...

Become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 29th - The Big Debate Wrapup...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 29th - The Big Debate Wrapup...

By Matt Bruce | 03/29/10 | 11:56 AM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 29th - The Great Debate Wrapup...


Today we start out talking to Greg Allen, NYC Talk Radio Host, commenting about the 'Great Debate' over the weekend between FL Gov Charlie Crist and former FL House Speaker Marco Rubio. A lot of people are weighing in on what they saw and who was talking about 'issues' and who wasn't. Greg also speaks about Health care and what will happen at the State level with all the new money that will needed for the new recipients of Medicaid...

Then we speak with Chrissy Prazares from 13 as she reminds us how her Group is coming with their meet ups and Billboard campaign. Chrissy is also involved in the upcoming TEA Party on April 15th along the Bay front in Sarasota...

FOX News is next and we follow that up with Don Baldauf from Florida who showed up on the Glen Beck TV Show Friday in Orlando, FL. Don had a chance to comment on term limits and campaign funding which could make it fairer for the 'average man or woman' to get involved in running for office without having to have millions of dollars to do so...

Of course you'll get some Monday humor with our pal "Earl Pitts," followed by a minute with "The Candid Conservative."

What you'll hear next is something that every American should listen to and share with their friends. Ronald Reagan talking about "Socialism" many years ago, followed by a sound bite from IL. Sen. Dick Durbin who said "anybody who believes Health Care will cost less is lying to you," then a sound bite from Chris Matthews talking to former CBS Anchor Dan Rather saying "Obama couldn't sell watermelons on a street corner closed down by Police." Where's the OUTRAGE? Why is our mainstream media being quiet about these comments???

We also feature a short blurb entitled "Lucky to be an American," which is what ALL of us should think about as we ponder the future of America this 2010 Mid-Term elections cycle year...

Get IN the know and tell your friends and neighbors about our program. We stand up FOR America and ALL those who defend, protect and serve America keeping all of us FREE & SAFE...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Special thanks to the more than 7,000 people who get our Daily Podcast...

Become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or Podomatic...

We are proud to be heard via our affiliation with the DOD as the "Voice of Special Ops in Haiti"...

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Hour 2 Weekend Syndicated Radio Show. For March 27th...

The Captain's AMERICA Hour 2 Weekend Syndicated Radio Show. For March 27th...

By Matt Bruce | 03/28/10 | 07:19 AM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 27th - Hr 2 Weekend Show...


Welcome back to hour 2 of a very informative "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

Our guests this hour include:

1- Greg Allen, Talk Radio Host In NYC, speaking about the Progressive Left Liberal Agenda for America and the 'plan' that's in place to control America for the next decade...

2- John LeBoutillier, former NY Congressman and Political Pundit, as he explains the maneuvering the Dems have been using to get these Bills passed even though all of the Republicans haven't voted for nor do the American people support. The Dems are on a political suicide mission which will backfire on them in the Mid-Term elections...

3- Kevin 'Coach' Collins, Collins, who chastises whoever it was that used his latest article and his name to send an email threat to a Democratic Congressman who voted for the Health Care Bill. There are radicals on both sides of the aisle but it appears some Dems are using a 'Red Flag Policy', so called because it is done intentionally to draw attention on yourself that could help your public opinion polls...

4- Kyle Olsen,, who tells us that even though ACORN has filed Bankruptcy and is closing down their offices, they'll soon be back under a new name getting more Federal money. This is an amazing report but Kyle lays out the facts you've just got to hear...

Of course you'll get some Earl Pitts redneck humor as we round out hour 2 of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God bless America!

'The Captain'

Special thanks to the over 7,000 people who get this podcast daily...

Become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook...

Attend your local TEA Party Rally's coming up on Tax Day, April the 15th...

Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Progressive Left Agenda For America...

The Progressive Left Agenda For America...

By Matt Bruce | 03/27/10 | 07:45 PM EDT | 0 Comments

Matt Bruce
...Nationally Syndicated Talk Radio Host & Columnist...

Editorial! Family  Alert! Action Alert! Legislation/Vote Alert!
The Progressive Left Agenda For America…

Written By: Matt Bruce


For over a year Americans have been told about the movement behind Barack Obama and the surge that was coming with the Progressive Agenda we were all warned about…

When NY Congressman Charlie Rangel made the comments that “we voted for Socialism when the Country elected Barack Obama,” I don’t know what Country Rangel was talking to…

Now step 1 has been Barack Obama’s self described ‘signature piece’, namely Health Care…

The numbers keep disputing any savings and in fact point to more expense, higher taxes, fewer jobs and more misery for Americans who are already struggling just to keep their jobs and their homes…

Is there any wonder as to why the TEA Party movement has not lost a single beat with the passage of the Progressive Left’s Health Care Bill?

