Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Captain's AMERICA New Year's Eve Radio Show For Dec. 31st...

Hello everybody and Happy New Year, here's wishing you all the best in 2010!

We start today's show with email we've received from our listeners and we've got some great email!

Then it's time for our first guest, Greg Allen, Talk Show Host heard in New York City on 620 WSNR Radio. Greg exercises his opinion to talk about the recent 'Underwear Bomber' and more regarding the state of our Country's Security and the future of Janet Napalitano as DHS Secretary. Greg also speaks about the political games played regarding our Nation's Security which has most Americans hoping mad and just itching the 2010 Elections were tomorrow instead of November 2nd...

Time next for former NH U.S. Sen. Bob Smith who is running for the GOP Senate nomination against Gov. Charlie Crist and former FL House Speaker Marco Rubio. Sen. Smith is asked to comment about Florida State Sovereignty rerading the Submerged Lands Act and going after the Oil we have off our shoreline in the Gulf of Mexico plus building a Refinery here in Florida to use our own Oil and save Florida residents a lot of money in the process. Sen. Smith also comments on how his Campaign is doing and looking forward to 2010 and having his momentum continue to grow...

This is a great close to a fantastic year for "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show." We strated out as a Weekly Show heard on the weekends on 25 radio stations, then moved to daytime during the afternoons and now you can hear us 5 days a week LIVE from 6-9 AM ET on WSRQ Radio 1220 AM and 106.9 FM also on the Internet LIVE on WSRQ, Talkstream and The Captain's website's...

With the good Lord willing and the creek's not rising, the year 2010 will be even better for ALL of us!

Thank you for being a listener and supporter and we owe ALL of our success to YOU and we will never forget that!

God bless America and all those who defend, protect and serve her keeping all of us FREE and SAFE fighting around the World in the Global War on Terror and protecting us at Home in the EMS, Fire, Medical and Police Services...

'The Captain'

Become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook...

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Dec. 30th...

Hello everybody and Happy New Year a little early as we talk today about the Washington Political scene with our good friend former NY Congressman John LeBoutillier. We also toss in a little common sense about economics and add a splash of intelligence in speaking about how people get appointed to Cabinet positions based on the amount of money they raised for a Political Campaign rather than the experience they should have to do the job...

Then our pal former NYPD Beat Cop Kevin 'Coach' Collins drops in to talk about Homeland Security and how the Dutch screwed up and allowed somebody who was on the Terrorist Watch List to board a plane and almost blow it up over the skies of Detroit. Once again 'Political Correctness' set in and refused to allow common sense and almost cost 278 people to lose their lives. 'Coach' also tells us about the possibility this was a 'probe' to see what would happen so the next time it's attempted, the Terrorist's will know more about what and how to accomplish their act...

This is one of those shows when you just have to scratch your heads and wonder how we could have ever allowed ourselves to have voted in a group of people who promised 'hope and change' and instead have given us more debt than we ever imagined and no change but plenty of reason to hope we can vote them out in 2010...

Stay tuned, more to come as we enter 2010 and 'We The People' take charge and let Washington, DC know who it is that they work for...

Get IN the know weekday mornings 6-9 AM and tune in to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard LIVE on WSRQ Radio 1220 AM and 106.9 FM in Sarasota, FL. and on the Internet at WSRQ and Talkstream at the same time...

God bless America and all those who defnd, protect and serve her keeping us FREE and SAFE!

'The Captain'

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Dec. 29th...

Well we're locked and loaded for today's "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard LIVE 6-9 AM on WSRQ Radio AM 1220 and FM 106.9 along the Suncoast of Florida from studio's in Sarasota, FL., USA and also heard LIVE on WSRQ and Talkstream 6-9 AM ET weekday mornings...

Starting with Frank Salvato, Managing Editor of the New Media Journal, as he starts out talking about Northwest Flight 253 and the bombing attempt on Christmas Day of this inbound Detroit, MI Flight coming from Amsterdam in The Netherlands. Then there's some Political talk about the Moderate 'Blue Dog' Democrats in both the House Senate who are getting 'worried' about a Voter backlash in 2010 as they consider dropping the Cap and Trade Bill...

Time next for some more Terrorism Talk with Jim Kouri, former NYC Housing Authority Police Chief and 5th Executive VP of the National Assn of Chiefs of Police, as he talks about the possibility of the attempted bombing merely being a 'probe' for the other 25 or so Terrorist's we've heard might be lurking and preparing for more of the same against U.S. Airliners...

Then it's Camp Taji, Iraq calling and U.S. Army Capt. Anthony John form the 96th SBDE Unit where he's a Public Affairs Officer. The Capt. tells us about his duty assignment, average day and life in general in Iraq serving in the U.S. Army...

We finish off the day with some commentary about Politics and the Health Care Bill which now has gone to the House for their consideration and more 'changes' which will further alienate Voters and is spelling real trouble for the Democrats at the voting booth in 2010 during the Mid-Term Elections...

Get IN the know and become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" either via this podcast or by going to 'Facebook'...

God bless America!

'The Captain'

Become a FAN of our show on Facebook - "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"...

Monday, December 28, 2009

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Dec. 28th...

Welcome everybody to the start of the final week of 2009 here on "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard LIVE weekday's 6-9 AM ET on WSRQ Radio AM 1220 & FM 106.9 along the Suncoast of Florida from studios located in beautiful downtown Sarasota, FL...

Today's first guest is 'Chrissy' from FL. Patriotic and she talks about the next plan of action regarding the Health Care Bill. Her group represents people from all Political scopes both Independent, Democrat, Republican, Liberal and Conservative...

Then we speak with Attorney David Shapiro regarding the Constitutionality and Legality of the Health Care Bill. Attorney Shapiro states there already is legal precedent for Health Care to be Constitutional and even if challenged it would take years for the challenge to reach the U.S. Supreme Court and by that time the Health Care Bill would already be law...

Time next for a Myakka City, FL. Local Army Soldier Specialist Sean Meadows calling us from Iraq. Spec. Meadows volunteered to go to Iraq and he tells us what it's like serving in the Army as a Mechanic near Baghdad at the Air Base there...

Then we speak with the 'Professor of Politics', Kyle Warren, as he addresses the Terrorist who tried to blow up a flight coming from Amsterdam to Detroit on Christmas Day and then the 2nd incident involving a passenger who locked themselves in the aircraft bathroom which turned out to be merely a sick passenger. Kyle also talks about the Washington Political scene and the problems headed the Democrats way in 2010...

