The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show For Dec. 17th...
Hello everybody and welcome to today's "The Captain's AMERICA" radio show hour #3 heard LIVE weekday mornings from 6-9 AM ET on AM 1220 and FM 106.9 WSRQ Radio in Sarasota, FL...
First guest today is Henry Raines, Tampa Radio Talk Show Host, and he's talking about the Democrats insistence to ram anything the American people clearly don't want down their throats while they are still 'in charge' before the 2010 Elections. We talk about the $1.1 Trillion Spending Bill and Health Care and what the arm twisting is that's going on right now in the Senate...
Then we talk about what's going on in Afghanistan with more Drones being added into the fray and how MacDil AFB in Tampa is actually flying some of these missions. We also talk about the Obama Administration's arm twisting with NE Sen. Ben Nelson by threatening to close the Strategic Command Offut Air Force Base outside Omaha, NE...
Time next for Heritage Foundation's Ernest Istook who can't wait to talk about the Spending Bill and the borrowing we'll need to pay for the Spending Bill in about 2 weeks of some $2.5 Trillion. How'd you like to own the paper trees and ink wells needed to print the new money? Politics and former 7-term Cong. Ernest Istook is something to hear because he knows exactly what he's talking about!
Get IN the know and find out what you aren't hearing or reading anywhere in our mainstream news media by tuning in LIVE weekday mornings 6-9 AM to "The Captain's AMERICA" Radio Show. Catch us LIVE online on WSRQ Radio.com or Talkstream Live.com weekday's!
God Bless America...
'The Captain'
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