Saturday, July 24, 2010

America Speaking Out Town Hall...

America Speaking Out Town Hall


Today I was in attendance for something new called “America Speaking Out” at a Town Hall held by FL-13 2 term Congressman Vern Buchanan at the Sarasota County Commission Building in Sarasota, FL.

This was different because the people present were asked to make any suggestions they had for helping America move forward.

I was sitting amongst Democrats, Independents, Republicans and others who got their chance and they had plenty to say.

It’s obvious of the anger and disgust that Americans have right now towards Washington, DC and what’s transpired since Barack Obama and the Democratic Party took control.

Nobody in attendance had much of anything good to say about where our Country is at right now at this point in history.

I was keeping track of the topics being discussed and it was a tossup between Earmarks-Entitlements-Pork and Immigration that set the tone for the Town Hall.

People also spoke about Taxes, Healthcare, the Economy and Jobs, Tort Reform, Government Waste and the massive Federal Deficit and Debt that most present felt could never be paid off in their lifetimes.

Previously Congressman Buchanan had held 19 Town Hall Meetings where he guided the agenda and questions were allowed to be asked. This time around it was the people who were making suggestions and asking questions.

Here were some of the ideas offered:

1- Encouraging people to buy “U.S. Savings Bonds,” just like in World War II…

2- Putting our own unemployed American citizens and Veterans back to work first…

3- Putting back the Investment Tax Credit for Small Business so it can grow again…

4- Doing something to stop the $14 Trillion Deficit. Perhaps a 10% cut across the board…

5- Encouraging and starting a “Buy American” program…

The people present as I mentioned earlier were from all sides of the aisle and different political persuasions but the passion their shared about the concern they all had for the direction they see America going in was obvious.

From where I was sitting I firmly believe there is going to be a real ‘house cleaning’ in Washington, DC come November 2nd, 2010 when the Mid-Term elections are held across America.

The people are disgusted and they are mad and they’re not going to take it anymore. I know that sounds like the slogan you’ve heard in the newspaper, radio and tv ads but it’s also the sentiment that was displayed today at the “America Speaking Out” Town Hall held by FL-13 Congressman Vern Buchanan…

Matt Bruce

Managing Editor News

Manatee County Buzz Contibutor

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