So, what’s coming next? Could it or will it be more Government takeover of our Banking system? Maybe it will and maybe it won’t…

How about those 30+ million new recipients of Health Care, most of whom will more than likely fill the Medicaid Rolls forcing the States to come up money they just simply don’t have…

How will these States get this money? Taxes, State Worker Layoffs, a reduction in Pension benefits and funding? Well how about ALL of the above…

There are 2 Bills right here in the State of Florida, SB-1902 and HB-1319 that strive to do just exactly that to those who risk their lives every day they’re on the job, namely our EMA, Firefighters and Police…

This is absolutely wrong and the people of Florida and America need to know this is the position the Progressive Left has put our Country in with the passage of the Health Care Bill…

I’m not saying we didn’t need Health Care reform, but why wasn’t there any Tort reform included in this? Why did the Progressive Left literally stuff the Health Care Bill with all kinds of ‘Pork’ projects?

The answer is very simple, it was so the Administration of Barack Obama which includes Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, could buy the votes they needed that will make America worse because of all the financial problems it now creates for all of us…

Now with 30+ million new recipients of Health Care Insurance, what do you think will happen when some 12-15 million Illegal Aliens get award the ‘fast track’ towards U.S.

Is there anyone amongst us who can’t see what’s happening to our Country and how the passage of Health Care and Immigration Reform will literally guarantee our Country a decade or more of Progressive-ism…

All of this does not even include the Cap and Trade Bill and what’s in there that our Progressive Left Liberal Pals have in store to literally take control of 300 million people who will be dependent on Government for almost everything they need in their daily lives…

Ladies and gentlemen of America, if you love your Country and honor your Freedom, you must wake up to the very real threat being posed by the Progressive Left Liberals who are opening our eyes to a new way of Socialism right here in the United States of America…

Get involved, become part of the solution and not the problem. Attend your local TEA Party Group Rally’s and meetings and let’s all work together to take back America from the forces of Progressive-ism which are attempting to steal our Country right out from underneath us…

I close by using the famous saying of Jim Galvano, NC State Basketball Coach who died of cancer a few years ago, “Don’t give up, don’t EVER give up.”

We the people are the United States of America, register to vote and on November 2nd, 2010 make sure you remember the words I have written here today…

May God bless and continue to help America, the greatest Nation on the face of the Earth…

Matt Bruce

An American Conservative Independent Patriot

"The Congressman's Corner" With Sally Tibbetts, FL-13 District Director For Cong. Vern Buchanan...

By Matt Bruce | 03/27/10...

The Congressman's Corner For March 26th With Sally Tibbetts, FL-13 District Director For Cong. Vern Buchanan...

Welcome everybody to "The Congressman's Corner" a weekly segment of "The captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

Our guest, Sally Tibbetts, District District Director for FL-13 Congressman Vern Buchanan discusses the passage of health care bill last weekend and Vern’s vote against it. The Senate passing the health care fix-it bill, which the House revoted on. States struggling to find additional Medicaid money, including Florida who has plans in the works to cut back and restructure Pension Benefits for all Public Employees in State including EMS, Police & Firefighters. Congressman Buchanan's effort to repeal all the "sweet-heart deals" included in the health care bill. The Town Hall meeting com ing up this weekend in Venice. We finish with ALL of the most recent polls showing even after the health care vote, the majority of people don't want it...

Tune in and hear what's going on in the Florida's 13th Congressional District...

Matt Bruce
The Congressman's Corner
Host of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"

The Captain's AMERICA Hr 1 Weekend Syndicated Radio Show For March 27th...

The Captain's AMERICA Hr 1 Weekend Syndicated Radio Show For March 27th...

By Matt Bruce | 03/27/10 | 11:26 AM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 27th - Hr 1 Weekend Show...


Welcome to our Nationally syndicated weekend edition of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio SHow" heard across America on the Phoenix Broadcasting Network of stations, around the World on the Internet, on Satellite and LIVE on Santiago Radio in Santiago, Chile's only English speaking station...

Today on hour 1 we have another fabulous list of guests which include:

1- Frank Salvato, New Media Journal, ALL things regarding Healthcare our mainstream media isn't telling you...

2- Fritz Wenzel, 'The Fritz Poll', telling you how the most recent polls still show a clear majority of Americans AGAINST the Health Care Bill. 60% of the Country doesn't want it and this is fueling more apathy against the Congress which is at an all time LOW for job performance...

3- Marco Rubio, FL U.S. Senate Candidate, talking about tomorrow's debate on FOX News Sunday to be held LIVE @ 0900 in Washington, DC...

4- Ryan Mauro, World and Christian Action Network reporter, commenting on the rash of recent Homegrown Jihadist activity including some information you haven't heard being discussed by our mainstream media...

This is just the first hour of the Nationally syndicated weekend radio show and wait until you hear hour 2 coming up next...

Get IN the know and tell your friends to listen to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show." If your favorite radio station isn't carrying our show, they should be! Just tell them to start and we can help them do just that...

November 2nd, 2010 can't come soon enough, we WILL take our Country back...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

"Don't give up, don't ever give up" - Jim Valvano...