We finish up talking with Sarasota County Fire Dept Lt. Mike Martino from SCFD #3 who tells us about his Son receiving an appointment to the United States Military Academy at West Point. We also talk a little 'common sense' fire safety about things to watch for at Christmas time so you don't wind up burning down your house or worse...

Get IN the know and tell your friends to tune in to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" LIVE weekday mornings 6-9 AM ET on WSRQ Radio! You can also become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook or via this Podcast...

God bless America!

'The Captain'

The First 12 Months Of Obama Captivity: Preparing For Eradication...

The First 12 Months Of Obama Captivity: Preparing For Eradication...

Written By: Sher Zieve ...

December 28, 2009


Now beginning the Era of Captivity, the American people have entered a new stage in their once extremely productive lives. This new phase has been purposefully designed to be unproductive and will be called 'existence.' Existence, however, will soon degrade and devolve — with no one stopping the perpetrators of this abhorrence — into subsistence. After that chapter has been written and read, life will have become so essentially bitter and untenable that additional deteriorations in life-conditions will carry no significant meaning — other than base survival.

Since the Usurper and Dictator in Chief Barack Hussein Obama assumed power and rule over American citizens in January 2009, the United States of America has been under siege from far left terrorist ObamaMentors, an increasing set of perverse and prurient Marxist and Maoist Czars, thieves creating hoaxes ("global warming: comes immediately to mind) in order to steal the resources of the USA out from under its inhabitant-owners and "The Obama" (this designation has quickly become most recent synonym for Tyrant) itself.

For anyone who still maintains the ability to see, hear and discern that which is occurring in reality, The Obama's mission is clear. As a refresher, let's again take a look at a very small portion of the clearly Draconian orders that The Obama has dictated and the Orwellian legislation the US Marxist-run Congress has passed since the despot has been in office.

1. With their bogus jobs' and economy "stimulus packages," Obama and the US Congress continue to bleed the American people dry of all of their money and resources. In actual fact, the actions from Obama show that he has followed and is following the advice of one of his mentors, Saul Alinsky, in destroying the US middle-class by destroying its private sector companies and, therefore, its jobs. Forget about these jobs coming back, folks. As predicted, unemployment rates have risen and will continue to rise. The mission of The Obama is to destroy all that is the USA. As I wrote when the first stimulus package was announced, and other well-known entities have since picked up on it, it was created and is now being used as, yet, another Marxist-Democrat slush fund.

2. On 17 December 2009 with Executive Order 12425, Barack Hussein Obama gave foreign police force INTERPOL immunity from Congressional action and the US Constitution's Fourth Amendment in order to provide cover to anything and everything said police force plans to do on Obama's behalf — and under his orders — while in the USA. From the Patriot Room, a portion of the Tyrant Obama's order reads: "property and assets of [INTERPOL], wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, unless such immunity be expressly waived, and from confiscation." Whether We-the-People like it or not, Obama is internationalizing the US Constitution, minimalizing and decreasing US sovereignty and may now, also, be setting up the American people for dissolution of all of their rights under said US Constitution.

3. Despite the fact that the majority of We-the-People are strongly opposed to the ObamaCare Death Plan (some polls show the opposition as high as 72%), Obama and his Marxist Congress are determined to ram it down our throats. The ObamaCare Death Plan is the virtually all-encompassing proposal that will lead very quickly to complete ObamaControl over everything the American people do and will give Obama's commissars and Czars total control over who lives and who dies. The Obama Death Panels are back — and with a vengeance, folks! What will happen is that Obama & Co will have complete control over 1/6 of what's left of the US economy. Can you say "another Marxist-Democrat slush fund with no healthcare, whatsoever?

4. Even though global warming has now been exposed as merely another scheme to steal money from the USA and its people, Obama traveled to Copenhagen and pledged $100 Billions to solving the, now admittedly unsolvable, manmade global warming issue. It can't be solved because mankind dos not control climate change.

5. Obama and his fellow Marxists still plan to push the faux Cap & Trade (realistically "Cash & Tax") program. And, as was accomplished with his despotic ObamaCare Death Plan, Obama will use any and all bribes (if money, it's out of yours and my pockets) necessary to do so. The Chicago mob/syndicate is firmly in control of the US government.

6. The Obama has taken control of and nationalized our banks

7. The Obama has taken control of and nationalized our automobile industry

8. Obama is now establishing his own police force and said prior to his election: "We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

9. Dispelling any rumors that Obama is not — himself — a criminal, Obama and his US Attorney General Eric Holder have said that Obama's unlawful election-fraud unit ACORN WILL be funded. Note: Besides, Obama will need them for both the 2010 and 2012 elections

There are hundreds more examples of what The Obama has accomplished in his first year of office. But, I've almost made myself sick telling the truth about those listed above. The facts are there for all to see. Are you preparing for your own eradication under the hammer and sickle of the tyrant? Still feeling peaceful?

Obama Exempts INTERPOL from Search and Seizure on US Lands:

Global Warming Hoax — Climategate:

Obama Leaves For Copenhagen Summit Thursday As U.S. Makes $100 Billion Announcement:$100%20Billion%20Announcement

DoJ: Federal agencies must honor ACORN contracts:


Editor's Note:

Sher Zieve is an author, political commentator, and staff writer for The New Media Alliance ( Zieve's op-ed columns are widely carried by multiple internet journals and sites, and she also writes hard news. Her columns have also appeared in The Oregon Herald, Dallas Times, Boston Star, Massachusetts Sun, Sacramento Sun, in international news publications, and on multiple university websites. Ms. Zieve is currently working on her first political book: "The Liberal's Guide To Conservatives." Sher has appeared on the Nationally Syndicated "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on numerous occasions and her articles appear regularly on News Sarasota...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 1 Weekend Syndicated Radio Show For Dec. 26th...

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year to everybody and thanks for being one of our podcast listeners! Lots more coming your way in 2010 with growth of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard LIVE 6-9 AM ET weekday mornings on AM 1220 and FM 106.9 WSRQ Radio or LIVE via the Internet by going to WSRQ or Talkstream between 6-9 AM ET...

We start today off with the 'Watchdog On Wall Street', Chris Markowski, who gets into the financial details including where the money is coming from for the recently passed Senate version of the Health Care Bill. Chris knows his stuff and you'll be interested hearing how we're 'robbing Peter to pay Paul' in many instances which will start costing MOST of us extra Tax dollars in 2010 for something that won't kick in until 2014...

