Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 3 Nationally Syndicated Weekend Radio Show...

The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 3 Nationally Syndicated Weekend Radio Show...

By Matt Bruce | 05/30/10 | 08:42 AM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show Hr 2 Nationally Syndicated Radio Show For May 29th...

May 30, 2010...

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Here we go with the final hour of this weekend's "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard nationally over 110 radio stations and around the World via Galaxy satellite, shortwave radio and the Internet...

Our guest list this hour looks like this:

1- Henry Raines, Tampa Bay Talk Show Host, who starts out voicing his concerns about the Gulf Oil spill and the concerns he and his friends have. Henry also addresses the issues of 'politics' involved and how this could adversely affect Pres. Obama who may be known for his own version of 'Katrina-Oil-Gate' in the Gulf. Henry also talks about the influence the TEA Party is having all across America right now and has a different take on putting a Mosque near Ground Zero in NYC...

2- Kyle Warren, 'The Professor of Politics', jumps right into his opinion of the recent Obama live press conference where it appeared our media finally was asking some tough questions of the President which were prompoting some interesting responses. Kyle notes that Obama appeared 'uncomfortable' having to defend his Administration's response to the Gulf Oil spill and fielding questions about the War in Afghanistan and why more Troops and more money was being spent there...

3- SSG Justin Brown, Strength and Conditioning Coach, joins us next with another Military All Stars Baseball Team update. The Team is still out on the West Coast as they prepare to start June off playing in Alaska under the 'midnight sun' and then travel all across America the rest of the summer...

4- Retired Army Major General Paul Vallely is next with a candid and frank discussion about sending the National Guard to our Southern Border with Mexico to assist and confront Drug Lords and their heavily armed Army's creating havoc all along the Border. Gen. Valley also talks about Afghanistan and what we need to do is WIN by whatever means necessarily and stop trying to be 'politically correct'. The General also reflects on the meaning of Memorial Day and what his plans are for the National Holiday...

Toss in our old pal "Earl Pitts - Redneck American" who has some thoughts of his own before we turn out the lights and lock the door on the radio studio so we can go watch a Tampa Bay Rays Baseball game...

Once again folks I ask that ALL of you take time this Monday May 31st to observe a minute of silence at 3 PM wherever you are and stop whatever you're doing to remember the true heroes in our midst, our Nations War dead, and say a silent prayer for them, their families and ALL of the service men and women now serving in harms way keeping all of us FREE & SAFE...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

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