Special thanks to the more than 7,000 listeners who get this podcast...

Become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook...

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 26th - Democracy In Action...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 26th - Democracy In Action...

Hello and welcome to the Friday edition of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" as we start gearing up for a very lively and informative weekend syndicated radio show...

Join us today as we speak to the following people:

1- Gene Sweeney, Lakewood Ranch TEA Party Organizer and Salt of the Earth founder...
2- Bob Rohrer, Stand Up writer and former Marine Vet...
3- Rick Schuman, INRIX Traffic and the Nations Traffic Report...
4- Sally Tibbetts, FL-13 District Director for Congressman Vern Buchanan...

Of course we have our usual "Earl Pitts" humor as we round out the hour and get your weekend started off with a laugh...

Tell your friends to tune in this weekend to our syndicated 3 hour radio show as we blow the lid off the Progressive Left Liberal agenda they have for America and what they are trying to do to guarantee Progressive-ism rules America for the next decade. This is way to important to miss...

God Bless America and ALL those who defend, protect and serve her!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the more than 7,000 listeners who get this podcast...

Become a FAN of "The captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Cong. Vern Buchanan Introduces Bill Repealing Sweetheart Deals In Health Bill...

Buchanan Introduces Bill Repealing “SweetHeart Deals” in Health Bill

Twenty-Two Lawmakers Cosponsor Bill to Axe “Louisiana Purchase” & Other Kickbacks

WASHINGTON, D.C. –Saying the American people are outraged over the “sweetheart deals” added to the health care bill, U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan (FL-13) introduced legislation today to repeal the so-called Louisiana Purchase and other unseemly spending attached to the legislation.

Twenty-two lawmakers cosponsored Buchanan’s bill to eliminate the hundreds of millions of dollars in spending added to the bill to secure individual votes for the bill. His bill is similar to unsuccessful legislation offered in the U.S. Senate by Sen. John McCain.

“This ‘Let’s Make a Deal’ mentality is offensive to the American people, and rightly so,” Buchanan said. “If legislation cannot pass on its own merits but needs to be sweetened with taxpayer boondoggles costing hundreds of millions of dollars then something is grossly wrong with the process.”

Buchanan, the author of the “Sunshine Resolution” that required health care talks to be held in public, said if Congress had adopted his legislation these sweet-heart deals could have been avoided. “When members of Congress think they can sneak something into a bill in the dead of night they are more likely to attempt such abuses,” Buchanan said. “Sunshine is the best disinfectant.”

Even President Obama’s top advisor, David Axelrod, said the president does not believe state-only carve-outs should be in the bill. “I hope the President will follow through on this statement and support my legislation,” Buchanan said.

The Louisiana Purchase designated $300 million in Medicaid funds to Louisiana in an apparent attempt to secure the vote of Sen. Mary Landrieu. It was inserted shortly before the Senate voted on the measure, and Landrieu supported the bill.

The bill repeals the following "sweetheart deals" included in the health care law and the reconciliation bill:

· Additional Medicaid funding for Hawaii hospitals;

· Almost $100 million in additional Medicaid funding for Tennessee hospitals;

· The “Louisiana Purchase” providing $300 million in special Medicaid funding for Louisiana;

· Special Medicare funding primarily for hospitals in Michigan and Connecticut;

· The “U-CON” proposal that provides $100 million for a Connecticut hospital;

· The Frontier Funding provision providing new Medicare money for Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota, and Wyoming; and

· The provision allowing for certain residents in Libby, Montana to participate in Medicare.

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show - Special Guest Marco Rubio For March 25th...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show - Special Guest Marco Rubio For March 25th...

By Matt Bruce | 03/25/10 | 12:16 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 25th - Special Guest Marco Rubio...


Hello everyone and welcome to a very special edition of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

Marco Rubio, FL GOP US Senate Candidate, takes time out of his busy day to chat with us about Healthcare, Sunday's TV Debate to be seen on FOX News and FL Gov. Charlie Crist's attack ads and how they've actually backfired on him. This is an open and unrehearsed interview with some great comments from the GOP Frontrunner in the FL US Senate GOP Primary who is currently shown leading ALL of his opponents including the Democratic Challenger Congressman Kendrick Meeks...

Then we speak to Tampa Talk Show Host Henry Raines about Healthcare, the reevaluation of State of FL Public Employees Pension Benefits including eliminating their accrued days off, overtime, sick and vacation days when it comes to figuring out the final dollar amount of their Pensions. This will hurt ALL EMS, Firefighters and Police who stand to lose tens of thousands of dollars they've worked hard to accumulated so they could could retire 'earlier' than the normal retirement age...

Time next for today's FOX News and then we're back with all the latest Dept. of Defense 'Around The Services News' keeping us informed about the actions of our Military men and women serving in the Global War on Terror...

We add a special segment today from about Healthcare and what it means for America as we all struggle to make ends meet and find ways to pay for what we need to have to exist in today's World...