Time next for Kyle Olson talking about an Organization everybody thought had gone away, ACORN. You'll be interested to know how ACORN is not only still getting money, but transferring it to their new offspring that were created so as to take some 'pressure' off ACORN. It's called 'business as usual' in Washington, DC as the Dems have found a new way to help their Pals at ACORN...

TEA Party supporters gather round as we speak next to Dale Robertson, Founder of Tea, as he addresses not only his 5 million member group but also America with what HE thinks the TEA Party should be concentrating on in 2010. This just might surprise MOST of you who have been hearing something entirely different from our mainstream media. Tune in and LISTEN...

Then Earl Pitts drops by for some of his savored humor which will have you rolling on the floor! We finish with Hirshen on Hollywood talking about Pres. Obama's acting ability and how he just might become eligible for an Academy Award when the Academy creates one for the President...

Get IN the know by listening to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" and become a FAN of our Podcast or join us on Facebook by searching "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show." You'll also find us on Twitter as "Captains America"...

God bless America and ALL those who defend, protect and serve her keeping all of us FREE and SAFE!

'The Captain'

Become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook...

Dems May Have A Price, But Americans Just Want To Work!

Dems May Have A Price, But Americans Just Want To Work!

Written By: Kyle Warren...

SARASOTA, FL. (NS/KyleWarren) -

Well, looks like Sen Nelson had his price too I guess when it come to the healthcare bill in the Senate. Assuming the Senate passes the bill this week I think the real fight will begin between the Democrats as they try and meld the two bills. It's been reported today that this will likely take place behind closed doors--what a surprise! With the liberal left absolutely outraged at the idea that the "public option" would not be part of this historic bill, look for the friction to really intensify.

What's very concerning to me are some of the opinions I'm hearing regarding how this would have moved forward if Harry Reid was not able to find 60 votes. For example, all the talk about how the Senate could simply use "reconciliation" to pass the healthcare bill with a mere 51 votes instead of the 60 required by the Senate rules. This is scary, and should be scary to every American, because the liberal left appears to be losing all their pretenses and just saying that they will do what they want when they want and there really is nothing that anyone can do about it. In this instance, even though the American people are clearly opposed the bill in its present form--public option or not--the message from the government elite is that this will move forward no matter what.

And if you don't like this bill and don't support it don't worry! You'll like it eventually. NBC's Chris Matthews said recently that the American people would "fall in love" with the bill after it passes. So, I guess that the liberal elite are so smart that they know what we want even if we say in a unified voice that we DO NOT want the healthcare bill cramed down our throats. Welcome to the new paradigm.

At this time of year when Christmas draws near and people's hearts turn towards home and family, the biggest concern on the minds and hearts of so many is not some urgent need for the installation of a government run universal healthcare system from which there is no escape but, rather, where the jobs will come from in the coming year. What will expand our economy and build confidence that tomorrow will truly be a better day? How long will they have to suffer while the very fabric of the American way of life is re-engineered on a scale never before seen?

What is ironic is that President Obama could be seen as a hero of history if he was actively seen as focusing on jobs and the economy--not just throwing some misbegotten "stimulus" package at the economy as if that's all that you need to do to revive the "worst economic crisis since the great depression." If people were going back to work as a result of lower taxes and an atmosphere condusive to business in this country, Obama would undoubtedly reap the rewards. Instead, by pushing radical ideas on Americans under the guise of "change," there is a strong possilbility that he will be seen by history as making the problem worse and the recovery will be years away. This is very sad indeed because real people are losing their jobs and their homes and their dignity. They are WILLING to work. They are WILLING to do any job. These are the salt of the earth people caught in the politics of it all. They deserve a fighting chance. That is the American way.

Editor's Note:

Kyle Warren is host of the award winning Kyle Warren Show heard weekday's on Talk 2 K Radio and Net Talk World - Global Talk Radio. Kyle is a regular Monday morning guest on the Nationally Syndicated "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard LIVE 6-9 AM ET on AM 1220 and FM 106.9 WSRQ Radio along the Suncoast of Florida from studios in downtown Sarasota, FL...

Friday, December 25, 2009

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show Christmas Music Podcast...

"The Captains AMERICA" Radio Show Christmas Music Podcast.....

Merry Christmas to all that celebrate Christmas and Happy Holiday's to those celebrating something other then Christmas!

We have put together 30 minutes of Christmas Music for today in keeping with the Season and remind everyone to keep our brave Military men and women in their prayers. Also please don't don't forget our EMS, Firefighters, Police, Security and others working today while the rest of us enjoy Christmas...

God bless each and every one of YOU and a sincere and heartfelt Merry Christmas to ALL...

'The Captain & Toby'

Please click the link below to view it:

See you there!

- The Captain -

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Captain's AMERICA Christmas Eve Radio Show For Dec. 24th...

It's Christmas Eve on "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" and are we going to have FUN today despite the Senate voting on the Health Care Bill and screwing up our Holiday season...

Our first guest is Henry Raines, Tampa Bay Talk Show Host, who speaks about the 6-039 Senate vote and his displeasure as a Progressive American. Henry also addresses the questions that are presented as the Bill heads over to the House for approval which is going to be argued because of the 'Public Option' the House passed. This is an interesting discussion which will enlighten you to the details and concerns many Americans have out the Health Care Bill...

Time next for Greg Allen, NYC Talk Show Host, who also has concerns about the passage of the health Care Bill and also speaks about the financial aspect involved with nobody really knowing what this will cost???

Then we have some FUN talking to "Mrs. Claus" calling us LIVE from the North Pole as she tells us about Santa and the Elves and their last minute work to get all the toys and goodies out to kids all over the World. We start 'tracking' Santa as it's already Christmas in some parts of the World...

'Kat' drops by to ask a few questions of "Mrs. Claus" and we find out some of the 'trade secrets' you might not know about her and the North Pole in general. This is great FUN for the kids as we answer some of the email we've gotten for her with the questions the kids have about Santa and his reindeer...

Get IN the know and tune in to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" LIVE weekday mornings 6-9 AM ET on AM 1220 and FM 106.9 WSRQ Radio heard along the Suncoast of Florida in downtown Sarasota, FL., USA and also webcast via WSRQ and Talkstream on the Internet...

God Bless America & Merry Christmas to everybody!

'The Captain' & 'Toby' too...

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Dec. 22nd...

Hello everybody and welcome to "The Captain's AMERICA" radio show for Tuesday Dec. 22nd heard LIVE 6-9AM ET on AM 1220 and FM 106.9 WSRQ Radio in Sarasota, FL...

