Saturday, January 23, 2010

Is It Time To Bring Back The Draft???

Matt Bruce
Is It Time To Bring Back The Draft???

Editorial! News Alert! Family Alert! Action Alert! Legislation/Vote Alert!
Is It Time To Bring Back The Draft???

Written By: Matt Bruce

News Source: News Sarasota, Iraq Study Group, Congress


After the Iraq Study Group released its report a couple of years ago, there's been a lot of speculation over whether bringing back the Draft would be something needed to be done...

In its initial report the Iraq Study Group said, "An extraordinary amount of sacrifice has been asked of our men and women in uniform, and of their families. The American Military has little reserve force to call on if it needs ground forces to respond to other crises around the World."

Immediately after that, Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY), spoke up and started to immediately publicly discuss the option of reinstating the Military Draft...

The Selective Service Act went into effect in 1917 when it required American civilian males between the ages of 21-30 to register for WWI...

The United States hasn't had a military draft since 1973, when Congress eliminated conscription as the Vietnam War was drawing to an end...

For most of its history, the United States has been without a draft. But the times we live in and the Global War on Terror may have forced that all to change...

Many military officers, lawmakers and analyists oppose bringing back the draft. However a larger number of our our elected officials and more ranking members of the military are starting to suggest bringing back the draft...

Today's military has been an all-volunteer force the past 34 years. The demands being brought forward by the Global War on Terror, is now present in at least 60 Countries around the World in one form or another...

The Army had 732,000 active-duty soldiers during the 1991 Persian Gulf War which happened 3 years after President Ronald Reagan was out of office...

During the Clinton years, the force was reduced and now numbers about 512,000 under President Bush...

The Bush administration recognized there was a problem and has promised to add 92,000 service members to the Army and Marine Corps over the next 5 years...

The Obama administration has continued this policy...

But how do you do this without mentioning the fact there may be a need for the reactivation of the Military Draft???

This would mean Army and Marine recruiters would have to sign up additional people every year, while they're already struggling to meet recruiting quotas and some standards have had to be dropped to do so...

For example, raising the enlistment age to 42, allowing some lessor criminal charges previously not allowed for recruit eligibility and lowering some of the test scores recruits have to take...

I would like to suggest that IF the United States Government feels the need to reinstate the Military Draft, that we add women between the ages of 18-39 to the list...

Women have already been proven to be able and willing to serve in Combat situations and have performed extremely well under some extremely adverse conditions...

While the Feminist's will never agree with what I've just said, go ask a female soldier what she thinks about what they're doing for America...

I have and they are damn proud to be serving and are willing to do whatever it takes to defend, protect and serve America...

That being said, the men's requirements for instituting a new Draft would probably remain the same as the enlistment requirements. The only thing that might be changed would be the maximum age of 42, which would probably be dropped to 39 as well...

When you start seeing the likes of 'Jane Fonda' back on the anti-war stage, every Vietnam veteran remembers what she meant to our Enemy and how her efforts gave more resolve to the NVA and Viet Cong Forces fighting against us in Vietnam and across Southeast Asia...

It is time for honorable and patriotic men and women across America to stand up for our Military. The fact of the matter is, our young men and women serving in our Military today are keeping the Terrorist's from operating and doing what they're doing over there, right here in our Country...

For the people that don't understand that, I say what rock have you been living under???

The Radical Islamic Muslim Terrorist's are real and they want nothing more than to kill as many of us as they can. They know they can defeat us in the world of public opinion, if we allow them to...

We are not the people running around with suicide bombers, killing hundreds and thousands of people each and every month...

We are also not the people running around beheading those who stand up and fight against them in the name of their Religion...

And finally, what part of the word TERRORIST don't you understand???

These people do not want to talk. They do not want to negotiate. They merely want to kill as many of us as they can and destroy our way of life...

Democracy is not a part of their beliefs or upbringing. We are the 'Great Satan' because we allow women the right to vote. That also applies to women having the ability to express their opinion. You don't have to look very far to understand that either...

Just go to Afghanistan where the Taliban ruled and you'll run across women who have had their tongues cut out for rendering any opinion against the Muslim fanatics that used to run that Country...

These are the facts that are there to be found if you just bother to look. So the fact still remains, do you want to fight them over
there...or over here???

To do what we need to do to destroy the Radical Islamic Terrorist's around the World before they have the chance to destroy us, we 'may' have to bring back the Military Draft...

Think about that when you read the headlines from across the Globe...

Draft proponents say that those whom the Military doesn't need could be used instead to work in Homeland Security guarding our Airports, Seaports and Borders or could even work in understaffed Hospitals or Schools. All of this could be done just by reinstating the Draft...

So, consider the evidence and the facts of what I've written and then stand up for America and our brave Military men and women...

You can either be part of the solution or remain part of the problem. The choice is up to you...

One thing IS for certain, if this old Warrior's body would let him, I'd volunteer in a minute! Whatever happened to that kind of spirit in America???

For Now, That's Just 'OUR' Opinion...

Matt Bruce
Managing Editor
Host Of "The Captain's AMERICA" Radio Show
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