We finish off with some "Earl Pitts" humor and a minute from 'The Candid Conservative to round out today's informative "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener to "The captain's AMERICA Radio Show." If your favorite radio station isn't playing our show, tell them to start doing so! It's EASY to do and costs them NOTHING...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the over 7,000 listeners who receive this Podcast...

Become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 24th - How The Dems Pulled It Off...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 24th - How The Dems Pulled It Off...

By Matt Bruce | 03/24/10 | 02:22 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 24th - How The Dems Pulled It Off...


Hello everyone and welcome to a conversation on today's Show you won't hear being discussed by our mainstream news media as they and their Progressive Left Liberal friends want us all to forget about and move on...

Well, not so fast! Our first guest Political Pundit and former NY Congressman John Leboutillier tells us how the Dems pulled this Obamacare issue off and why 'some' of what was done may either be illegal or declared "Unconstitutional" by a Federal Court in the not to distant future. There are many 'issues' as to to the promises and means by which those promises were made to those 'enticing' them to vote for this Obamacare Bill...

Then Ryan Mauro from World and the Christian Action Network fills us in on his latest research articles that will have you thinking about just how 'safe' we are or are not right here in America. That plus the latest in the Global War on Terror...

We toss in the latest FOX News at the bottom of the hour and then come back with Don Baldauf of Florida talking about an upcoming meeting with an Attorney in Orlando who will be helping getting the Submerged Lands Act information out to Lawmakers...

Then we have the latest DOD 'Around The Services News' highlighting the great job our Military is doing and something no other radio show or radio station thinks is important enough for you to hear...

Of course don't forget some "Earl Pitts" humor and a minute with "The Candid Conservative" as we finish off today's informative show...

Remember, the fight has just begun and we won't stop until the Progressive Left Liberals who are stomping on our Constitution and our Freedom are gone when we vote them OUT on November 2nd, 2010...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the 7,000 + listeners who get this Podcast every day...

Become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 23rd - LIVE Soldier Calls From Haiti & Iraq, States Suing Feds Over Obamacare...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 23rd - LIVE Soldier Calls From Haiti & Iraq, States Suing Feds Over Obamacare...

By Matt Bruce | 03/23/10 | 01:59 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 23rd - LIVE Soldier Calls From Haiti & Iraq...


Well here we are the day after the Obamacare vote and if you think the TEA Party Groups are going 'away', you are sadly mistaken! The fight has just begun and the TEA Partiers are more incensed and pumped now than ever before to vote the bums OUT of Washington, DC...

Today's guests include:

1- Frank Salvato, New Media Journal, as he lets us know what comes next in the way of legal challenges for the Obamacare Bill which many Constitutional Scholars deem "Unconstitutional"...

2- We get a LIVE call from Port Au Prince, Haiti and Lt. Col. Eddie Lee, S-3, for the 7th Sustainment Brigade...

3- You'll hear the latest FOX News as Pres. Obama pkans to sign and celebrate the recent Obamacare Bill which 'may' be a short lived one as many State's are lining up to sue the Federal Government over it...

4- Don Baldauf from Florida drops by to give us the latest news about offshore Oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and new Legislation just waiting to be introduced...

5- Another LIVE call, this one from Joint Base Balad in Iraq from Lt. Jonathan McCloud of the 37th Engineer Battalion. The Lt. tells us what his Engineer Battalion has been busy building in Iraq and how soon the Iraqis will be taking over responsibility to do just that for themselves...

We finish off with some "Earl Pitts" humor and a minute from "The Candid Conservative" who is reeling from shell shock after the Obamacare Bill...

Get IN the know, we are your voice for the TEA Party movement along the Gold Coast of Florida and you'll be hearing every week on different days from the TEA Party Group leaders...

Tell your friends and neighbors it isn't over just because Obamacare passed! There's more to come and the fight has only just begun...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Special thanks to our over 7,000 recipients of this Podcast...

Become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook...

We made the 'Top 50 - Movers & Shakers Podcast List' Again, Thanks Listeners!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 22nd - And Now The Real Fight Begins...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 22nd - And Now The Real Fight Begins...

By Matt Bruce | 03/22/10 | 11:56 AM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 22nd - Health Care Will Cost More...


Don't believe what the Progressive Left is telling you! From a basic common sense standpoint, there is simply NO way that 'adding' some 30-35 million people to the Country's Healthcare rolls will SAVE anybody money. Is there anybody who thinks ADDING some 30 million to the Health Insurance rolls will SAVE anybody one thin dime???

Today's first guest is Don Baldauf from Florida who wants to talk about how the Healthcare Bill will directly affect his small business and what he plans to do about it...

Then we have the latest 'Around The Services' News from the DOD and a special feature on some WWII Women Vets who flew Bombers from the USA overseas after receiving a President Gold Medal for what they did many years ago...

Then it's back to Chrissy Prazares from 13 who tells the TEA Party folks not to give up but to get revved up to battle the Democrats now in power in Congress and work hard to get them all voted OUT of Congress so we can start over with American Conservative Core Values that will help not hurt people as we are seeing now...