We start out with New Media Journal Managing Editor, Frank Salvato, talking about the Senate Health Care Bill and the current 'status' of the Bill. Frank lets us know this isn't a 'done deal' yet but it's getting closer to going to the Senate floor for a final vote. Hundreds of thousands of emails, telegrams, faxes and phone calls have inundated the Senator's but thus far nobody is listening to them. People are livid and do NOT want this Health Caren Bill passed without more disclosure and discussion...

Time next for and 5th VP of the National Assn of Chiefs of Police, Jim Kouri, starting out talking about the new Cyber Czar appointed by Pres. Obama. Then we hear about what is done at Christmas for the children of fallen Police Officers and finish up talking about the 9/11 Terrorist Trials status and what Attorney Gen. Eric Holder is up to now by trying to move the trial from NYC to Brooklyn...

We finish up with another LIVE Soldier call from Camp Taji, Iraq as we speak with Army Specialist Mike Neumiller from Alabama who tells us what it's like to be on his second tour of Iraq. Spec. Neumilller is a specialized Transportation driver who hauls palletized freight around to our Military troops in Iraq. He tells us about his average day, his military unit and his plans for spending Christmas in Iraq...

Yesterday's show with Allen West and Marco Rubio broke some Podcast records and was picked up by several Radio Stations around FL because of what we were talking about. Marco Rubio actually broke some news about offshore drilling and putting a refinery in FL on our radio show yesterday...

Get IN the know, tell your friends, become a FAN of our Podcast and check us out on Facebook by going to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show." Good things are happening right here...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook...

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Dec. 21st...

What a lineup we have for you on today's "The Captain's AMERICA" radio show!

Starting with 'Chrissy' from Florida Patriotic Resistance and what her Group plans on doing to counter the Midnight Senate Health Care vote!

Time next for LTC Allen West (US Army Ret) running for Congress in the FL 22nd District, talking about his Candidacy and time in the Military. Allen West is seeking to defeat an incumbent 1 term Democrat in the FL 22nd District...

You'll also hear from US Marine Lance Corporal Jimmy Williams from Sarasota and currently assigned to the 6th Motor Unit in Orlando. He talks about his life in the Marine Corps, tour in 2006 in Iraq and possibly making a career in the Marines...

Then we speak with Kyle Warren, our 'Professor of Politics', he sounds off on this middle of the night Health Care Bill stuff as well as the Spending Bill and the economy in California as it reflects on the rest of America...

We then speak with Marco Rubio, GOP Candidate for the FL US Senate Seat, starting out with his support for our friend Don Baldauf's FL proposal involving the FL Submerged Lands Act and building a new Refinery in FL to start saving all FL residents anywhere from .10 to .12 cents per gallon the first day the FL Refinery goes on line. Marco also addresses the latest Polls and issues in the FL GOP US Senate race...

Then we finish up talking to 'Kat' and 'Raff' as they ponder Christmas and talk about things done during Christmas past...

Get IN the know by listening to "The Captain's AMERICA" radio show heard LIVE weekday mornings 6-9 AM ET on AM 1220 and FM 106.9 WSRQ Radio in Sarasota, FL!

God Bless America and Happy Holidays To All!

'The Captain'

Become a FAN Of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" On Facebook...

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 2 Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show...

Hi Folks! Tune in to hear hour #2 of this weekend's Nationally Syndicated "The Captain's AMERICA" Radio Show and a very special shout out goes to the U.S. Embassy crew tuning in today from Santiago, Chile!

We start out with Frank Salvato's commentary on ALL things Political and you'll be amazed at what you hear being discussed that our mainstream news media is NOT talking about. Frank is the Managing Editor of the New Media Journal and his articles can be read almost everywhere Conservatism is mentioned...

Then we speak about a Mental Health problem facing our Troops today, PDHRA, as it's spoken about by U.S. Army Lt. Col. Ortiz who tells Families and Troops alike where and how they can get help for this growing problem...

We're not done talking with Political 'Heavyweights' as we speak next to former NH U.S. Sen. Bob Smith, now a resident of Sarasota, and his campaign for the U.S. Senate Seat formerly held by Mel Martinez. Sen. Smith has a lot to say and you might be surprised at what you hear...

Get IN the know and tell your friends if they WANT to know, "The Captain's AMERICA" radio show is the place to go! More STIMULATING talk at your HOME of 'Common Sense'...

God Bless America and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays To ALL!

'The Captain'

Become a FAN Of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" On Facebook...

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 1 Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show...

The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 1 Weekend Nationally Syndicated Radio Show...

By Matt Bruce | 12/19/09 | 11:17 AM EDT | 0 Comments

The Captain's AMERICA - Hr 1 Weekend Syndicated Radio Show...


Welcome everybody to hour #1 of our weekend syndicated "The Captain's AMERICA" radio show heard around America on over 75 Radio Stations and around the World on more than 20 websites...

Today we start out with Frank Salvato, Managing Editor of the New Media Journal, and Frank talks about the Washington, DC Political Scene along with Global Warming, Health care, More Stimulus Spending and what Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi really want for America...

Our next guest is the one and only Michael Medved who has plenty to say about America, Barack Obama, Politics and his new book as he informs our listeners what it's like to have an extremely popular Top 5 Talk Radio Show on weekday's heard by some 7.5 million listeners...

Then we speak once again LIVE to Camp Taji, Iraq and Army Sgt. Kevin Carpenter who has a son who will be joining him shortly in Iraq to serve a Tour of Duty with him. Sgt. Carpeneter tells us what it's like to drive a Truck loaded with supplies across Iraq as he tries to stay safe and avoid those IED's that target our Convoys whenever they take to the Iraqi Highways...

Next you can LAUGH at a new Ray Stevens TEA Party Song that will have you in stitches! We also close out the first hour of our weekend edition with a Christmas Heroes song that we'll play completely in the 2nd hour of "The Captain's AMERICA" radio show heard LIVE weekday mornings 6-9 AM ET on our Flagship Stations AM 1220 and FM 106.9 WSRQ Radio along the Suncoast of Florida broadcasting from downtown Sarasota, FL...

God Bless America and Merry Christmas to all of our listeners!

'The Captain'

Become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook...

Friday, December 18, 2009

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Dec. 18th...

This morning during hour #3 of "The Captain's AMERICA" radio show we start out talking to Greg Allen, Talk Show Host in New York City...

Greg speaks about Obamanomics, Health Care, Spending, Afghanistan, Marco Rubio v Charlie Crist and more during the segment...

