Hello everybody and Happy New Year a little early as we talk today about the Washington Political scene with our good friend former NY Congressman John LeBoutillier. We also toss in a little common sense about economics and add a splash of intelligence in speaking about how people get appointed to Cabinet positions based on the amount of money they raised for a Political Campaign rather than the experience they should have to do the job...
Then our pal former NYPD Beat Cop Kevin 'Coach' Collins drops in to talk about Homeland Security and how the Dutch screwed up and allowed somebody who was on the Terrorist Watch List to board a plane and almost blow it up over the skies of Detroit. Once again 'Political Correctness' set in and refused to allow common sense and almost cost 278 people to lose their lives. 'Coach' also tells us about the possibility this was a 'probe' to see what would happen so the next time it's attempted, the Terrorist's will know more about what and how to accomplish their act...
This is one of those shows when you just have to scratch your heads and wonder how we could have ever allowed ourselves to have voted in a group of people who promised 'hope and change' and instead have given us more debt than we ever imagined and no change but plenty of reason to hope we can vote them out in 2010...
Stay tuned, more to come as we enter 2010 and 'We The People' take charge and let Washington, DC know who it is that they work for...
Get IN the know weekday mornings 6-9 AM and tune in to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard LIVE on WSRQ Radio 1220 AM and 106.9 FM in Sarasota, FL. and on the Internet at WSRQ Radio.com and Talkstream Live.com at the same time...
God bless America and all those who defnd, protect and serve her keeping us FREE and SAFE!
'The Captain'
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