Next you'll hear the latest Business News and how all eyes will be on the Stock Market to see how they react today to the passage of Healthcare Legislation which faces numerous hurdles as it now moves to the Senate...

Then we hear some Conservative candor from 'The Candid Conservative' and finish off today's Show with a laugh from the one and only 'Earl Pitts'. "Wake up Uhmerika!"

Get IN the know and start listening to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show." More STIMULATING talk at your HOME of 'Common Sense'.

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thanks to the more than 7,000 listeners who get this Podcast...

Become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook...

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Thank God For The Gift The Democrats & President Obama Keep Giving Us...

Thank God For The Gift The Democrats & President Obama Keep Giving Us...

By Matt Bruce | 03/21/10 | 09:24 AM EDT | 0 Comments

Written By: Matt Bruce, Nationally Syndicated Ralk Radio Host...

Tax/Spend Alert! News  Alert! News Release! Family  Alert! Action Alert! Legislation/Vote Alert!
Thank God For The Gift The Dems & President Obama Keep Giving Us...


When you see this headline you might immediately assume I am a Progressive Left Liberal supporter of the Democrats and President Barack Obama. I am NOT...

This headline simply serves as my notice of a gift we Conservative's are being given by a Progressive Left Agenda that doesn't understand the mood of the Country or the will of the people...

Not understanding these plain and simple facts will come back to cost them a huge number of Congressional and Senate seats in Washington, not to mention the fact the entire State Legislatures will wind up changing as well...

There is a HUGE ground swell that has been emerging which has grown to immense proportions the likes of which we have never seen before...

If you think former Speaker Newt Gingrich's "Contract With America" was something when the entire Congress moved from Democrat to Republican, wait until you see what happens this November 2nd during the Mid-Term Elections...

If the House Democratic majority passes Obama's healthcare proposals, one of two things will happen by Election Day, 2010 - and neither one will be healthy for the Democrats seeking re-election...

Either the Medicare cuts will take effect or they will be postponed by a terrified Congress reacting to the calls, email, faxes and letters they will get from an enraged electorate...

If they take effect, physicians' fees will be slashed 21 percent and hospital reimbursements for Medicare patients will be cut by $1.3 billion. Tens of thousands of doctors and thousands of healthcare institutions - hospitals, hospices, outpatient clinics and such - will refuse to treat Medicare patients. These are the undeniable facts the Progressive Left Liberals don't want you to hear about...

Entire cities could very well be without one doctor in important specialties who will take care of the elderly on Medicare. Particularly in fields like G.I. care or arthritic and joint pain, doctors will simply refuse to accept the low reimbursement rates they are being offered and hospitals will refuse all but emergency care to Medicare patients. In effect, the elderly will experience a doctors' strike against Medicare patients...

Would you want to take up to a 50% pay CUT to do the things that now cost you more to do? I think not...

Congress, faced with this massive revolt coming right on the verge of the election, may back down and postpone the cuts. Originally, doctor reimbursement rates were scheduled to drop on March 1 of this year, but Congress postponed it until the fall. Now the Democrats in Congress will face not only cuts in doctors' fees but in all forms of Medicare reimbursement - the so-called "market basket" of cuts programmed into Obamacare...

Congress, being Congress, will probably seek to postpone the cuts until after Election Day. But in doing so, they would expose the deficit reduction and cost containment features of Obama's bill for the fraud that they are. The news media headlines would blare that Congress just voted to add tens or hundreds of billions to the deficit and the big spending, high borrowing image of Congress will worsen. All pretense that Obamacare is not a reckless spending bill will be stripped away and we will be face to face with the reality that it will add hugely to the deficit...

All this will come at precisely the time that House and Senate Democrats are scrambling to rebut the attacks of their Republican challengers over these very issues. If Congress votes to postpone the Medicare cuts, as a former Secretary of HHS predicted to me, they will have to answer for their fiscal irresponsibility right before the election...

Either poison, the cuts or the deficit, will be enough to eradicate an entire generation of House and Senate Democrats..

And these cuts will take place against a backdrop of continuing increases in health insurance premiums, no expansion of coverage (it doesn't kick in until 2013), and no tangible benefit from the Obama bill...

This is the prospect the House and Senate Democrats who vote for Obamacare will face in the fall of 2010. This is the record they will have to defend...

Republican Congressmen Eric Cantor and Paul Ryan have it both right when they show you the charts with the numbers that are NOT included in what the Progressive Left Liberals told you on Friday by releasing a CBO report which forgot to include the so called "Doctor Fix" which clearly shows a DEFICIT from year 1 throughout the entire length of the Obamacare Bill...

Congress if you vote FOR this, we WILL vote you OUT come November 2nd, 2010. Take that statement to the Bank and enjoy your retirement because "We the PEOPLE are coming after YOU"...

Matt Bruce
American Conservative Independent Patriot
Host of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"
Nationally Syndicated Across America Every Weekend

The Captain's AMERICA Hour 2 Weekend Syndicated Radio Show...