Then speak with FL-13 District Director for Cong. Vern Buchanan, Sally Tibbetts, as she talks about the Spending Bill, Federal Deficit, Jobs Bill, the TEA Party Movement, 9/11 Terrorists going to that IL Federal Prison and more on today's radio show...

Coming up Monday LIVE in the 3rd hour of "The Captain's AMERICA" radio show you'll hear LTC Allen West candidate for U.S. Congress in FL. and Marco Rubio U.S. Senate candidate in FL...

These are MUST hear interviews because the future of our Country is at stake and the TEA Party movement is growing stronger and stronger according to all the latest polls!

Catch us LIVE weekday mornings from 6-9 AM ET on AM 1220 and FM 106.9 WSRQ Radio in Sarasota, FL. and LIVE on the web by going to WSRQ or Talkstream

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Join Our Facebook Group: The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Poll: Tea Party Patriots Most Popular...

Poll: Tea Party Patriots Most Popular...

Thursday, 17 Dec 2009...

Written By: David Patten...


The Tea Party Patriots conservative grassroots movement is now more popular than either major party according to a major new poll.

According to the new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll released Wednesday, 41 percent of likely voters now have a favorable opinion of the Tea Party Patriots. That compares to a 35 percent favorable rating for Democrats and 28 percent for the GOP.

The stunning conclusion: If the Tea Party Patriots were a political party – it is increasingly shifting its emphasis in a nonpartisan political direction – it would be the most popular party in America.

Special: Get Sarah Palin’s New Book – Incredible FREE Offer – Click Here Now.

The results suggest voter antipathy toward both major parties is more profound than initially recognized.

It also indicates that the left-wing bloggers and talk hosts who have consistently derided the Tea Party Patriots throughout the year with an obscene “tea bagger” reference are out of step with the American people.

“This is stunning to me just because it shows how angry Americans are – the Tea Party movement [is] more popular than both major parties,” MSNBC Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough said Thursday. “The parties are dying.”

NBC chief political correspondent Chuck Todd observed: “Candidates that align themselves against Washington and Wall Street are going to have good success right now in 2010.”

The NBC/Wall Street Journal poll also reflected the results of other surveys that have shown President Obama’s approval rating dipping below 50 percent. The survey states only 47 percent approve of his job performance. Also, only 39 percent say they have confidence in his goals and policies.

Todd described it as “a bad poll for the president.”

Editor's Note:

News Sarasota and "The Captain's AMERICA" Radio Show are affiliates of NewsMax...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Dec. 17th...

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Dec. 17th...

Hello everybody and welcome to today's "The Captain's AMERICA" radio show hour #3 heard LIVE weekday mornings from 6-9 AM ET on AM 1220 and FM 106.9 WSRQ Radio in Sarasota, FL...

First guest today is Henry Raines, Tampa Radio Talk Show Host, and he's talking about the Democrats insistence to ram anything the American people clearly don't want down their throats while they are still 'in charge' before the 2010 Elections. We talk about the $1.1 Trillion Spending Bill and Health Care and what the arm twisting is that's going on right now in the Senate...

Then we talk about what's going on in Afghanistan with more Drones being added into the fray and how MacDil AFB in Tampa is actually flying some of these missions. We also talk about the Obama Administration's arm twisting with NE Sen. Ben Nelson by threatening to close the Strategic Command Offut Air Force Base outside Omaha, NE...

Time next for Heritage Foundation's Ernest Istook who can't wait to talk about the Spending Bill and the borrowing we'll need to pay for the Spending Bill in about 2 weeks of some $2.5 Trillion. How'd you like to own the paper trees and ink wells needed to print the new money? Politics and former 7-term Cong. Ernest Istook is something to hear because he knows exactly what he's talking about!

Get IN the know and find out what you aren't hearing or reading anywhere in our mainstream news media by tuning in LIVE weekday mornings 6-9 AM to "The Captain's AMERICA" Radio Show. Catch us LIVE online on WSRQ or Talkstream weekday's!

God Bless America...

'The Captain'

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Dec. 16th...

Hello everybody and welcome to "The Captain's AMERICA" radio show heard LIVE weekday morning's from 6-9 AM ET on AM 1220 and FM 106.9 WSRQ Radio in Sarasota, FL. and also on WSRQ and Talkstream at the same time LIVE...

What a day we have planned for YOU as we talk about a $60-100-1,000-2,000-5,000-10,000-15,000-25,000 Dinner 'The Captain' was invited to. There's NO way in HELL that's going to happen 'The Captain' doesn't PAY to 'play' with the Politicians...

Marco Rubio is now TIED 43-43 with Gov. Charlie Crist for the GOP U.S. Senate Race and it's going to get even more interesting as Conservative support for 'Charlie' dwindles...

Our first guest is former NY Cong. John LeBoutillier who talks about extending the Debt Level and what that means for the Country. He also talks about Obamanomics and how that's going to take our Country into further economic peril. Reaganomics is something the Dems blame for the 'cause' of today's financial woes but that couldn't be further from the truth!

Time next for Kevin 'Coach' Collins, a new Grandpa, who tells us about why Pres. Obama is sitting on the Report from our National Intelligence Agency he's had since Nov. 30th about the Ft. Hood shooter. This is WRONG and the White House needs to be pressured to release this report! 'Coach' also tells us about the possible change of venue for the NYC 9/11 Terrorist Trials from downtown NYC to Brooklyn. You won't believe this one but it's TRUE!

We finish off today's show talking about the Manatee Canes Highschool Football team playing in the Citrus Bowl Friday night against Tampa Plant for the FL. Class 5A State Championship! This is THE biggest thing to happen to the Suncoast of Florida regarding Highschool Football since the last time Manatee was there about 8 years ago!

We also bring in the lovely 'Kat' to chat for a few minutes about 'Life according to Kat'...

Get IN the know and become a FAN of "The Captain's AMERICA" weekday radio show either by this Podcast or by going to Facebook!

God Bless America...

'The Captain'

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Dec. 14th...

Join us today as we start the week talking about the weekend $1.1 Trillion Spending Bill that got rammed through the Senate which will cause us to have to borrow over $2 Trillion to pay for it! From where are we going to borrow the money you ask. tune in and find out!

Our first guest 'Chrissy' from Florida Patriotic Resistance gets us started with what her group is doing to try and bring some sanity to an insane Congress and Senate that seems to be 'out of touch' with the majority of the American people! And since Pres. Obama gave himself a "B+" grade for the job he's doing, find out what the American people really think of the job he's doing...

