Sunday, December 26, 2010

"The Captains AMERICA" - Hr 2, Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show....

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode of "The Captains AMERICA" - Hr 2, Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show....

Please click the link below to view it:

Welcome back to Christmas Weekend 2010 across America and hour 2 of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard across America and around the World...

There's plenty to talk about this week and we've got the most informative and interesting guests here to talk about it. Here is our hour 2 guest list:

1- Greg Allen, Veteran Talk Radio Host formerly of the 'Right Balance' and the 'Loftus Report', is famous for his news and research independent opinion. Greg has lots to say about the Progressive Left Agenda was rammed down our throats during 2010 and how much of it will be rescinded by the incoming 112th Congress...

2- Fred Claridge, Senior Advocate, who helps Seniors and others confirm and verify Vendors and Repairmen before they get a chance to rip you off. He is one of the leading Consumer Advocates in America for Senior Citizens...

3- Shannon Rose, 'Mr Entertainment', whose news about the glitz and glitter of not only Hollywood, but New York, Florida and beyond keeps you Entertainment buffs IN the know...

4- Ilana Freedman, Senior Intel Analyst from the Gerard Group, tells us what we aren't hearing from our OLD Stream Media about the Global War on Terror and where the HOT spots are. Airport Security? You bet she knows the who, what, when, where and why...

5- Wayne Allyn Root, former Libertarian VP Candidate in '08, drops by to tell you what he sees coming for America in 2011 and beyond as the 112th Congress gets into session. The first thing they will do is READ the U.S. Constitution to the entire body. Wayne also talks about his own Political future...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'


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See you there!

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