The Captain's AMERICA Hour 2 Weekend Syndicated Radio Show...

By Matt Bruce | 03/21/10 | 07:44 AM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 20th - Hr 2 Weekend Show...


Welcome back to hour 2 of the nationally syndicated weekend edition of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show." We thank all of our new radio station affiliates who have come on board...

Greg Allen, NYC Talk Radio Host, starts out hour 2 and we continue to pound away with the facts about Healthcare you will not hear our mainstream media talking about. For example the CBO uses figures supplied to them to give results, what the Dems forgot to include was the so called 'Doctor Fix' which by itself adds another $371 Million to the cost of the Healthcare Bill and would result in a DEFICIT of some $50+ Million per year starting with the first year. These are the kinds of things our pals on the Left don't want you to know about...

Then we light up the airwaves with Wayne Allen Root, former Libertarian VP Candidate in 2008, as he's now running to be the Chairman of the Libertarian Party. Wayne believes he can light a FIRE and establish the Libertarian Party as THE Third Party and a viable option for Voters in the Mid Term Elections and beyond. You'll be clapping your hands and stomping your feet after you hear Wayne's interview...

Time next for Kevin Collins, Collins, and his "Coaches Corner" segment. Kevin has plenty to say about the rash of Homegrown Terrorists showing up on the radar and the 9/11 Terrorist Trials coming to a City near you because they won't be held in NYC...

Brigitte Gabriel, Founder of, is our next guest and her inside first hand knowledge of the World we live in regarding Jihadist's will simply astound you! She is a best selling Author of the book, "They Walk Amongst Us," and her personnel information about the Middle East, Hamas, Hezbullah, Al-Qaida and the Taliban is something you MUST listen to. These groups are all sworn to our destruction as a Nation along with eliminating Israel...

That concludes hour 2 and wait until you hear hour 3, we're just getting started!

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


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Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Hr 1 Weekend Syndicated Radio Show For March 20th - Healthcare, The Facts & The Myths...

The Captain's AMERICA Hr 1 Weekend Syndicated Radio Show For March 20th - Healthcare, The Facts & The Myths...

By Matt Bruce | 03/20/10 | 10:44 AM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 20th - Hr 1 Weekend Show...


We hit the weekend airwaves running this week by starting off with Frank Salvato, New Media Journal Managing Editor, as he pounds the Democrats for what is an ill conceived and unpopular version of a Health Care Bill that only suits ONE purpose, a campaign promise made to members of "La Raza" which will be followed by a fast track Immigration Bill if this passes. You'll want to hear this segment and CALL 202-224-3121 and just say "NO!"...

Our next guest is Pollster Fritz Wenzel and his always popular 'Fritz Poll' segment where you'll hear the numbers our mainstream news media and those on the Progressive Left don't want YOU to know about. Fritz talks about the 'political suicide' the Democrats are committing and what's going to happen in November when the Mid-Term Elections are held...

Time next for Homeland Security News from Ryan Mauro of World and what you'll hear being discussed is once again what our Progressive Left friends do not want you to know about going on in America today and the Middle East which has Israel 'upset' with comments made by both our President and Vice President...

Our final guest in hour 1 is Chris Markowski, "Watchdog On Wall Street," who lets us know the COST and those numbers the Democrats have manipulated for their own personal gain which are NOT accurate to the Health Care Bill when you realize what they've conveniently forgotten to include in the CBO figuring which would show a clear DEFICIT growing every year Health Care was being run by the Federal Government...

We finish off hour 1 with a little 'Earl Pitts' humor because after hearing all the FACTS we mention you'll need to take time for a little laughter...

As always, we honor those who serve America keeping all of us FREE & SAFE...

'The Captain'


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Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 18th - Brigitte Gabriel & More...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 18th - Brigitte Gabriel & More...

By Matt Bruce | 03/18/10 | 04:02 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 18th - Brigitte Gabriel, DOD Military News, Don Baldauf & More...


Join us today for a great interview with one of our favorite people, Brigitte Gabriel, Founder and World renown expert on the Middle East. Brigitte also talk about her partnership with Ret. Army Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely on a new Veterans Organization that will help be the eyes and ears for America when it comes to our Homeland Security. This is truly an interesting and most informative segment you'll want to tell your friends about...

Then we speak with Don Baldauf from Florida who has some news regarding the February Import of Foreign Oil and how much money was spent that all went to those Oil producing Countries, some of whom have ties to Terrorists who want to do bad things to us. You'll also hear the latest on some interesting Legislation headed our way on the Home front regarding offshore drilling...

Time next for the latest FOX News before we get some Earl Pitts humor for the day...

Our next segment features Dept. of Defense 'Around The Services News' that you won't hear anywhere else on any other radio show...

Then we hear from ACT Jacksonville, FL. Chapter member Randy McDaniels who talks about an encounter recently with a Muslim Group in Tallahassee, FL...

