Join us today for some more great talk with great and informative guests who keep YOU the listener informed and in touch with what's going on today in America...
First guest, former NY Cong. John LeBoutillier, talks about the Copenhagen Climate Summit and 'Climategate' that has now entered in to the Global Warming issue. Then it's time to hear about the absurd and ridiculous LIES Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid said last night when stating the stalemate had been broken in the Senate Health Care Bill debate...
Then we hear from former NYPD beat cop Kevin 'Coach' Collins who has his boots on the ground at the 9/11 Terrorist Trials Protest over the weekend. 'Coach' tells us what and who he saw while he was there. You might be just a tad bit 'amazed' at what you hear said...
Time next for a little Christmas humor with an audio card from the Orlando Magic and 'Santa' takes dead aim on Osama bin Laden who is trying to cancel Christmas! Santa wants NO part of that...
Get IN the know and enjoy the FUN plus learn something you might not have known by tuning in LIVE weekday mornings to "The Captain's AMERICA" radio show heard on AM 1220 and FM 106.9 WSRQ Radio in Sarasota, FL and also heard LIVE on WSRQ Radio.com and Talkstream Live.com from 6-9 AM ET weekday mornings...
God Bless America!
'The Captain'
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