Then we hear from the "Professor of Politics," Kyle, as he talks about the Health Care Bill and what the problems are to get it past an anticipated 'Filibuster' by a Democrat and 2 Republican Senators who will NOT sign on to the Bill as it currently stands...

We also play a recording of Ronald Reagan BEFORE he got involved in politics way back in the 50's. Wait til you hear this little minute long piece about "Socialized Medicine"...

We finish up our interviews with Jim Gilchrist, Found of the Minutemen, who are along our Southern Border with Mexico. What you will hear today is the ongoing struggle to keep both DRUGS and Illegals OUT of America and how the Mexican Army is playing a bigger part in working WITH the Mexican Drug Cartels who have a $100 Billion a year DRUG Industry going on. Our Border Patrol is OUT GUNNED and you'll hear why the Military and perhaps some select Airborne Army Units should be placed along the Border to match the FIREPOWER our Border Patrol is faced with...

'2010' can't come soon enough and when it does and the Mid-Term Elections take place, unless the Democrats and the Obama Administration have put a LOT of Americans back to work, they are DOOMED as is Pres. Obama, to a SHORT time as the 'majority' in the House, Senate and the White House. You can mark MY words on that statement!

Get IN the know and tell your friends to tune in LIVE weekday morning's from 6-9 AM ET to "The Captain's AMERICA" radio show heard on AM 1220 and FM 106.9 WSRQ radio along the Suncoast of Florida. You can also hear us LIVE on WSRQ and Talkstream from 6-9 AM ET weekday's!

Thanks for tuning in, special thanks to ALL of our EMT's. Firefighter's, Military and Police for the job YOU do keeping all of us FREE and SAFE!

'The Captain'

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Dec. 11th...

What a POWER Hour we have in store for YOU today on "The Captain's AMERICA" radio show!

Starting out with Jack Marino, Hollywood Independent Movie Producer, whose movie "Forgotten Heroes" is all about a Military Unit and what they encounter in Vietnam. The movie's account is extremely accurate and reflects the Vietnam Veteran in a positive way which is something Hollywood has long done unfavorably and tried to make Vietnam Veterans look like something out of the Horror Flicks!

Then we speak with Greg Allen, NYC Talk Radio Host, as he reflects on 'Climategate' along with the new Taxes included in the Health Care Bill and how President Obama upset the Norwegians while he was there to accept the Nobel Peace Prize...

Time next for FL-13 Congressman Vern Buchanan as he talks about Pres. Obama's Jobs Summit the other day, further news on the Health Care Bill, Support for the Panama Caucus and how that will help Port Manatee, building a new Refinery in Florida and using existing oil in the Gulf to produce Gasoline for FL residents and SAVE $money$...

We finish our exiting hour with FL. U.S. Senate Candidate Marco Rubio who speaks about Cap and Trade, the Stimulus Bill and Jobs that haven't been created, Health Care and addresses the FL. Oil Refinery question which is part of the 'Submerged Lands Act' Gov. Charlie Crist is still waiting to make a decision on...

This IS interesting stuff and need to be heard by every Florida resident!

That's today's "The Captain's AMERICA" radio show heard LIVE weekday's from 6-9 AM ET on AM 1220 and FM 106.9 WSRQ Radio in Sarasota, FL and also LIVE on WSRQ and Talkstream

God Bless our Military Troops serving in harms way keeping all of us FREE and SAFE!

'The Captain'

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Dec. 10th...

Welcome everyone to "The Captain's AMERICA" radio show heard LIVE weekday mornings from 6-9 AM ET on AM 1220 and FM 106.9 WSRQ Radio in Sarasota, FL. and also heard LIVE via WSRQ and Talkstream from 6-9 AM ET weekday's...

Our first guest is Henry Raines, Tampa Talk Show Host, who talks about watching Pres. Obama's speech from Norway accepting the Nobel Peace Prize. Henry also addresses the legislation that passed Congress extending the $31 Billion in Tax Breaks for Businesses which extended the 45 Tax Breaks for 1 more year. Then the Health Care Bill in the Senate is addressed along with the 9/11 Protests about holding the Terrorist trials in NYC...

Time next for Author Lamar Waldron from "Legacy of Secrecy," an exciting new book about how the Mafia was connected in the assassination of JFK and also Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. based on new documents that have been discovered revealing what some Federal Authorities knew for over 25 years and wouldn't release. This is astounding news and information and a MUST hear for anyone who remembers what happened on Nov. 22nd, 1963...

Then we speak with Ernest Istook who is a distinguished fellow with the Heritage Foundation who can't wait to say how 'excited' he is over being able to keep his tax cuts approved by Congress! Ernest also tells us how 'excited' he is to hear Sen. Harry Reid doesn't know his American History when he said Abraham Lincoln and the Republicans were responsible for causing Slavery way back during the Civil War! You'll also hear about a Lawsuit the American Indians have won versus the American Government and the $3+ Billion they will be getting for monies due them over 100 years ago...

'Earl Pitts' drops in for his usual comments and you'll hear 'The Captain' read the Lake Snow Advisory for Oswego County and the City of Oswego, NY including the Tug Hill Plateau where as much as 3-4 feet of snow will be on the ground by Saturday morning and maybe even MORE!

Get IN the know and tell your friends that 'The Captain's AMERICA" radio show is the place to be when you need to know what's really going on in the World around YOU!

God Bless America...

'The Captain'

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Dec. 9th...

Join us today for some more great talk with great and informative guests who keep YOU the listener informed and in touch with what's going on today in America...

First guest, former NY Cong. John LeBoutillier, talks about the Copenhagen Climate Summit and 'Climategate' that has now entered in to the Global Warming issue. Then it's time to hear about the absurd and ridiculous LIES Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid said last night when stating the stalemate had been broken in the Senate Health Care Bill debate...

Then we hear from former NYPD beat cop Kevin 'Coach' Collins who has his boots on the ground at the 9/11 Terrorist Trials Protest over the weekend. 'Coach' tells us what and who he saw while he was there. You might be just a tad bit 'amazed' at what you hear said...

Time next for a little Christmas humor with an audio card from the Orlando Magic and 'Santa' takes dead aim on Osama bin Laden who is trying to cancel Christmas! Santa wants NO part of that...

Get IN the know and enjoy the FUN plus learn something you might not have known by tuning in LIVE weekday mornings to "The Captain's AMERICA" radio show heard on AM 1220 and FM 106.9 WSRQ Radio in Sarasota, FL and also heard LIVE on WSRQ and Talkstream from 6-9 AM ET weekday mornings...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Dec. 8th...

