Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year to everybody and thanks for being one of our podcast listeners! Lots more coming your way in 2010 with growth of "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard LIVE 6-9 AM ET weekday mornings on AM 1220 and FM 106.9 WSRQ Radio or LIVE via the Internet by going to WSRQ Radio.com or Talkstream Live.com between 6-9 AM ET...
We start today off with the 'Watchdog On Wall Street', Chris Markowski, who gets into the financial details including where the money is coming from for the recently passed Senate version of the Health Care Bill. Chris knows his stuff and you'll be interested hearing how we're 'robbing Peter to pay Paul' in many instances which will start costing MOST of us extra Tax dollars in 2010 for something that won't kick in until 2014...
Time next for Kyle Olson talking about an Organization everybody thought had gone away, ACORN. You'll be interested to know how ACORN is not only still getting money, but transferring it to their new offspring that were created so as to take some 'pressure' off ACORN. It's called 'business as usual' in Washington, DC as the Dems have found a new way to help their Pals at ACORN...
TEA Party supporters gather round as we speak next to Dale Robertson, Founder of Tea Party.org, as he addresses not only his 5 million member group but also America with what HE thinks the TEA Party should be concentrating on in 2010. This just might surprise MOST of you who have been hearing something entirely different from our mainstream media. Tune in and LISTEN...
Then Earl Pitts drops by for some of his savored humor which will have you rolling on the floor! We finish with Hirshen on Hollywood talking about Pres. Obama's acting ability and how he just might become eligible for an Academy Award when the Academy creates one for the President...
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God bless America and ALL those who defend, protect and serve her keeping all of us FREE and SAFE!
'The Captain'
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