We finish today's show with another Candid Conservative minute...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 17th - Marco Rubio, Military News & More...

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Today we start out with Marco Rubio, FL. GOP U.S. Senate Candidate, as he talks about his front running campaign and how he's faring financially in his bid against FL. Gov. Charlie Crist and former NH U.S. Sen. Bob Smith...

We follow that with former NY Congressman John LeBoutillier talking about the "Deem to have Passed" action which may have been done "Hundreds of times before, but NEVER on a Bill of this magnitude." Folks this is political suicide for any Democrat or Republican who votes for this extremely unpopular Health Care Bill in this year's Mid-Term Election...

Don Baldauf from Florida talks about his Op-Ed piece that has been published by Red and is circulating across America and around the World...

We feature the latest "Around The Services" Military News with things you'll only hear being discussed on this show...

Don't forget some Earl Pitts humor and another Candid Conservative minute as we round out today's show...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

More STIMULATING talk at your home of COMMON SENSE...

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 16th...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 16th - Discussion About Health Care Bill & LIVE Calls From Our Military...

By Matt Bruce | 03/16/10 | 04:51 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 16th - LIVE Soldier Calls From Haiti & Iraq...


Join us today as we start out talking with our Tuesday regular, Frank Salvato, Managing Editor of the New media Journal. He fills in the blanks on what the Democrats are trying to do in attempting to force Health Care on the American people when some polls show 80% of the people either don't want it or want the entire process started over and kept out in plain view for everyone to see. Frank also talks about the American Consulate workers who were gunned down in cold blood in Mexico and Drug Gangs are now attempting to bring the USA into the fray along the Southern Border with Mexico...

We get our first LIVE call next from Lt. Col. Pat LeMieux from Port Au Prince, Haiti and the 7th Sustainment Brigade. LTC LeMieux is the Officer in Charge on for external support operations. He tells us what his Unit has been doing and how they're doing it to help the Haitian people in their recovery and relief from the massive earthquake their Country sufferred...

Time next for some Florida news and Don Baldauf. We hear today that 29 States have signed on to an idea for Wind Mills as a means of Alternative Energy...

We get another LIVE call this time from Joint Base Balad in Iraq and 1st Lt Dane Hanson who is with the 37th Engineers Batallion. Lt. Hanson tells us what his job and his Unit have been doing and how the Iraqis are responding as they continue to take back more of the every day duties in running their Country...

We finish off today's show with some Earl Pitts humor and another Candid Conservative minute as we sign off and get ready for tomorrow's show...

Tell your friends and get informed! Become a regular listener and fan of or radio show and if your favorite radio station isn't playing our show, just tell them to start...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

More STIMULATING talk at your home of COMMON SENSE...

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Monday, March 15, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 15th - Breaking News From FL. Security Council...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 15th...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 15th - Breaking News From FL Security Council...

Hello everybody and welcome to the start of another week here on "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

We start out with BREAKING News that you will only hear being discussed right here about the Muslim Day Rally in Tallahassee, FL. last Thursday March 11th which turned into an aggressive and rowdy 'Battery Incident' being reported to Capitol Police by Joe Kaufman a News Reporter and FL. Security Council Cameraman J. Mark Campbell...

We hear first from FSC Camerman J. Mark Campbell and then from an eyewitness to the incident, Randy McDaniels from the ACT Chapter in Jacksonville, FL. who verifies what happened when the perpetrator of the attacks, Prof. Bassem Alhalabi, was charged with simple battery for each incident. The 2 assaults happened on 2 separate occasions, both on the same day...

Alhalabi is a Professor at FL. Atlantic University (FAU), a Director and Co-Founder of the Islamic Center of Boca Raton (ICBR), and a former Associate of convicted Terrorist Sami al-Arian...

You can see the video for yourself of this incident and what happened by going to:

Then we speak with 13 and Chrissy Prazares who has not stopped fighting the passage of the Health Care Bill and encourages everyone to call 202-224-3121 and talk to any and all the Congressional Reps that you can and just say "NO" to Health Care...

We this up with bottom of the hour FOX News keeping us informed of the days events and then come back with Don Baldauf of Florida discussing a new Op-Ed piece he's written and the misstatements being made by those who are against using Oil in the Gulf for the people of Florida...

Then we hear from 'The Candid Conservative' and toss in our usual humor with the latest from 'Earl Pitts' before we do a little 'Sweatin With Nancy Pelosi & The Socialists' to finish up today's "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener or better yet, a FAN, of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard weekdays right here and weekends Nationally Syndicated by the Phoenix Broadcasting Network...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


Become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook...



By Matt Bruce | 03/15/10...


SARASOTA, FL. (NS/MattBruce) -

Well let's just start out with these amazing clear and true FACTS...

1- He destroyed the Clinton Political Machine...

* Driving a stake thru the heart of Hillary's Presidential
aspirations - something no Republican was ever able to do.

* Remember when a Hillary Presidency scared the daylights out of

2- He killed off the Kennedy Dynasty...