It's another busy day on "The captain's AMERICA" radio show as the news keeping rumbling in!

This morning it's another Tiger Woods ambulance run, this time for a middle aged woman in an ALS rig to the same Hospital in Ocoee<>

First guest is Frank Salvato, New Media Journal Managing Editor, he starts out talking about the possible 'dry run' of an Air Tran flight from Atlanta to Houston and why this could have even happened to begin with. Then Frank addresses the Afghanistan Troop buildup and reports of Osama bin Laden crossing the Afghan-Pakistan Border on several occasions almost at will...

Time next for Jim Kouri, 5th VP for the Natl Assn of Chiefs of Police and Columnist for, as he talks about the weekend's 9/11 First Responders and Families who held a very large protest at the World Trade Center telling the Government they do NOT want the 9/11 Terrorist Trial's held in NYC!

Time next for Army Reserve Staff Sergeant Jonathan Barrier from Jacksonville, FL. who calls in LIVE from Camp Taji, Iraq to tell us what life is like for the Jacksonville, FL. Sheriff who finds himself in Iraq for the second time...

Then we finish the show with more news about what happened at Tiger Woods home early this morning with all the details we have. We also address how STUPID it is and at what great COST to both the American people and the 9/11 Families and First Responders, bringing the 9/11 Terrorist's there to stand a Civilian Trial is for America and the World and how it dishonors the memory of those who died 9/11/2001...

Get IN the know and become a regular listener to "The Captain's AMERICA" radio show by either subscribing to this FREE podcast, hearing the radio show LIVE weekday mornings 6-9 AM ET on AM 1220 and FM 106.9 WSRQ Radio, LIVE on WSRQ and Talkstream or by going to The Captain's or one of our many venues where this radio show is played...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Dec. 7th...

Today is December 7th, 2009 exactly 68 years after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. We take the time to remember and honor all those who died, all those who served and all those who survived that horrific day in U.S. history...

Our first guest today is 'Chrissy' who is the FL. State Director for Resist a affiliated website with National ties to the Washington political scene. Chrissy speaks about the Protest over the weekend in NYC by the 9/11 First Responders and Families who do not want the 9/11 Terrorist trials in NYC. Unfortunately our Government is failing to LISTEN to the people it will hurt the MOST and is chosing to do something the MAJORITY of people polled do NOT want to have happen, namely Civilian trials in NYC for the 9/11 Terrorist's who have already admitted they did what they are accused of...

Then we speak to Kyle Warren, 'The Professor Of Politics', who talks about the visit Pres. Obama made to 'The Hill' over the weekend to try and twist some more arms and shore up the '60' votes needed in the U.S. Senate to ram the Health Care Bill through which is once again opposed by a clear MAJORITY of American people in any poll you'd care to look at. Is this political suicide? Tune in and hear the answer...

Get informed, be involved and tell your friends to tune in LIVE weekday mornings from 6-9 AM ET to "The Captain's AMERICA" radio show heard on AM 1220 and FM 106.9 WSRQ Radio in Sarasota, FL. and also heard LIVE on WSRQ and Talkstream plus later on this Podcast...

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Friday, December 4, 2009

The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Dec. 4th...

'T-G-I-F'!!!!! Join us today on "The Captain's AMERICA" as we finish off a GREAT week of fabulous guests and topics that have keep the audience listening and the hits jumping on the website!

First we start off with our Friday Email and then first guest is Greg Allen, Talk Show Host, who discusses the Seattle Cop Killer 'debacle' that we've been talking about all week. Greg also talks about the Senate Health Care Bill and offers some breaking news about Iran and a possible Nuclear Test raising the possibility of Iran's greater capability to produce a Nuclear Weapon than what was first thought...

Then it's time for Sally Tibbetts, FL-13 District Director for Congressman Vern Buchanan, who speaks about the Obama Afghanistan Policy Speech, also the Chinese Drywall Bill that passed the House and several things going on in the FL-13 Congressional District...

Time next for some Florida Gators vs Alabama Crimson Tide chat along with the USF Bulls playing the CT Huskies and who does what IF they win, then what happens to the losers...

You can call it an 'information overload' day on "The Captain's AMERICA" radio show heard LIVE weekday's 6-9 AM ET on AM 1220 and FM 106.9 WSRQ Radio along the Suncoast of Florida and LIVE on WSRQ, Talkstream and then later via this Podomatic Podcast 24/7...

Tell a friend, call your neighbors, pay attention and help take BACK your Country from those who are trying to take it away from YOU!

God Bless America!

'The Captain'

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Military Strategy and Warriorship


Paul E. Vallely MG, US Army (Ret)

In war, military strategy is tailored to meet the enemy’s threat, to persuade those who might fight not to fight, and when necessary, to win and achieve Victory in the shortest possible time. In the War against Radical Islam and its network of enablers, America’s top leadership achieves the opposite outcome. Meanwhile, many of today’s Generals and Colonels are repeating the Vietnam pattern of speaking critically of the Pentagon’s leadership in private, while eagerly accepting public praise and promotion from the Secretary of Defense for deferring to him and the Joints Chiefs in everything. It is time for the senior military leadership to stand up and be counted.

American soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines are rightly lauded by the American public for their courage and sacrifice in the fight for United States national security, but the high quality of American soldiers and Marines at battalion level and below cannot compensate for inadequate senior leadership at the highest levels in war. Today, the senior leadership of the U.S. armed forces in general and, the U.S. Army in particular, is overly bureaucratic, risk averse, professionally inadequate and, hence, unsuited to the complex military tasks entrusted to them. The Bush and Obama administrations have a preference for compliant, sycophantic officers who are fatally dependent on the goodwill of the Secretary of Defense and the President who promotes and appoints them.

Americans now confront issues of the utmost seriousness and gravity:

The lack of Warriors at our Senior Levels of Command – Military and Civilian

The probability that future American military operations and strategy will fail if generalship of this quality persists.


The senior civilian leadership – The President - allows the Generals and Admirals to fight as they have been trained to win and achieve Victory and bring our troops Home.

Finding generals who are competent and ethical practitioners of war -- officers who will communicate to their civilian superiors the truth of what is really happening and what actions and

Resources are required for Victory. President Abraham Lincoln struggled with such incompetents in the Civil War until he found someone who won battles. The man was Ulysses S. Grant, an officer no one in the Army’s command hierarchy wanted. Long before America entered World War II, Gen. George C. Marshall, an officer who had waited 36 years for promotion to flag rank, ended his first year in office as Army chief of staff in 1940 by retiring 54 generals. After the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, Marshall continued to replace hundreds of generals and colonels, elevating men like James Gavin, a captain in 1942, to brigadier general and division commander in 1944. When Gen. Matthew Ridgway assumed command of the Eighth Army in Korea, he was no less ruthless than Marshall had been with commanders in the field who did not measure up.

