Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Progressive Left Agenda For America...

The Progressive Left Agenda For America...

By Matt Bruce | 03/27/10 | 07:45 PM EDT | 0 Comments

Matt Bruce
...Nationally Syndicated Talk Radio Host & Columnist...

Editorial! Family  Alert! Action Alert! Legislation/Vote Alert!
The Progressive Left Agenda For America…

Written By: Matt Bruce


For over a year Americans have been told about the movement behind Barack Obama and the surge that was coming with the Progressive Agenda we were all warned about…

When NY Congressman Charlie Rangel made the comments that “we voted for Socialism when the Country elected Barack Obama,” I don’t know what Country Rangel was talking to…

Now step 1 has been Barack Obama’s self described ‘signature piece’, namely Health Care…

The numbers keep disputing any savings and in fact point to more expense, higher taxes, fewer jobs and more misery for Americans who are already struggling just to keep their jobs and their homes…

Is there any wonder as to why the TEA Party movement has not lost a single beat with the passage of the Progressive Left’s Health Care Bill?

So, what’s coming next? Could it or will it be more Government takeover of our Banking system? Maybe it will and maybe it won’t…

How about those 30+ million new recipients of Health Care, most of whom will more than likely fill the Medicaid Rolls forcing the States to come up money they just simply don’t have…

How will these States get this money? Taxes, State Worker Layoffs, a reduction in Pension benefits and funding? Well how about ALL of the above…

There are 2 Bills right here in the State of Florida, SB-1902 and HB-1319 that strive to do just exactly that to those who risk their lives every day they’re on the job, namely our EMA, Firefighters and Police…

This is absolutely wrong and the people of Florida and America need to know this is the position the Progressive Left has put our Country in with the passage of the Health Care Bill…

I’m not saying we didn’t need Health Care reform, but why wasn’t there any Tort reform included in this? Why did the Progressive Left literally stuff the Health Care Bill with all kinds of ‘Pork’ projects?

The answer is very simple, it was so the Administration of Barack Obama which includes Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, could buy the votes they needed that will make America worse because of all the financial problems it now creates for all of us…

Now with 30+ million new recipients of Health Care Insurance, what do you think will happen when some 12-15 million Illegal Aliens get award the ‘fast track’ towards U.S.

Is there anyone amongst us who can’t see what’s happening to our Country and how the passage of Health Care and Immigration Reform will literally guarantee our Country a decade or more of Progressive-ism…

All of this does not even include the Cap and Trade Bill and what’s in there that our Progressive Left Liberal Pals have in store to literally take control of 300 million people who will be dependent on Government for almost everything they need in their daily lives…

Ladies and gentlemen of America, if you love your Country and honor your Freedom, you must wake up to the very real threat being posed by the Progressive Left Liberals who are opening our eyes to a new way of Socialism right here in the United States of America…

Get involved, become part of the solution and not the problem. Attend your local TEA Party Group Rally’s and meetings and let’s all work together to take back America from the forces of Progressive-ism which are attempting to steal our Country right out from underneath us…

I close by using the famous saying of Jim Galvano, NC State Basketball Coach who died of cancer a few years ago, “Don’t give up, don’t EVER give up.”

We the people are the United States of America, register to vote and on November 2nd, 2010 make sure you remember the words I have written here today…

May God bless and continue to help America, the greatest Nation on the face of the Earth…

Matt Bruce

An American Conservative Independent Patriot

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