* No more Kennedy's trolling Washington looking for booze and
women wanting rides home.

* Remember the bridge.

* American women and Freedom are safer tonight!

3- He is destroying the Democratic Party before our eyes...

* Dennis Moore had never lost a race - quit

* Evan Bayh had never lost a race - quit

* Byron Dorgan - had never lost a race - quit

* Harry Reid - Soon to be GONE

4- These are just a handful of the Democrats whose political careers Obama
has destroyed...

* By the end of 2010 dozens more will be!

* In December of 2008 the Democrats were on the rise.

* In the last two election cycles they had picked up 14 senate
seats and 52 house seats.

* The press was touting the death of the Conservative Movement
and the Republican Party.

* In one year Obama put a stop to all of this and will probably
give the house, if not the senate back to the Republicans.

* He has completely exposed liberals and progressives for what
they are.

5- Every Generation seems to need to relearn the lesson on why they should
never actually put liberals in charge. He is bringing home the lesson
very well...

* Liberals tax, borrow and spend - check

* Liberals won't bring themselves to protect America - check

* Liberals want to take over the economy - check

* Liberals think they know what is best for everyone - check

* Liberals aren't happy till they are running your life - check

6- He has brought more Americans back to conservatism than anyone since

* In One year he rejuvenated the Conservative movement and
brought out to the streets millions of Freedom Loving Americans.

* Name me one other time in your life that you saw your friends
and neighbors this interested in taking back America!

In all honesty one year ago I was more afraid than I had ever been in my life.

Not of the economy but of the direction our country was going. I thought Americans had forgotten what this country was all about. My neighbors, friends, strangers proved to me that my lack of confidence of the Greatness and Wisdom of the American people was flat out wrong.

When the American People wake up no smooth talking teleprompter reader can fool them!

Barak Obama woke up these Great Americans.

Again I want say:

"Thank you Barack Obama for waking America up!"...


Matt Bruce

American Conservative Independent Thinking TEA Party Patriot...

"The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Hour 2 Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show For March 13th...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 13th - Hr 2 Weekend Show...

Welcome back to Hour 2 of the weekend syndicated "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" and thanks for taking time out of your busy weekend to tune in...

First guest is the always informative Greg Allen, NYC Talk Radio Host, who has his own rant today about Eric Holder and news that's come out about what he didn't disclose at his Confirmation Hearing before the U.S. Senate...

Then we hear from former 7 term OK Congressman Ernest Istook, a Distinguished Fellow with the Heritage Foundation, as he talks about Health Care, the Budget Deficit, The 'No' Jobs Bill and why the Democrats are committing 'Political Suicide' as they go for broke knowing full well the mood of the Country is dead set AGAINST them right now...

Time next for 'The Coach', Kevin Collins of Collins as he talks about more Homegrown Terrorist's getting arrested, this time in Yemen. This is something that will only get worse as the tighten the noose on Al-Qaida and their operatives all across the Globa...

"The Watchdog On Wall Street," Chris Markowski joins us next with his always informative knowledge of Wall Street, the economy and what Investors are doing or not doing in today's World Recession. Chris will tell you what you're not hearing our Mainstream News Media talk about because if you knew the REAL truth about how our current President and the Progressive Liberal Democrats were doing to HURT more than help the economy you'd probably want to vote them all OUT right now!

Of course you'll hear Earl Pitts with his humor and have some more FUN listening to 'The captain' and one of his 2 minute rants...

That concludes Hour 2 of the weekend syndicated "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" and we'll be back with Hour 3 in the next Podcast...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

More STIMULATING Talk Radio At Your Home Of COMMON SENSE...

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 11th - Budget Deficit & Where's The Jobs???

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 11th - Budget Deficit & Where's The Jobs???

By Matt Bruce | 03/11/10 | 12:37 PM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For March 11th - Budget Deficits, No Jobs & More...


Today on "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" we talk extensively about the record Federal Budget Deficit which has no end in sight for the next several years. Tax revenues are falling, causing problems all across America from the smallest Towns to the largest Cities and ALL of the States. More job layoffs are looming unless the Country sees more Tax hikes which seem to be inevitable...

Guests Today Include:

1- Henry Raines, Host of 'The Henry Raines Show' heard Sunday's on 820 WWBA Radio 1-3 PM ET...

2- Don Baldauf, Florida Founder talking about how we can all SAVE money at the pump...

3- The latest "Captain's 2 Minute Rant" about the economy and jobs...

4- Kevin 'Coach' Collins, Collins writer and former NYPD beat Cop...

5- Earl Pitts Humor and 'The Candid Conservative' plus a 2 minute audio with Sen Dick Durbin inferring the Obama Administration and quite possibly Pres. Obama are 'lieing' to the American people about saving money on our Health Insurance premiums and Dan Rather saying Pres. Obama "couldn't sell watermelons on a street corner even if the Police shut the street down"...

Enjoy the priviledge of knowing what other's won't unless they tune in to hear "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

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