Hello everybody and a SPECIAL shout out to our Military audience tuning in LIVE as our show is being played LIVE today at Camp Taji, Iraq thanks to the 96th SBDE Public Relations Unit there!
Enjoy our first guest, Frank Salvato, Managing Editor of the New Media Journal who talks about Pres. Obama's speech tonight from the West Point Military Academy where he will announce a new strategy for both Afghanistan and the Global War on Terror as he's expected to announce the sending of as many as 35,000 additional Troops to Afghanistan per Gen. Stanley McChrystal's original request...
Then we speak with former NYC Housing Authority Police Chief and current 5th Vice Pres. of the National Assn. of Chiefs of Police about the 9/11 Terrorist Trials and all the First Responder Unions who have come out AGAINST holding the Civilian Trials in NYC. This also includes the 9/11 Survivors Groups who by as much as 60% do NOT want those Trials held in NYC!
Time next for our LIVE phone call from Sgt. Alesia Tucker with the 96th SBDE Unit now at Camp Taji, Iraq. Sgt. Tucker is married to a U.S. Marine First Sergeant and makes her Home at 29 Palms in CA., but is originally from Mississippi. She tells us what her job entails and what our Military women would sent to them in the way of CARE packages. Tune in and enjoy the segment and special thanks goes out to Specialist Mile Gault and SSG Oshawna Tackett for their assistance...
Then we finish today's radio show talking about the Seattle Cop Killer who himself was killed in a traffic stop after being spotted in a stolen car...
Get IN the know, tell a friend and get INVOLVED! Your Country needs YOU and your Government needs to know there are people who CARE what happens to America!
Tune in LIVE weekday morning's on AM 1220 and FM 106.9 WSRQ Radio to "The Captain's AMERICA" radio show 6-9 AM ET and also heard on WSRQ Radio.com and Talkstream Live.com LIVE at the same time!
God Bless America!
'The Captain'
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