In war, this condition is dangerous because the nation’s three- and four-star generals are the key figures who interface between policy and action. They decisively shape and implement the

Military component of national strategy that is consistent with American policy goals, ensuring that results are attained within the framework of the mission, and taking into account intangibles such as the reputation of the American people. They determine the metrics that measure success or failure, and they create the command climate that motivates subordinate commanders to take

prompt action to overcome any and all difficulties.

Two important corollaries must be mentioned. In war, for generals to succeed, they must be men of character and integrity, accepting risk and uncertainty as the unchanging features of war. They must also demonstrate a willingness to stand up and be counted, to put country before

career and, if necessary to resign. Generals also must be students of their profession and of their

enemies especially now with a thorough understanding of the Caliphate, Sharia and the goals of Radical Islam . They must be able to put themselves in the position of their enemies, avoid rigid

adherence to ideas and methods that are ineffective, and adopt what works while concentrating

their minds on the essential tasks. These attributes have been largely absent in the U.S. senior


Some current transformations of strategy, tactics and weapons technology would have been utterly unimaginable only a few years ago. Still, certain ancient and medieval principles of warfare remain entirely valid. The same can surely be said for the more modern ideas of Carl von Clausewitz, B.H. Liddell Hart and Antione Jomini. Their crucial concepts have long been part of the curriculum at the U.S. Military Academy and at the War Colleges. They can be ignored now only at very great risk.

For America's current leaders, attention must be paid. This includes an expanded awareness of the unchanging requirements of vision, national strategy and national survival. Ironically, however, at a moment of unprecedented national peril, our senior political and military leaders have strayed far from such an awareness. To correct this loss of direction, they should begin with a close look at Sun-Tzu.

Chinese military thought originated amidst Neolithic village conflicts almost five thousand years ago. But it was Sun-Tzu's THE ART OF WAR, written sometime in the fifth century BCE, that synthesized a coherent set of principles designed to produce military victory. At best, the full corpus of Sun-Tzu’s works and those of the other great strategists should be well understood and followed closely by all who currently seek to strengthen our military posture in the essential global war against terror and radical Islam. Indeed, the timeless Principles of War apply even more aptly to today’s global conflict than they did to past historic conflicts. As set forth in the annals of military history, these principles are best identified as:

· Objective

· Offensive

· Mass

· Economy of Force

· Maneuver

· Unity of Command

· Security

· Surprise

· Simplicity

The United States now needs to re-evaluate the very meanings of power in world politics and of the associated war principles that seek victory in a warfare that is not prolonged. The principle of “Objective” states – “When undertaking any mission, commanders should have a clear understanding of the expected outcome and its impact.” Today we call it the “endgame.” Following Clausewitz and Sun-Tzu, commanders (to include the Commander-in-Chief and his staff) need to appreciate political ends and to understand how the military conditions they might achieve can contribute to these ends. Another principle, that of the “Offensive,” states that “offensive operations are essential to maintain the freedom of action necessary for success, exploit vulnerabilities and react to rapidly changing situation and unexpected developments.”

America’s leaders should begin with Sun-Tzu's principles concerning diplomacy. Political initiatives and agreements may be useful, they will be instructed, but prudent military preparations should never be neglected. The primary objective of every state should be to weaken enemy states (today, states that support terror, e.g. Iran, North Korea and Syria) without actually engaging in armed combat. This objective links the ideal of "complete victory" to a "strategy for planning offensives." “One who cannot be victorious assumes a defensive posture; one who can be victorious, attacks....Those who excel at defense bury themselves away below the lowest depths of Earth. Those who excel at offense move from above the greatest heights of Heaven."

The principle of “Mass” outlines that commanders at all levels aggregate the effects of combat power in time and space to overwhelm enemies or to gain control of the situation. Time in warfare applies the elements of combat power against multiple targets simultaneously, and space concentrates the effects of different elements of combat power against a single target.

There is another section of the Art Of War that can help the United States. This is Sun-Tzu's repeated emphasis on the "unorthodox" or, as we prefer to call it today, unconventional warfare. We must, from a high-level strategic view, look at this current global war as combating an enemy who fights in a completely unorthodox manner, and we must fight him the very same way, but more cleverly and more effectively. We must use our full military and intellectual arsenal as a super power to bring victory sooner rather than later. And this can be done only with a specific endgame in mind, and with a corollary commitment to victory.

Drawn from the conflation of thought that crystallized as Taoism, the ancient strategist observes: " battle, one engages with the orthodox and gains victory through the unorthodox." In an especially complex passage, Sun-Tzu discusses how the orthodox may be used in unorthodox ways, while an orthodox attack may be unorthodox when it is unexpected. Taken seriously by our strategic planners, this passage could represent a subtle tool for strategic and tactical implementation, one that might purposefully exploit an enemy state's particular matrix of military expectations.

For the United States, the "unorthodox" should now be fashioned not only on the battlefield, but also long before the battle. Indeed, to prevent the most dangerous forms of battle, which would be expressions of all-out unconventional warfare, the United States should examine a number of promising new postures. These postures would focus upon a reasoned shift from an image of "orthodox" rationality to one of somewhat "unorthodox" irrationality. This is what the late American nuclear strategist Herman Kahn once called the "rationality of pretended irrationality." For now, every enemy state knows pretty much exactly how the United States will initiate and conduct war. President Obama’s recent speech at West Point disclosing US strategy in Afghanistan is a good example of naiveté. If, however, the United States did not always signal perfect rationality to its enemies - that is, that its actions (defensive and offensive) were not always completely measured and predictable - it could significantly enhance both its overall deterrence posture and its capacity to carry out certain preemption options. These same lessons now apply to diplomacy and politics, which are all too often mired in entirely predictable U.S. policies.

Paul E.Vallely

MG US Army (Ret)

Chairman – Stand Up America

Editor's Note:

Retired Army Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely is a regular guest on "The Captain's AMERICA" Radio Show heard LIVE weekday's from 6-9 AM ET on AM 1220 & FM 106.9 WSRQ Radio along the Suncoast of Florida from beautiful downtown Sarasota. The Radio Show is also heard Nationally syndicated to 75 Radio Station's across America and on over a dozen Internet websites each weekend. For more information, you can go to: website...